John Gyn to William Paston, about 1435

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To þe worthy and worshipfull Sir and good Lord and Maister, William Paston, on of þe Justices of oure Sovereign Lord, of his Commone Benche at Westminster.

Right worthy and worshipfull Sir, and my good Lord and Maister, I recomaund me to yow. And where-as ye, by your lettre direct to my Lady your wyf wold þat my seid Lady shuld have Robert Tebald and me to-geder, as sone as she myght, and þe evidences which þe seid Robert receyved of yow at your last beyng at Norwich, and þat I shuld amende þe defautes therinne, and that that doon there shuld of Baxteres Place of Honyng be taken estate to yow and to other, as your seid lettre requireth prey and beseche yow to witte þat on the Friday next after your departyng fro Paston Thomas Walysh and William Burgh in his owen persone and þe seid Thomas by William Inges and William Walsyngham his attornés by his lettre vnder his seal were at Honyng and delyvred to my Lady Scarlet seson in þe seid place and Colbyes and Donnynges in Walsham. And þe seid Thomas Walyssh, as þe seid Tebald told me wold not enseale þe seid lettre of attorné til þe parson of Ingeworth come to hym þer-fore and required hym to don it. Wychyngham in his owen persone in þe nyght next beforn þe seid Friday, as þe seid Tebald infourmeth me, come to þe same Tebaldes hows, and desired hym to enseale acquytaunce, as he seid, and þe same Robert refused to don it. Nertheless, whether it were acquytaunce or were not þe same Robert kan not seye for he myght noo sight have þer-of. And þe seid Wychyngham þe same nyght rood to John Willyot, and desired of hym þe same, and refused also to don it. What is þe best to be don in þis matier my seid Lady your wyf, kan not thynke with owt your advis and counseile. Wherfore as touchyng þe takyng of þ'estate to yow and oþer, as in your seid lettre is conteigned is yet right nought doon.

The Holy Trinité have yow in his blissed kepyng. Wretyn at North-walsham the Thursday next after the Purificacion of oure Lady.

My seid Lady your wyf preyeth yow to be remembred of here grene gynger, of almondes for Lente, and of ée leche of Orwelde, for here seknes encreseth dayly upon here, wher-of she is sore a-ferd.

By youre servunt JOHN GYN.

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