To my ryght worchippfull hosbond, John Paston, be this delyveryd in hast.
Right worchipfull hosbond, I recommand me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I have receyved your letter this day þat ye sent me be Yelvertonys man. As for your signette, I fond itt uppon your bord the same day þat ye went hens, and I send it yow be Richrad Heberd, bringer herof. As for your eronds þat ye wrete to me fore, Richard Charles is owte abough your eronds abowte Gresham, and for his awyn maters also, and I suppose he komyth not hom tyll it be Tesday or Weddenesday next komyng; and alssone as he komyth hom, he shall go abowte your eronds þat ye wrete to me fore.
I sent yow a letter wreten on Tesday last past, whiche, as I suppose, Roger Ormesby delyveryd yow. I toke it to Alson Pertryche. She rod with Clyppysbys wyff to London.
I pray yow if ye have an other sone þat you woll lete it be named Herry, in remembrans of your brother Herry; also I pray yow þat ye woll send me dats and synamun as hastyly as ye may. I have speke with John Damme of þat ye bad me sey to hem to sey to Thomas Note, and he sey he was wel payd þat ye seyd and thowgh þerin as ye dede. Ner'les I bad hym þat he shuld sey to the seyd Thomas therin as it wer of hymself with owte your avys or any others; and he seyd he shuld so, and þat it shuld be purveyd for this next weke at the ferthest. The blyssed Trinyte have yow in his kepyng.
Wretyn att Norwyche, in hast, the Fryday next befor Candelmesse day.
Be your gronyng wyff,
M. P.
To my ryght worchippfull hosbond, John Paston, be this delyveryd in hast.
Right worchipfull hosbond, I recommand me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I have receyved your letter this day þat ye sent me be Yelvertonys man. As for your signette, I fond itt uppon your bord the same day þat ye went hens, and I send it yow be Richrad Heberd, bringer herof. As for your eronds þat ye wrete to me fore, Richard Charles is owte abough your eronds abowte Gresham, and for his awyn maters also, and I suppose he komyth not hom tyll it be Tesday or Weddenesday next komyng; and alssone as he komyth hom, he shall go abowte your eronds þat ye wrete to me fore.
I sent yow a letter wreten on Tesday last past, whiche, as I suppose, Roger Ormesby delyveryd yow. I toke it to Alson Pertryche. She rod with Clyppysbys wyff to London.
I pray yow if ye have an other sone þat you woll lete it be named Herry, in remembrans of your brother Herry; also I pray yow þat ye woll send me dats and synamun as hastyly as ye may. I have speke with John Damme of þat ye bad me sey to hem to sey to Thomas Note, and he sey he was wel payd þat ye seyd and thowgh þerin as ye dede. Ner'les I bad hym þat he shuld sey to the seyd Thomas therin as it wer of hymself with owte your avys or any others; and he seyd he shuld so, and þat it shuld be purveyd for this next weke at the ferthest. The blyssed Trinyte have yow in his kepyng.
Wretyn att Norwyche, in hast, the Fryday next befor Candelmesse day.
Be your gronyng wyff,
M. P.
To my ryght worchippfull hosbond, John Paston, be this delyveryd in hast.
Right worchipfull hosbond, I recommand me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I have receyved your letter this day þat ye sent me be Yelvertonys man. As for your signette, I fond itt uppon your bord the same day þat ye went hens, and I send it yow be Richrad Heberd, bringer herof. As for your eronds þat ye wrete to me fore, Richard Charles is owte abough your eronds abowte Gresham, and for his awyn maters also, and I suppose he komyth not hom tyll it be Tesday or Weddenesday next komyng; and alssone as he komyth hom, he shall go abowte your eronds þat ye wrete to me fore.
I sent yow a letter wreten on Tesday last past, whiche, as I suppose, Roger Ormesby delyveryd yow. I toke it to Alson Pertryche. She rod with Clyppysbys wyff to London.
I pray yow if ye have an other sone þat you woll lete it be named Herry, in remembrans of your brother Herry; also I pray yow þat ye woll send me dats and synamun as hastyly as ye may. I have speke with John Damme of þat ye bad me sey to hem to sey to Thomas Note, and he sey he was wel payd þat ye seyd and thowgh þerin as ye dede. Ner'les I bad hym þat he shuld sey to the seyd Thomas therin as it wer of hymself with owte your avys or any others; and he seyd he shuld so, and þat it shuld be purveyd for this next weke at the ferthest. The blyssed Trinyte have yow in his kepyng.
Wretyn att Norwyche, in hast, the Fryday next befor Candelmesse day.
Be your gronyng wyff,
M. P.
To my right worchippfull husband, John Paston, be this delivered in haste.
Right worchipfull husband, I recommand me to you, praying you to wait þat I have received your letter this day þat you sent me be Yelvertonys man. As for your signette, I fond it uppon your bord the same day þat you went hence, and I send it you be Richrad Heberd, bringer herof. As for your eronds þat you wrete to me fore, Richard Charles is owte abough your eronds abowte Gresham, and for his awyn maters also, and I suppose he komyth not hom until it be Tesday or Weddenesday next coming; and alssone as he komyth hom, he shall go abowte your eronds þat you wrete to me fore.
I sent you a letter wreten on Tesday last past, whiche, as I suppose, Roger Ormesby delivered you. I toke it to Alson Pertryche. She rod with Clyppysbys wyff to London.
I pray you if you have an other soon þat you will let it be named Herry, in remembrans of your brother Herry; also I pray you þat you will send me dats and synamun as hastyly as you may. I have speak with John Damme of þat you bade me sey to hem to sey to Thomas Note, and he sey he was well paid þat you said and thowgh þerin as you did. Nor'les I bade him þat he should sey to the said Thomas therin as it wer of hymself with owte your avys or any others; and he said he should so, and þat it should be purveyd for this next weke at the ferthest. The blyssed Trinity have you in his keeping.
Written at Norwich, in haste, the Fryday next before Candelmesse day.
Be your gronyng wyff,
M. P.
To my right worshipful husband John Paston; please deliver this as quickly as possible.
Dearest husband, my best wishes to you and letting you know that I have received your letter today that you sent with Yelverton's man. Concerning your signet ring, I found it on your shelf the same day you left and I send it to you with Richard Heberd, bringer of this letter. As for the tasks you asked me to do when you wrote, Richard Charles is going round Gresham for you and for some business of his own. I don't think he'll be back here until next Tuesday or Wednesday. When he's back, I'll tell him to do the other jobs.
I sent you a letter I wrote last Tuesday which I expect Roger Ormesby has delivered to you. I took it to Alison Pertryche; she has ridden with Clyppysby's wife to London.
If you have another son, can he be named Harry in memory of your brother Harry. Also can you send me dates and cinnamon as soon as possible. I've spoken to John Damme of what you wanted me to say to him to tell John Note. Damme said he understood what you said and agreed with you. Nevertheless I asked him to tell Thomas as if it were from him, without your or anyone else's advice and he said he would; he would be done by next week at the latest.
The blessed Trinity look after you. Written in a hurry at Norwich the Friday before Candlemas Day.
By your groaning wife, M.P.