Petition to the Earl of Suffolk or his arbiter concerning East Beckham, perhaps 1439

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
Norfolk Record Office
Side By Side:

John Drev, clerk, and oþer, sesed in her demesne as of fee of þe maner of Estbekham, of þe ryeerly, value of xx marcz, sold þe same maner to William Mariot of Crowmere, now deed, and Johane his wyf, now lyvyng, for ccccl marcz by hem to þe seid John Drev trewly paied; and by force of þe seid sale þer-of enfeffed þe seid William and Johane to have and to holde to hem and to here heires en fee. þe which William of þe seid maner enfeffed John Rudde and John Clement of Crowmere, to have and to holde to hem and to her heires for evere to þe oeps of þe seid William and Johane. And after, þe seid William dyed; after whos deth þe seid Johane bargeyned and sold þe same maner to William Paston in certeyn fourme betwen hem accorded, to have and to holde to þe same William Paston and to his heires in fee. And after þis to seigne, þe Moneday next beforn Cristemesse þe xiij yeer of þe regne of þe Kyng þat now is, John Griffyn, Robert Brampton and Thomas Saxthorp with force wrongfully put owt þe seid John Rudde and John Clement, and hem dissesed of þe seid maner, and gret wast and destruccion dede in þe same maner. And after, þe seid John Rudde deyed. And þanne þe seid John Clement þe xviij day of Nouembre last passed, to þe oeps of þe seid Johane and William Paston, sewed and arained assise of nouel dissesine of þe same maner ageyn Edmond Hampden esquier, þat tyme tenaunt of þe seid maner, as of fre hold, and ayen þe seid John Gryffyn, Robert Brampton and Thomas Saxthorp, to be restored to þe possession of þe seid maner, and to be satisfied of þe issues and profitz of þe same, after þe annuell value aboveseid and þe rate of þe tyme sith þe seid disses yne, and of þe costages of þe sute of þe seid assise; to þat intent and ende þat þe seid William Paston may have and enioye þe seid maner after þe effecte of þe seid bargeyn. And pat þe seid Johane may have and enioye þe price of þe seid maner after þe fourme and effect of þe same bargeyn, and þe seid issues and profitz and costages of þe seid assise, þe which assise hangeth yet vndetermyned. Whervpon þe seid William Paston, touchant his interesse in þese premisses, preyeth to have and receyve þat lawe, good feyth and conscience requireth, after þe discrecion and reule of his good maister þe justice arbitrour.

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