Nicholas, Prior of Bromholm, to William Paston, AD 1425

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

A Will' Paston soit donne.

Dere Syre and weel be loved, I grete yow weel, and do yow to wetyn that Dawn John Pastone was atte Norwiche on Munday last passed, and dede settyn on Cryste Chyrchegates divers litteres, a lytyl tyre, and ij. copiis wheche stondyn ther yet, for somounnyn me to the curt of Rome. And we supposyn to have hym at Bromholm, or sum man in hys name wyth inne a lytyl tyme; for dawn Robert of Yorke was atte Norwiche be sendynge of my lady of Murlee, and spak wythe hym in hyre hous on Munday afornseyd, and ther he told the forseyd dawn Robert that he wolde nedys ben Priour of Bromholm, to levyn and deyin ther upon. Also he seyde, as for the composissioun of Bromholm, he hadde do sherchyd att Clunye ; and ther inne he standyth clere as he seythe, and as for provisyoun, he seyde he hadde spokyn wyth the Chaunceler and the chef Justyse and Ascam, and thei demptyne hym clere as ther inne, as he seyth ; and other dowte is ther none inne be hys tale. And after this. the forseyd dawn John askyd ,obedience of the forseyd dawne Robert in my ladyis presens, and dawn Robert seyde agayne he xulde noghte done that atte that tyme, but he badde hym provyn owt hys purpos as for the composissioun and provisioun to an hende, and than he wolde do his dever to hym ; and thus he departyd. Where for, yif ony thing may be don whyl ye am now atte Londone for oure helpe and hys lettyng, gode Syre, helpythe atte this tyme if it maybe godely, we be seche yow. Dawn Thomas of Cane was atte my lord of Norwiche for helpe in this matier, and he seyde he was inhibytyd and alle hys clerkes be the curt of Rome in this matier, and he seyde, by yowre advys, yif it lyke yow, wryttes may ben taken agens hym, and that is best remedye ther inne ; j. one wrytte is ne ingrediatur manu forti. The Holy Trinite have yow in governaunce.

Wretyn atte Bromholm the v. day of July, per NIGH. PRIOREM DE BROMHOLM.

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