To my right good maister, John Paston, Squier, at Norwiche, in haste.
Sir, please it your maistership to wyte, I have my attachements graunted in open Courte with helpe of Litelton[91.4] and Hewe at Fen, and was bide to make redy the names, &c. before the Barons, of which Haltof t[91.5] was one. . . . . . . . . 1456
As for tidings, the Kyng is at Shene, the Quene at Chestre; the Duc of Buk was, as I come hiderward, at Writell, the Erle of Warrewyke at Werrewyke, and the Lords Chaunceller,[92.1] Tresorier,[92.2] and th'Erle of Sar' [_Salisbury_] in London, and noo more Lords at the begynyng this day of the grete Counsail. Many men say that there shuld be, but thei wote not what. The sege shall, as men say, come to Caleys and to Guynes, for moche puple come overe the water of Somme, and grete navies on the see.
Th'Erle of Penbroke[92.3] is with the Kyng, and noo more Lordis. Th'Erle of Richemond[92.4] and Griffith Suoh (?) are at werre gretely in Wales. The Comons of Kent, as thei werre wo[n]tte, er not all weel disposid, for there is in doyng amongs hem what evere it bee. Of Scotts is here but litell talkyng. My Lord York is at Sendall stille, and waytith on the Quene and she up on hym.
I dide my maistress your moderis erands, as ye have herde of, for Maister William hath writen his entente, and he and Clement faren weel.
Writen at Horshighdone, vijmo die Junij.
Rokewode and Crane faren weel, and thei and I recomaunde hem to my maistress your wif.
And as I understande, the Clerke of the Rolles is owte of charite with Maister Yelverton, and my Lord Chaunceller a litell mevid, &c.
Your owen,
J. B.
To my right good maister, John Paston, Squier, at Norwiche, in haste.
Sir, please it your maistership to wyte, I have my attachements graunted in open Courte with helpe of Litelton[91.4] and Hewe at Fen, and was bide to make redy the names, &c. before the Barons, of which Haltof t[91.5] was one. . . . . . . . . 1456
As for tidings, the Kyng is at Shene, the Quene at Chestre; the Duc of Buk was, as I come hiderward, at Writell, the Erle of Warrewyke at Werrewyke, and the Lords Chaunceller,[92.1] Tresorier,[92.2] and th'Erle of Sar' [_Salisbury_] in London, and noo more Lords at the begynyng this day of the grete Counsail. Many men say that there shuld be, but thei wote not what. The sege shall, as men say, come to Caleys and to Guynes, for moche puple come overe the water of Somme, and grete navies on the see.
Th'Erle of Penbroke[92.3] is with the Kyng, and noo more Lordis. Th'Erle of Richemond[92.4] and Griffith Suoh (?) are at werre gretely in Wales. The Comons of Kent, as thei werre wo[n]tte, er not all weel disposid, for there is in doyng amongs hem what evere it bee. Of Scotts is here but litell talkyng. My Lord York is at Sendall stille, and waytith on the Quene and she up on hym.
I dide my maistress your moderis erands, as ye have herde of, for Maister William hath writen his entente, and he and Clement faren weel.
Writen at Horshighdone, vijmo die Junij.
Rokewode and Crane faren weel, and thei and I recomaunde hem to my maistress your wif.
And as I understande, the Clerke of the Rolles is owte of charite with Maister Yelverton, and my Lord Chaunceller a litell mevid, &c.
Your owen,
J. B.
To my right good maister, John Paston, Squier, at Norwiche, in haste.
Sir, please it your maistership to wyte, I have my attachements graunted in open Courte with helpe of Litelton[91.4] and Hewe at Fen, and was bide to make redy the names, &c. before the Barons, of which Haltof t[91.5] was one. . . . . . . . . 1456
As for tidings, the Kyng is at Shene, the Quene at Chestre; the Duc of Buk was, as I come hiderward, at Writell, the Erle of Warrewyke at Werrewyke, and the Lords Chaunceller,[92.1] Tresorier,[92.2] and th'Erle of Sar' [_Salisbury_] in London, and noo more Lords at the begynyng this day of the grete Counsail. Many men say that there shuld be, but thei wote not what. The sege shall, as men say, come to Caleys and to Guynes, for moche puple come overe the water of Somme, and grete navies on the see.
Th'Erle of Penbroke[92.3] is with the Kyng, and noo more Lordis. Th'Erle of Richemond[92.4] and Griffith Suoh (?) are at werre gretely in Wales. The Comons of Kent, as thei werre wo[n]tte, er not all weel disposid, for there is in doyng amongs hem what evere it bee. Of Scotts is here but litell talkyng. My Lord York is at Sendall stille, and waytith on the Quene and she up on hym.
I dide my maistress your moderis erands, as ye have herde of, for Maister William hath writen his entente, and he and Clement faren weel.
Writen at Horshighdone, vijmo die Junij.
Rokewode and Crane faren weel, and thei and I recomaunde hem to my maistress your wif.
And as I understande, the Clerke of the Rolles is owte of charite with Maister Yelverton, and my Lord Chaunceller a litell mevid, &c.
Your owen,
J. B.
To my right good master, John Paston, Squier, at Norwich, in haste.
Sir, please it your mastership to wyte, I have my attachements graunted in open Courte with helpe of Litelton[91.4] and Hewe at Fen, and was bide to make ready the names, etc.. before the Barons, of which Haltof t[91.5] was one. . . . . . . . . 1456
As for tidings, the King is at Sheen, the Queen at Chester; the Duc of Buk was, as I come hiderward, at Writtle, the Earl of Warrewyke at Werrewyke, and the Lords Chaunceller,[92.1] Tresorier,[92.2] and th'Earl of Salisbury' [_Salisbury_] in London, and no more Lords at the beginning this day of the greet Counsail. Many men say that there should be, but they wote not what. The sege shall, as men say, come to Calais and to Guines, for much puple come overe the water of Somme, and greet navies on the see.
Th'Earl of Pembroke[92.3] is with the King, and no more Lordis. Th'Earl of Richmond[92.4] and Griffith Suoh (?) are at werre gretely in Wales. The Comons of Kent, as they werre wo[n]tte, er not all well disposed, for there is in doing amongs hem what ever it bee. Of Scotts is [here/her] but litell talkyng. My Lord York is at Sendall stille, and waytith on the Queen and she up on him.
I dide my maistress your moderis erands, as you have herde of, for Master William has written his intent, and he and Clement faren well.
Written at Horshighdone, vijmo die June.
Rokewode and Crane faren well, and they and I recommend hem to my maistress your wif.
And as I understande, the Clerke of the Rolles is owte of charity with Master Yelverton, and my Lord Chaunceller a litell mevid, etc..
Your own,
J. B.
To my very good master, John Paston Esquire, at Norwich, in haste.
Sir, I hope you will be pleased to know that I have had my attachments granted in open court, with the help of Litelton and Hewe at Fen, and was told to prepare the names etc before the Barons, of which Haltof was one...
As for news, the King is at Richmond and the Queen at Chester; the Duke of Buckingham was, as I was coming here, at Writell, the Earl of Warwick at Warwick, and the Lords Chancellor, Treasurer and the Earl of Salisbury in London, and there are no more Lords present this morning at the Great Council. Many people say they should be, but they don't know what is going on. The siege shall, as people say, come to Calais and to Guynes, for many people come over the water from the Somme, and great navies are at sea.
The Earl of Pembroke is with the King, but no other Lords. The Earl of Richmond and Griffith are fighting a war in Wales. The Commons of Kent, as usual, are not well disposed: something is going on there that is not clear. Few people talk about the Scots. My Lord York is still at Sendall and is in conversation with the Queen.
I did the errands that my mistress your mother gave me, as you will have heard, for Master William has written about what he intends to do, and he and Clement are doing well.
Written at Huntingdon on June 7th.
Rokewode and Crane are doing well, and they and I ask to be remembered to my mistress your wife.
As I understand it, the Clerk of the Rolls is at odds with Master Yelverton, and my Lord Chancellor a little irritated, and so on.
Your own