Mannington Hub

The participation of Mannington in the project has been invaluable, with the owners of Mannington Hall joining in enthusiastically and presenting events within their regular programme. Research for this linked page was undertaken by members of the Paston Heritage Society.

With the Hall being contemporary with the medieval Pastons and the then owners, the Lumnors, being friends of the Pastons, it has been particularly appropriate to be able to make direct links.

Pastons in action on a bright and sunny day.An opening out-of-Norwich launch event took place on a very hot day in 2018. A variety of stalls, manned by re-enactors, included the Worstead Weavers, the Castle embroiders and a musician from Hexachordia.

A series of drama presentations were given around the grounds, with the audience following the cast. Given the temperature of the day, it was a challenge for the cast to keep going in their heavy costumes!

Radio Norfolk interview Richard Calle.Radio Norfolk attended, with their Sunday morning Treasure Hunt concluding at the Hall, ensuring helpful on-air coverage through the morning.

Two external information boards have been installed at Mannington – one general board and one with the Pastons.

John Fenn chose to visit on a dull and drizzly day.The weather was less kind for a Mannington event in May 2019, with members of the Fakenham Cycle Club attending to help launch the route. Once again there were stalls and children's activities – and Paston historian John Fenn was in attendance to welcome the cyclists and cut the ribbon.

As part of the original preparation for Paston Footprints, the Norfolk Heraldry Society visited the Hall to establish information on the links between the Pastons and the Lumnors, and to look for shields. The Paston Heritage Society was able to assist the Norfolk Record Office in obtaining one document formerly in the Walpole archive which is attributed to the Paston Letters, written by Sir John Fastolf to John Paston in 1455. We can wonder if Sir John ever received the rent he was demanding!