To my worshepfull husbond, John Paston, abidyng at Petyrhous in Cambrigg.
Ryth reverent and worsepful husbon, I recomawnde me to ȝow with alle myn sympyl herte, and prey ȝow to wete þat there come up xi. hundyr Flemyns at Waxham, qwereof wer takyn and kylte and dronchyn viij. hundryte. And þat had nowte a be ȝe xul a be atte home þis Qwesontyde and I suppose þat ȝe xul be atte home er owte longke.
I thanke ȝow hertely for my lettyr for I hadde none of ȝow syn I spake with ȝow last for þe matyr of Jon Mariot. Þe qwest passyd nowte of þat day for my Lorde of Norfolke was in towne for Wedyrbys matyr qwerfor he wolde nowt latyd pase. As for-furpe os I knowe Fynch ne Kylbys makeþe no purwyauns for hys gode.
No mor I wryte to ȝow atte þis tyme but þe Holy Trenyté hawe ȝow in kepyng. Wretyn in Norweche, on Trenyt Sune-day.
To my worshepfull husbond, John Paston, abidyng at Petyrhous in Cambrigg.
Ryth reverent and worsepful husbon, I recomawnde me to ȝow with alle myn sympyl herte, and prey ȝow to wete þat there come up xi. hundyr Flemyns at Waxham, qwereof wer takyn and kylte and dronchyn viij. hundryte. And þat had nowte a be ȝe xul a be atte home þis Qwesontyde and I suppose þat ȝe xul be atte home er owte longke.
I thanke ȝow hertely for my lettyr for I hadde none of ȝow syn I spake with ȝow last for þe matyr of Jon Mariot. Þe qwest passyd nowte of þat day for my Lorde of Norfolke was in towne for Wedyrbys matyr qwerfor he wolde nowt latyd pase. As for-furpe os I knowe Fynch ne Kylbys makeþe no purwyauns for hys gode.
No mor I wryte to ȝow atte þis tyme but þe Holy Trenyté hawe ȝow in kepyng. Wretyn in Norweche, on Trenyt Sune-day.
To my worshepfull husbond, John Paston, abidyng at Petyrhous in Cambrigg.
Ryth reverent and worsepful husbon, I recomawnde me to ȝow with alle myn sympyl herte, and prey ȝow to wete þat there come up xi. hundyr Flemyns at Waxham, qwereof wer takyn and kylte and dronchyn viij. hundryte. And þat had nowte a be ȝe xul a be atte home þis Qwesontyde and I suppose þat ȝe xul be atte home er owte longke.
I thanke ȝow hertely for my lettyr for I hadde none of ȝow syn I spake with ȝow last for þe matyr of Jon Mariot. Þe qwest passyd nowte of þat day for my Lorde of Norfolke was in towne for Wedyrbys matyr qwerfor he wolde nowt latyd pase. As for-furpe os I knowe Fynch ne Kylbys makeþe no purwyauns for hys gode.
No mor I wryte to ȝow atte þis tyme but þe Holy Trenyté hawe ȝow in kepyng. Wretyn in Norweche, on Trenyt Sune-day.
To my worshepfull husband, John Paston, abidyng at Peterhouse in Cambridge.
Right reverent and worsepful husbon, I recomawnde me to ȝow with all [mine/my] sympyl heart, and pray ȝow to wait þat there come up xi. hundyr Flemyns at Waxham, qwereof wer taken and kylte and dronchyn viij. hundryte. And þat had nowte a be ȝe xul a be at home þis Qwesontyde and I suppose þat ȝe xul be at home er owte longke.
I thanke ȝow hertely for my lettyr for I had none of ȝow syn I spake with ȝow last for þe matter of Jon Mariot. Þe qwest passed nowte of þat day for my Lorde of Norfolk was in towne for Wedyrbys matter qwerfor he would nowt latyd pase. As for-furpe os I knowe Fynch no Kylbys makeþe no purwyauns for his good.
No more I write to ȝow at þis time but þe Holy Trenyté hawe ȝow in keeping. Written in Norwich, on Trenyt Sune-day.
Ȝowr Margaret PASTON.
To my dearest husband John Paston, living at Peterhouse in Cambridge.
My dearest husband, my best wishes to you with all my heart. I thought you should know that 1100 Flemings came to Waxham; 800 were taken, killed or drowned. Had they not been, you would have been home this Whitsun; I expect you will be home before too long.
I am very grateful for your letter as I hadn't heard anything from you since I last spoke about the matter of John Mariot; the inquiry wasn't solved that day because the Duke of Norfolk was in town because of the Wetherby business, and he wouldn't deal with it. To the best of my knowledge neither Fynch nor Bylbys are doing anything for his good.
I won't write further for the moment; the Holy Trinity look after you. Written at Norwich on Trinity Sunday.
Yours, Margaret Paston