John Paston to Margaret Paston, December 1479

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

Ryght worchepfull modyr, aftyr all dutés of humble recomendacyon, as lowly as I can I beseche yow of your dayly blyssyng and preyer. Pleasyt yow to vndyrstand that, wher as ye wyllyd me by Poiness to hast me ought of the heyer that I am jn, it is so that I must put me in God, for her must I be for a season; and in good feyth I shall never, whyll God sendyth me lyff, dred mor dethe then shame. And thankyd be God, the sykness is well seasyd here; and also my besyness puttyth a-wey my fere. I am drevyn to labore in lettyng of th'execucyon of myn vnkynd onclys entent, wher-in I haue as yet non other dyscorage but that I trust in God he shall fayle of it.

I haue spokyn wyth my lord of Ely dyvers tymys, whyche hathe put me in serteynté by hys woord that he wyll be wyth me ayenst myn oncle in iche mater that I can shewe that he entendyth to wrong me in. And he wold fayne haue a resonable end be-twyx vs, wher-to he wyll helpe, as he seythe. And it is serteyn my brodyr, God haue hys soule, had promysed to a-byde the reule of my lord Chamberleyn and of my lord of Ely, but I am not yett so ferr forthe, nor not wyll be tyll I know my lord Chamberleyns intent. And that I purpose to do to-morow, for then I thynk to be wyth hym, wyth Godys leve.

And sythe it is so that God hathe purveyd me to be the solysytore of thys mater, I thank hym of hys grace for the good lordys, mastyrs, and frendys that he hathe sent me, whyche haue parfytely promysyd me to take my cause as ther owne; and those frendys be not a fewe. And, modyr, as I best can and may I thank yow and my cosyn Lomenore of the good avyse that ye haue sent me, and I shall aplye me to do ther-aftyr. Also, modyr, I beseche you on my behalff to thank myn cosyn Lomnorre for þe kyndness that he hathe shewyd on-to me in gevyng of hys answer to myn onclys seruaunt whyche was wyth hym.

Modyr, I wryght not so largely to yow as I wold do, for I haue not most leyser. And also, when I haue ben wyth my lord Chamberleyn, I purpose not to tery longe aftyr in London, but to dresse me to yow wardys; at whyche tyme I trust I shall brynge yow more serteynté of all the fordell that I haue in my besyness then I can as yett wryght. I am put in serteynté by my most specyall good mastyr, my Mastyr of the Rollys, that my lord of Ely is and shalbe bettyr lord to me then he hathe shewyd as yet; and yet hathe he delt wyh me ryght well and honourably.

Modyr, I beseche yow that Pekok may be sent to to purvey me as myche money as is possybyll for hym to make ayenst my comyng hom, for I haue myche to pay her in London, what for the funerall costys, dettys, and legattys that must be content in gretter hast then shalbe myn ease. Also I wold the ferme barly in Flegge, as well as at Paston if ther be eny, wer gadryd, and iff it may be resonably sold, then to be sold or putt to the maltyng; but I wold at Caster that it were ought of the tenauntys handys, for thyngys that I here. Kepe ye consell thys fro Pekok and all folkys; whyche mater I shall appese if God wyll geve me leve.

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