John Bocking to John Paston, 15th May 1456

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my Maister Paston

Worshipful Sir, and my good maister, I recomaunde me to yow. This day I come home; and as to our materes, I shall be with yow on Monday and Teusday next, be my maisters advys, and enforme yow of all, and of suche as I will not write. Your cofre is at the Prinse Inne; sende for it whane ye like, be the token, I hadde of Margret Goche a boke of lawe that Wigge brought me. As for tidyngs, my maistys your brother faren weel, and recomaunde them to my maistresse, there moder, to yow, and to all, &c.

As for tidings elles, the Kyng is at Shene, the Quene and Prince at Tutbury, but if it be the latter remevyng. Tidings were that the Lord Beaumont was slayn, and my Lord Warrewik sore hurte, m men slayn, and vjxx knyghts and squiers hurte, and no thing trewe, blessed be God. As for the Lumbards, ij. of the trespasers were hanged on Monday, and there ar be this tyme proclamacions made, or shall be, thorwe London, the pees to be kepte up on grete peynes; and the Lumbards to occupie the merchaundizes as thei dide til the Counsail or Parlament have otherwise determyned. And noo more as yet.

The atteynte abidith unreuled til the next terme, as I shal telle yow, and it shal doo weel with God is grace, hoe have yow in kepyng and all youres.

Writen at Caster vigilia Pentecosten.

Your owen

J. B.

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