Margaret Paston to John Paston, 1st July 1451

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my rygth worshypfull hosbond Jon Paston, be this delyverd in hast.

Rygth worchypfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, desyryng hertyly to her of yowr wellfar, preying yow to wete that I have spoke with my Lady Felbrygg of that ye bad me speke to her of, and she seyd pleynly to me that she wold not, ne nevyr was avysyd, neyther to lete the Lord Moleyns ne non other to have ther intents as for that mater, whyll yet she levyth. And she was rygth evyll payd with Sawtr that he shuld reporte as itt was told yow that he shuld have reportyd; and she made rygth moche of yow, and seyd that she wold nowgth that no servaunte of herys shuld reporte no thyng that shuld be ayens yow other wyse than she wolld that your servawnts shud do or seyn ayens her; and if other your servawnts dede ayens her, or any of her ayens yow, she wold that itt shuld be reformyd be twyx yow and her, and that ye mygth ben all on; for she seyd in good feyth she desyryth your frendshep; and as for the report of Sawtr, she seyd she supposyd that he wold nowgth reporte so; and if she mygth know that he dede, she wold blame hym therfor. I told her that itt was told me syth that ye reden, and that itt grevyd me mor that the seyd Sawtr shuld reporte as he dede than itt had be reportyd of another, in als moche as I had awgth hym goodwyll befor; and she prayid me that I shud not beleve seche reports tyll I knewe the trowth.

I was att Toppys at dyner on Seynt Petyrs day; ther my Lady Felbrygg and other jantyll women desyryd to have hadde yow ther. They seyd they shuld all abe the meryer if ye hadde ben ther. My cosyn Toppys hath moche car tyll she her goode tydyngs of her brotheris mater. Sche told me that they shuld kepte a day on Monday next komyng be twyx her brother and Ser Andrew Hugard and Wyndham. I pray yow send me word how they spede, and how ye spede in yowr owyn materys also. Also I pray yow hertyly that ye woll send me a potte with treacle in hast; for I have ben rygth evyll att ese, and your dowghter bothe, syth that ye yeden hens, and on of the tallest younge men of this parysch lyth syke and hath a grete myrr'. How he shall do God knowyth. I have sent myn unkyll Berney the potte with treacle that ye dede bey for hym. Myn awnte recommawndeth her to yow, and prayith yow to do for her as the byll maketh mencion of that I send you with this letter, and as ye thenk best for to do therinne.

Ser Henry Inglose is passyd to God this nygth, hoys sowle God asoyll, and was caryid forthe this day at ix. of the clok to Seynt Feythis, and ther shall be beryid. If ye desyer to bey any of hys stuff, I pray you send me word therof in hast, and I shall speke to Robert Inglose and to Wychyngham therof; I suppose thei ben executors. The blyssyd Trinyte have you in his kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche in hast on the Thursday next after Seynt Peter.

I pray yow trost nott to the sheryve for no fayr langage.


M. P.

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