To þe worthy and worshipfull Sir and good Lord and Maister, William Paston, on of þe Justices of oure Sovereign Lord, of his Commone Benche at Westminster.
Right worthy and worshipfull Sir, and my good Lord and Maister, I recomaund me to yow. And where-as ye, by your lettre direct to my Lady your wyf wold þat my seid Lady shuld have Robert Tebald and me to-geder, as sone as she myght, and þe evidences which þe seid Robert receyved of yow at your last beyng at Norwich, and þat I shuld amende þe defautes therinne, and that that doon there shuld of Baxteres Place of Honyng be taken estate to yow and to other, as your seid lettre requireth prey and beseche yow to witte þat on the Friday next after your departyng fro Paston Thomas Walysh and William Burgh in his owen persone and þe seid Thomas by William Inges and William Walsyngham his attornés by his lettre vnder his seal were at Honyng and delyvred to my Lady Scarlet seson in þe seid place and Colbyes and Donnynges in Walsham. And þe seid Thomas Walyssh, as þe seid Tebald told me wold not enseale þe seid lettre of attorné til þe parson of Ingeworth come to hym þer-fore and required hym to don it. Wychyngham in his owen persone in þe nyght next beforn þe seid Friday, as þe seid Tebald infourmeth me, come to þe same Tebaldes hows, and desired hym to enseale acquytaunce, as he seid, and þe same Robert refused to don it. Nertheless, whether it were acquytaunce or were not þe same Robert kan not seye for he myght noo sight have þer-of. And þe seid Wychyngham þe same nyght rood to John Willyot, and desired of hym þe same, and refused also to don it. What is þe best to be don in þis matier my seid Lady your wyf, kan not thynke with owt your advis and counseile. Wherfore as touchyng þe takyng of þ'estate to yow and oþer, as in your seid lettre is conteigned is yet right nought doon.
The Holy Trinité have yow in his blissed kepyng. Wretyn at North-walsham the Thursday next after the Purificacion of oure Lady.
My seid Lady your wyf preyeth yow to be remembred of here grene gynger, of almondes for Lente, and of ée leche of Orwelde, for here seknes encreseth dayly upon here, wher-of she is sore a-ferd.
By youre servunt JOHN GYN.
To þe worthy and worshipfull Sir and good Lord and Maister, William Paston, on of þe Justices of oure Sovereign Lord, of his Commone Benche at Westminster.
Right worthy and worshipfull Sir, and my good Lord and Maister, I recomaund me to yow. And where-as ye, by your lettre direct to my Lady your wyf wold þat my seid Lady shuld have Robert Tebald and me to-geder, as sone as she myght, and þe evidences which þe seid Robert receyved of yow at your last beyng at Norwich, and þat I shuld amende þe defautes therinne, and that that doon there shuld of Baxteres Place of Honyng be taken estate to yow and to other, as your seid lettre requireth prey and beseche yow to witte þat on the Friday next after your departyng fro Paston Thomas Walysh and William Burgh in his owen persone and þe seid Thomas by William Inges and William Walsyngham his attornés by his lettre vnder his seal were at Honyng and delyvred to my Lady Scarlet seson in þe seid place and Colbyes and Donnynges in Walsham. And þe seid Thomas Walyssh, as þe seid Tebald told me wold not enseale þe seid lettre of attorné til þe parson of Ingeworth come to hym þer-fore and required hym to don it. Wychyngham in his owen persone in þe nyght next beforn þe seid Friday, as þe seid Tebald infourmeth me, come to þe same Tebaldes hows, and desired hym to enseale acquytaunce, as he seid, and þe same Robert refused to don it. Nertheless, whether it were acquytaunce or were not þe same Robert kan not seye for he myght noo sight have þer-of. And þe seid Wychyngham þe same nyght rood to John Willyot, and desired of hym þe same, and refused also to don it. What is þe best to be don in þis matier my seid Lady your wyf, kan not thynke with owt your advis and counseile. Wherfore as touchyng þe takyng of þ'estate to yow and oþer, as in your seid lettre is conteigned is yet right nought doon.
The Holy Trinité have yow in his blissed kepyng. Wretyn at North-walsham the Thursday next after the Purificacion of oure Lady.
My seid Lady your wyf preyeth yow to be remembred of here grene gynger, of almondes for Lente, and of ée leche of Orwelde, for here seknes encreseth dayly upon here, wher-of she is sore a-ferd.
By youre servunt JOHN GYN.
To þe worthy and worshipfull Sir and good Lord and Maister, William Paston, on of þe Justices of oure Sovereign Lord, of his Commone Benche at Westminster.
Right worthy and worshipfull Sir, and my good Lord and Maister, I recomaund me to yow. And where-as ye, by your lettre direct to my Lady your wyf wold þat my seid Lady shuld have Robert Tebald and me to-geder, as sone as she myght, and þe evidences which þe seid Robert receyved of yow at your last beyng at Norwich, and þat I shuld amende þe defautes therinne, and that that doon there shuld of Baxteres Place of Honyng be taken estate to yow and to other, as your seid lettre requireth prey and beseche yow to witte þat on the Friday next after your departyng fro Paston Thomas Walysh and William Burgh in his owen persone and þe seid Thomas by William Inges and William Walsyngham his attornés by his lettre vnder his seal were at Honyng and delyvred to my Lady Scarlet seson in þe seid place and Colbyes and Donnynges in Walsham. And þe seid Thomas Walyssh, as þe seid Tebald told me wold not enseale þe seid lettre of attorné til þe parson of Ingeworth come to hym þer-fore and required hym to don it. Wychyngham in his owen persone in þe nyght next beforn þe seid Friday, as þe seid Tebald infourmeth me, come to þe same Tebaldes hows, and desired hym to enseale acquytaunce, as he seid, and þe same Robert refused to don it. Nertheless, whether it were acquytaunce or were not þe same Robert kan not seye for he myght noo sight have þer-of. And þe seid Wychyngham þe same nyght rood to John Willyot, and desired of hym þe same, and refused also to don it. What is þe best to be don in þis matier my seid Lady your wyf, kan not thynke with owt your advis and counseile. Wherfore as touchyng þe takyng of þ'estate to yow and oþer, as in your seid lettre is conteigned is yet right nought doon.
The Holy Trinité have yow in his blissed kepyng. Wretyn at North-walsham the Thursday next after the Purificacion of oure Lady.
My seid Lady your wyf preyeth yow to be remembred of here grene gynger, of almondes for Lente, and of ée leche of Orwelde, for here seknes encreseth dayly upon here, wher-of she is sore a-ferd.
By youre servunt JOHN GYN.
To þe worthy and worshipful Sir and good Lord and Master, William Paston, on of þe Justices of our Sovereign Lord, of his Commone Benche at Westminster.
Right worthy and worshipful Sir, and my good Lord and Master, I recommend me to you. And where-as you, by your letter direct to my Lady your wyf would þat my said Lady should have Robert Tebald and me to-geder, as soon as she might, and þe evidences which þe said Robert received of you at your last beyng at Norwich, and þat I should amende þe defautes therein, and that that doon there should of Baxteres Place of Honing be taken estate to you and to other, as your said letter requireth pray and beseech you to witte þat on the Friday next after your departyng from Paston Thomas Walysh and William Burgh in his own persone and þe said Thomas by William Inges and William Great Walsingham his attornés by his letter under his seal were at Honing and delyvred to my Lady Scarlet Seisin: The legal possession of property; historically, possession under claim of freehold. in þe said place and Colbyes and Donnynges in Walsham. And þe said Thomas Walyssh, as þe said Tebald told me would not seal þe said letter of attorné til þe parson of Ingworth come to him þer-fore and required him to done it. Wichingham in his own persone in þe night next before þe said Friday, as þe said Tebald infourmeth me, come to þe same Tebaldes hows, and desired him to seal acquytaunce, as he said, and þe same Robert refused to done it. Nertheless, whether it were acquytaunce or were not þe same Robert kan not seye for he might no sight have þer-of. And þe said Wichingham þe same night rood to John Willyot, and desired of him þe same, and refused also to done it. What is þe best to be done in þis matter my said Lady your wyf, kan not thynke with out your advis and counseile. Wherfore as touching þe takyng of þ'estate to you and oþer, as in your said letter is conteigned is yet right not doon.
The Holy Trinité have you in his blessed keeping. Written at North-walsham the Thursday next after the Purificacion of our Lady.
My said Lady your wyf preyeth you to be remembered of [here/her] grene gynger, of almondes for Lente, and of ée leche of Orwelde, for [here/her] seknes encreseth dayly upon [here/her], where-of she is [badly/sorely] a-ferd.
By your servunt JOHN GYN.
To the right worshipful sir and my good lord and master William Paston, one of the justices of our sovereign lord of the Common Bench at Westminster.
Right worthy and worshipful sir and my good lord an master, I commend myself to you. As you wrote in the letter to my lady your wife, that your lady should get me and Robert Tebald together as soon as possible, and the information the said Robert received from you when you were last in Norwich, and that I should correct the errors in it, and what was done in that respect concerning Baxter's place at Honing by transferring the estate to you and to another as your letter requires, I am letting you know that on the Friday after you left Paston, Thomas Walsh and William Burgh in person, and the said Thomas represented by William Inges and William Walsyngham his lawyers, acting using a letter with his seal, were at Horning and delivered to Lady Scarlet in a while in the said place and Colbyes and Dounynges in Walsham. Thomas Walyssh, so Tebald told me, would not seal the said lawyers' document until the parson of Ingworth came to him and made him sign it. Wychyngham, in his own person, the night before the Friday I mentioned, so Tebald told me, came to Tebald's house and asked him to agree to relief of responsibility, he said, and Robert refused to do so. Nevertheless, whether relief of the responsibility or not Robert can't say, for he didn't see the document. The same night Wychyngham rode to John Willyot and asked him the same, and he also refused to do it. Your wife does not know what is best to do in this matter without your advice and counsel. Thus in respect of transferring the estate to you and the other, as wished in your letter, it hasn't yet been done.
The Holy Trinity have you in his blessed keeping. Written at North Walsham the Thursday next after the purification of Our Lady.
Your wife asks you to remember the green ginger, the almonds for Lent and the doctor of Orwell, for her sickness is getting worse each day, and she is greatly concerned.
By your servant John Gyn