To the right worshipfull my most respected & very good Lady the Lady Katherine Paston at Paston deli uer
Noble Lady
I have euen nowe received your bookes & sene your comission & depositions returned nothing more is asyet done. I have left order with mr Smyth - for circumspection - & as occasion yow shalbe sure to heare onely Iustice Chamberlayne is appointed to goe sitt at Chester as cheife Iustice their & Sir Iames Whitlock that sittes their shall come in his place: The Lord Cheife Iustice shalbe lord Tra'sourer' Sir Randall Crewe lord Cheife Iustice The Parliament is put off till the 2 of ffebruary here was a taalk of the plague but noe such thing onely a newe kinde of ague. thus with my best remembred to your self Sir Edmund mr William &c I am yours euer most assured
This Instant tuisday William Denny
1624 Graies
To the right worshipfull my most respected & very good Lady the Lady Katherine Paston at Paston deli uer
Noble Lady
I have euen nowe received your bookes & sene your comission & depositions returned nothing more is asyet done. I have left order with mr Smyth - for circumspection - & as occasion yow shalbe sure to heare onely Iustice Chamberlayne is appointed to goe sitt at Chester as cheife Iustice their & Sir Iames Whitlock that sittes their shall come in his place: The Lord Cheife Iustice shalbe lord Tra'sourer' Sir Randall Crewe lord Cheife Iustice The Parliament is put off till the 2 of ffebruary here was a taalk of the plague but noe such thing onely a newe kinde of ague. thus with my best remembred to your self Sir Edmund mr William &c I am yours euer most assured
This Instant tuisday William Denny
1624 Graies
To the right worshipfull my most respected & very good Lady the Lady Katherine Paston at Paston deli uer
Noble Lady
I have euen nowe received your bookes & sene your comission & depositions returned nothing more is asyet done. I have left order with mr Smyth - for circumspection - & as occasion yow shalbe sure to heare onely Iustice Chamberlayne is appointed to goe sitt at Chester as cheife Iustice their & Sir Iames Whitlock that sittes their shall come in his place: The Lord Cheife Iustice shalbe lord Tra'sourer' Sir Randall Crewe lord Cheife Iustice The Parliament is put off till the 2 of ffebruary here was a taalk of the plague but noe such thing onely a newe kinde of ague. thus with my best remembred to your self Sir Edmund mr William &c I am yours euer most assured
This Instant tuisday William Denny
1624 Graies
To the right worshipful my most respected & very good Lady the Lady Katherine Paston at Paston deli uer
Noble Lady
I have euen now received your bookes & sene your comission & depositions returned nothing more is asyet done. I have left order with mr Smyth - for circumspection - & as occasion you shalbe sure to heare onely Iustice Chamberlayne is appointed to goe sitt at Chester as cheife Iustice their & Sir Iames Whitlock that sittes their shall come in his place: The Lord Cheife Iustice shalbe lord Tra'sourer' Sir Randall Crewe lord Cheife Iustice The Parliament is put off till the 2 of ffebruary [here/her] was a taalk of the plague but noe such thing onely a newe kind of ague. thus with my best remembered to your self Sir Edmund mr William etc. I am yours ever most assured
This Instant tuisday William Denny
1624 Graies
Deliver to my respected and good Lady Katherine Paston
Noble Lady,
I have just received your books and seen your commission and depositions returned. Nothing more has happened as yet. I have left instructions with Smith - for due care - and you'll certainly be the only one to hear. Justice Chamberlain is appointed to sit at Chester as chief justice and Sir James Whitlock who is there at present will replace him. The Lord Chief Justice will be Lord Treasurer and Sir Randall Crewe will be Lord Chief Justice. Parliament is put off until 2nd February; there is talk of plague but it isn't that, it's a new type of fever. My bet wishes to you and Sir Edmunds, Mr William and others. I am your ever assured servant.
This Tuesday, 1624, Gray's Inn
William Denney