William Paston to John Staynford, AD 1425

15/16th Century

To my weel beloved John Staynford of Furnyvales Inne.

The instruccion to comune of to John Robynson of Carleton bysyde Snayth.
To enquerre and wyte whether the stoon may be sawed or nought. Whether it wille chippe or chynne or affraye with frost or weder or water.

Also that every pece of the stoon be iij. foote longe, and that xv. tunne tyght of the stoon be every stoon weel bedded into the walle and a foote thikke that it ryse in heighte a foote in the walle; and x. stones of the stoan must be ii. foote broad, and at the lest a foote and an half thikke. A stoon wil drawe the wighte of a pipe, as I suppose; the gret stones and nought the smallere stones shuld be sawed, so that every pece sawed shuld holde the seid lengthe of iij. foote, and the seid brede of ij. foote, and to be, after it is sawed, half a fote or lesse on thikkenesse, and thenne the brode sawed stones shulde evere stond in the werk betwen the seid weel bedded stonys that shuld ryse but a fote in the walle and ben ankered iche of hem with other; and this werk shat be strong j nowe, as werkmen seyn, and drawe but litill cariage. I wold have swiche stoan a xxti tunne tight caried to Moneslee in Norffolk between Crowmere and Bromholm, and but a myle from Bromholm.

To reporte plein answere of this bylle writen and how sone I myght have the seid stone caried to Monesle aforn seid, and for what price.
This werk is for a . . . W. PASTON.

'Sount due a mon sieur Will. Bardolf de ses gages en les lyueres a . . . de mon tres honneure seigneur le Count de Warrwick, capitayn illeoqes, iusques al iiij.e jour de febr. lan de Roy Henri Sysme tierce, ccccxiii_li._ xvj_s._ x_d._ qa.'

The section in French is on the back of the letter, in the Judge's own handwriting.

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