To the Right worshipfull my especiall good Lady Knyvett Ashwelthorp geue theise
Good Madame entringe into a consideration of that great vse I haue for my horses praesently and that this weather hindreth my plowe I determined to take the opportunitie of the weather and make this suddaine dispatch: wherfore I haue sente your Ladiships barly containing in number fifteene combe and withall haue sent for the residue of my mavlt giuing your Ladiship many thankes therfore I hope if you imploy it for seed it shall well serve your turne for I haue already sovld some for that vse: As for sending in more barly (I humbly thanke your Ladiship) but my store will not so farr extend to the mavlting Good Madame I much thanke your Ladiship that you will impart vnto mee a matter of such secresy the knowledge wherof I doe no litle reioce at and pray that the successe may bee prosperous and the sequele answerable to your good likings wherof there is no other likelihoode your practical considerations being grovnded vpon good circumstances: I would to god our other sister were in as good a forwardness which I hope will shortly take place: I am determined god willing vpon fryday to goe to Dalham to accompany my Brother to the assises where wee bee in hope to see Mr Sackford and so to proceed to good meanes if your Ladiship shall so thinke it good: I would haue bin messenger my selfe but that building busines doth so sett aworke my head that I cannot absent my selfe: therfore I humbly crave Sir Thomas and your Ladiships fauourable censure for the neglectinge of my duty and by the help of god at my returne out of Suffolk I will supply this want: Vntill which time and euer after I comitte your Ladiship to the protection of the most hiest not omitting my humble and bounden duty vnto Sir Thomas and your Ladiship whom god longe with health and hapines continue: Wortwell this 16th of february 1602.
Your euer most dutifull sonne
Thomas Holland
To the Right worshipfull my especiall good Lady Knyvett Ashwelthorp geue theise
Good Madame entringe into a consideration of that great vse I haue for my horses praesently and that this weather hindreth my plowe I determined to take the opportunitie of the weather and make this suddaine dispatch: wherfore I haue sente your Ladiships barly containing in number fifteene combe and withall haue sent for the residue of my mavlt giuing your Ladiship many thankes therfore I hope if you imploy it for seed it shall well serve your turne for I haue already sovld some for that vse: As for sending in more barly (I humbly thanke your Ladiship) but my store will not so farr extend to the mavlting Good Madame I much thanke your Ladiship that you will impart vnto mee a matter of such secresy the knowledge wherof I doe no litle reioce at and pray that the successe may bee prosperous and the sequele answerable to your good likings wherof there is no other likelihoode your practical considerations being grovnded vpon good circumstances: I would to god our other sister were in as good a forwardness which I hope will shortly take place: I am determined god willing vpon fryday to goe to Dalham to accompany my Brother to the assises where wee bee in hope to see Mr Sackford and so to proceed to good meanes if your Ladiship shall so thinke it good: I would haue bin messenger my selfe but that building busines doth so sett aworke my head that I cannot absent my selfe: therfore I humbly crave Sir Thomas and your Ladiships fauourable censure for the neglectinge of my duty and by the help of god at my returne out of Suffolk I will supply this want: Vntill which time and euer after I comitte your Ladiship to the protection of the most hiest not omitting my humble and bounden duty vnto Sir Thomas and your Ladiship whom god longe with health and hapines continue: Wortwell this 16th of february 1602.
Your euer most dutifull sonne
Thomas Holland
To the Right worshipfull my especiall good Lady Knyvett Ashwelthorp geue theise
Good Madame entringe into a consideration of that great vse I haue for my horses praesently and that this weather hindreth my plowe I determined to take the opportunitie of the weather and make this suddaine dispatch: wherfore I haue sente your Ladiships barly containing in number fifteene combe and withall haue sent for the residue of my mavlt giuing your Ladiship many thankes therfore I hope if you imploy it for seed it shall well serve your turne for I haue already sovld some for that vse: As for sending in more barly (I humbly thanke your Ladiship) but my store will not so farr extend to the mavlting Good Madame I much thanke your Ladiship that you will impart vnto mee a matter of such secresy the knowledge wherof I doe no litle reioce at and pray that the successe may bee prosperous and the sequele answerable to your good likings wherof there is no other likelihoode your practical considerations being grovnded vpon good circumstances: I would to god our other sister were in as good a forwardness which I hope will shortly take place: I am determined god willing vpon fryday to goe to Dalham to accompany my Brother to the assises where wee bee in hope to see Mr Sackford and so to proceed to good meanes if your Ladiship shall so thinke it good: I would haue bin messenger my selfe but that building busines doth so sett aworke my head that I cannot absent my selfe: therfore I humbly crave Sir Thomas and your Ladiships fauourable censure for the neglectinge of my duty and by the help of god at my returne out of Suffolk I will supply this want: Vntill which time and euer after I comitte your Ladiship to the protection of the most hiest not omitting my humble and bounden duty vnto Sir Thomas and your Ladiship whom god longe with health and hapines continue: Wortwell this 16th of february 1602.
Your euer most dutifull sonne
Thomas Holland
To the Right worshipful my especiall good Lady Knyvett Ashwelthorp geue theise
Good Madame entringe into a consideration of that great vse I have for my horses praesently and that this weather hindreth my plowe I determined to take the opportunitie of the weather and make this suddaine dispatch: wherfore I have sente your Ladiships barley containing in number fifteene combe and withall have sent for the residue of my mavlt giuing your Ladiship many thankes therfore I hope if you imploy it for seed it shall well serve your turne for I have already sovld some for that vse: As for sending in more barley (I humbly thanke your Ladiship) but my store will not so farr extend to the mavlting Good Madame I much thanke your Ladiship that you will impart vnto mee a matter of such secresy the knowledge wherof I do no litle reioce at and pray that the successe may bee prosperous and the sequele answerable to your good likings wherof there is no other likelihoode your practical considerations being grovnded upon good circumstances: I would to god our other sister were in as good a forwardness which I hope will shortly take place: I am determined god willing upon fryday to goe to Dalham to accompany my Brother to the assises where wee bee in hope to see Mr Sackford and so to proceed to good meanes if your Ladiship shall so think it good: I would have bin messenger my self but that building busines doth so sett aworke my head that I cannot absent my self: therfore I humbly crave Sir Thomas and your Ladiships fauourable censure for the neglectinge of my duty and by the help of god at my returne out of Suffolk I will supply this want: Vntill which time and ever after I comitte your Ladiship to the protection of the most highest not omitting my humble and bounden duty vnto Sir Thomas and your Ladiship whom god long with health and hapines continue: Wortwell this 16th of february 1602.
Your ever most dutifull son
Thomas Holland
Please deliver these to the right worshipful and especially good Lady Knyvett at Ashwellthorpe,
Good madame, taking into account how busy my horses are at the moment and this weather hindering the use of the plough I decided to take the opportunity of the weather to write to you. I have sent your ladyship's barley, about 15 coombs, and have sent the rest of my malt to your ladyship. Many thanks therefore. I hope if you use it for seed it will serve you well in turn as I have already sold some for that use. As for sending more barley (I humbly thank your ladyship) but my store has no more room for malting. Good madame, I thank you greatly that you let me know of a matter of such secrecy the knowledge of which I rejoice greatly and pray that such success will be prosperous and the outcome will be to your desires; there is no other likely outcome, your practical considerations being based on good circumstances. I wish our other sister were in as good progress with but I hope will it shortly happen. I intend God willing to go to Dalham on Friday to accompany my colleague to the assizes where we hope to see Mr Sackford and so go on to a good outcome if your ladyship thinks it good to do. I would be the messenger myself but the building business causes my head to spin so that I cannot absent myself, therefore I humbly ask Sir Thomas and your ladyship's favourable excuse for the neglecting of my duty and for the help of God and on my return from Suffolk I will put things right.Until that time and ever after I commit your ladyship to the protection of the most high, not forgetting my humble and bounden duty unto Sir Thomas and your ladyship for health and happiness to continue.
Wortwell, 16th February 1602.
Your ever most dutiful son,
Thomas Holland