Inventory of jewellery, July 30th, 1633

Late 17th Century
Location of Original:
Norfolk Record Office
Side By Side:
£   s   d 
An onix stone ring set round with diamonds & rubyes20–00–00
A blackmoore in a sardonix set round with diamonds10–00–00
A ring with a blackmoores head & turbett sett with eight diamonds15–00–00
A sardonix ring with 6 diamonds, a white head15–00–00
A sardonix ring with a torteese on it, at04–00–00
An onix with an anticke face on it haire colour05–00–00
An onix ring with 2 faces05–00–00
A sardonix black & white set round with diamonds15–00–00
An onix ring with a woman & child in it01–10–00
An onix ring with an asse & ox in it02–10–00
An onix ring with 3 colours & 2 diamonds07–00–00
An onix ring with a crest being a lyon03–00–00
An onix at01–00–00
A plaine gold ring with a white & black agate01–00–00
A plaine gold ring with a black agate01–00–00
A sad onix ring with a George on it05–00–00
A slight ring with a darke emerard1701–00–00
A munkey face with opall at01–10–00
A soft topaz with a dragon in it02–10–00
An emerald ring with a face in it05–00–00
A free stone with diamonds round at10–00–00
An emerauld ring with 6 rubyes at10–00–00
A free stone at01–10–00
An agate of 3 colours & 2 diamonds07–00–00
28 rings about 15s a peice21–00–00
A jacinth ring at01–05–00
A doublett ring at00–10–00
An opall ring 4 clawes01–00–00
A cats eye ring at00–10–00
July 30 1663
A cornelian ring00–10–00
An agate ring at00–05–00
Eight gold rings at07–15–00
A lockett with a white agate set round with emeralds07–00–00
An agate lockett transparent01–00–00
An agate head enamiled round with flowers05–00–00
A plaine gold lockett with an agate00–10–00
A white agate head lockett sett with emeralds & vermillions05–00–00
A lockett with 6 opalls & a white stone05–00–00
3 peices for a hatband with rubyes08–00–00
3 peices for a hatband with small diamonds10–00–00
3 pieces for a hatband enamiled turkeen01–00–00
One white saphyr seale with the coate of armes of the family30–00–00
A blue saphyr ring with the families armes in it20–00–00
A diamond hatband50–00–00
A diamond ring with 3 great stones and fower or more small stones52–00–00
A ring with a very good jacinth25–00–00
A broad saphyr ring with 2 table diamonds10–00–00
A globe opall at20–00–00
A saphyr15–00–00
A white saphyr ring at06–00–00
A Turkey stone21 with 2 diamonds10–00–00
An egmereen2220–00–00
A ruby ring set round with rubyes & 2 diamonds16–00–00
A Turkey stone ring at02–10–00
A long ruby & 2 table diamonds10–00–00
An egmereene ring04–00–00
A grisolett ring at05–00–00
July 30 1663
An egmereene ring at02–10–00
An opall with the sun set round with diamonds10–00–00
A foule emerauld at04–00–00
A spinnell ruby ring in forme of a heart03–00–00
A table white saphyr ring10–00–00
A garnett ring at01–05–00
A white saphir set round with small diamonds07–00–00
A little ruby ring at00–10–00
A grisolett ring att05–00–00
Another grisolett ring at01–00–00
Eight white stone rings at 25s a peice10–00–00
A garnett ring with 12 small dyamonds04–00–00
A ring with 5 diamonds07–00–00
A jacinth ring 8 square03–00–00
A jacinth ring 4 square01–00–00
An ametist ring01–05–00
A cats eye ring with 2 rubyes01–00–00

For note on sale of jewellery instructions to his executors see page 41 of:

Agnew, Jean, Ed., The Whirlpool of Misadventures: Letters of Robert Paston, First Earl of Yarmouth, 1663-1679, Norfolk Record Society, 2012

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