Sir John Paston to Margaret Paston, 29th October 1479

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To þe ryght worshypfull Mestresse Margret Paston be thys delyueryd.

Please it yow to weete þat i have ben heer at London a xiiij nyght, wheroff the first iiij dayes i was in suche feere off the syknesse, and also fownde my chambre and stuffe nott so clene as i demyd, whyche troblyd me soore; and as i tolde yow at my departyng i was nott weell monyed, for i hadde nott paste x ma rke, wheroff i departyd xl s. to be delyueryd off my olde bedfelawe, and then i rode be-yonde Donstaple and there spake wyth on off my cheffe wittnessis, whyche promysed me to take labore and to gete me wryghtyngys towchyng thys mater bytwyen me and þe Duke of Suffolk, and i rewardyd hym xx s; and then as i jnformyd yow i payed v marke jncontynent vppon my comyng hyddre to replegge owte my gowne off velwett and other geer. And then i hopyd to have borowyd some off Towneshend, and he hathe foodyd me forthe euyre synys, and in effecte i cowde have at þe most and at þe soneste yisterdaye xx s.; wherffor i beseche yow to purveye me c s., and also to wryght to Pekok þat he purveye me as moche, c s., whyche i suppose þat he hathe gaderyd at Paston and other placys by thys tyme. For wyth-owte i have thys x li., as God helpe me, i fere i shalle doo butt litell goode in noo mater, nor yitt i woote nott howe to come home but iff i have it. Thys geer hathe troblyd me so þat it hathe made me moore than halffe seke, as God helpe me.

Item, i vndrestande þat myn oncle William hathe made labor to þ'exchetor, and þat he hathe bothe a wrytte off diem clawsyth extremum and also a supercedeas. I have wretyn to þe exchetor the r-in off myn entent. Iff myn oncle hadde hys will in that, yitt sholde he be neuer nerre the londe, butt in effecte he shold have thys avauntage whyche is behovefull for a weyke matere, to have a coloure ore a clooke ore a botrase. But on Tywesdaye i was wyth þe Bysshop off Hely, whyche shewyth hym-selffe goode and worshypfull, and he seyde þat he sholde sende to myn oncle William þat he sholde nott procede in no suche mater till þat he speke wyth hym; and moore-ouyre þat he scholde cawse hym to be heer hastelye. In whyche mater is no remedy as nowe, butt iff it were soo þat þe exchetor, iff he be entretyd to sytte by myn oncle William, whyche par case he shall nott, þat iff my brother John and Lomnore have knowleche off the daye, and they myght be there, Lomnore can geve euydence j-now in that mater wyth-owte þe boke. And more-ouyre þat they see bothe the letter and the other noote þat i sende to þe exchetor, and wyth helpe off th'exchetor all myght be as beste is. And iff my brother and Lomnor take labor her-in, i shall recompence ther costys.

Wretyn in haste wyth schort advisement on the Frydaye next Seyntys Symond and Jude Ao E. iiijti xixo.

Late my brother John se thys bille, for he knoweth mor off thys mater.

John Paston, K.

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