To his honored Sister the Lady Paston at hir lodgin at Saint Gyells in the field giue theise
My worthy Sister
I receaued your letter within 4 dayes after the date of that letter which did impart to vs your safe cominge with your sweet boyes to London the vnderstandinge of which was most welcome to vs all god blesse you with them make you long happy in them and giue good successe to your worthy care and intention: I hastened after you the letters which I procured from my cosen Dix to the Gentleman I tould you of with a letter of directions from him for your proceeding therin: But for the better issue of the buisines he hath promised to deliuer this letter him selfe and to put you into such a way that you shall not err for he will repaire to that gentleman with an other very powerfull with him and with your solicitour/ so season him that he nothing doubteth of an honorable victorie to you therin therfore cause your solicitor to bee perfectly instructed to goe through therwith. I heere your London Iourney is layed on mee to be the cause and I am very willinge to take it vpon mee for I will rather desire to faile of their good opinions then not expresse my sincerest affection to your selfe for I cannot but hope of your praeuailinge in so conscionable a cause: All our familie I praise god is in good health but my selfe haue had the runninge ouer nyne hedges all this weeke but now voluntarilie stayed Newes of the Country I cannot possesse you with any but of the Death of yonge Pettus who hath left a Rich widow no lesse worth than 8000 li his sole executor he hath giuen two shillings a weeke for euer to the Poore of the towne and fiue pounds a yeere to maintaine an excercise with many other workes of charitie I will no longer detaine you from your more serious employment but with the remembrance of my kindest respect to your Honorable selfe with the like from my wife and to my brother with all good wishes to pretty Will and my beloued god sonn I comitt you to god and euer will rest
28° 8brls i6i8
Your true faithfull brother Tho: Holland
I haue this night receaued your letter wherby I find your receipt of the letters sent As also the Cunninge vsed to make you surcease but ...
To his honored Sister the Lady Paston at hir lodgin at Saint Gyells in the field giue theise
My worthy Sister
I receaued your letter within 4 dayes after the date of that letter which did impart to vs your safe cominge with your sweet boyes to London the vnderstandinge of which was most welcome to vs all god blesse you with them make you long happy in them and giue good successe to your worthy care and intention: I hastened after you the letters which I procured from my cosen Dix to the Gentleman I tould you of with a letter of directions from him for your proceeding therin: But for the better issue of the buisines he hath promised to deliuer this letter him selfe and to put you into such a way that you shall not err for he will repaire to that gentleman with an other very powerfull with him and with your solicitour/ so season him that he nothing doubteth of an honorable victorie to you therin therfore cause your solicitor to bee perfectly instructed to goe through therwith. I heere your London Iourney is layed on mee to be the cause and I am very willinge to take it vpon mee for I will rather desire to faile of their good opinions then not expresse my sincerest affection to your selfe for I cannot but hope of your praeuailinge in so conscionable a cause: All our familie I praise god is in good health but my selfe haue had the runninge ouer nyne hedges all this weeke but now voluntarilie stayed Newes of the Country I cannot possesse you with any but of the Death of yonge Pettus who hath left a Rich widow no lesse worth than 8000 li his sole executor he hath giuen two shillings a weeke for euer to the Poore of the towne and fiue pounds a yeere to maintaine an excercise with many other workes of charitie I will no longer detaine you from your more serious employment but with the remembrance of my kindest respect to your Honorable selfe with the like from my wife and to my brother with all good wishes to pretty Will and my beloued god sonn I comitt you to god and euer will rest
28° 8brls i6i8
Your true faithfull brother Tho: Holland
I haue this night receaued your letter wherby I find your receipt of the letters sent As also the Cunninge vsed to make you surcease but ...
To his honored Sister the Lady Paston at hir lodgin at Saint Gyells in the field giue theise
My worthy Sister
I receaued your letter within 4 dayes after the date of that letter which did impart to vs your safe cominge with your sweet boyes to London the vnderstandinge of which was most welcome to vs all god blesse you with them make you long happy in them and giue good successe to your worthy care and intention: I hastened after you the letters which I procured from my cosen Dix to the Gentleman I tould you of with a letter of directions from him for your proceeding therin: But for the better issue of the buisines he hath promised to deliuer this letter him selfe and to put you into such a way that you shall not err for he will repaire to that gentleman with an other very powerfull with him and with your solicitour/ so season him that he nothing doubteth of an honorable victorie to you therin therfore cause your solicitor to bee perfectly instructed to goe through therwith. I heere your London Iourney is layed on mee to be the cause and I am very willinge to take it vpon mee for I will rather desire to faile of their good opinions then not expresse my sincerest affection to your selfe for I cannot but hope of your praeuailinge in so conscionable a cause: All our familie I praise god is in good health but my selfe haue had the runninge ouer nyne hedges all this weeke but now voluntarilie stayed Newes of the Country I cannot possesse you with any but of the Death of yonge Pettus who hath left a Rich widow no lesse worth than 8000 li his sole executor he hath giuen two shillings a weeke for euer to the Poore of the towne and fiue pounds a yeere to maintaine an excercise with many other workes of charitie I will no longer detaine you from your more serious employment but with the remembrance of my kindest respect to your Honorable selfe with the like from my wife and to my brother with all good wishes to pretty Will and my beloued god sonn I comitt you to god and euer will rest
28° 8brls i6i8
Your true faithfull brother Tho: Holland
I haue this night receaued your letter wherby I find your receipt of the letters sent As also the Cunninge vsed to make you surcease but ...
To his honored Sister the Lady Paston at hir lodgin at Saint Gyells in the field giue theise
My worthy Sister
I receaued your letter within 4 days after the date of that letter which did impart to vs your safe cominge with your sweet boyes to London the vnderstandinge of which was most welcome to vs all god blesse you with them make you long happy in them and giue good successe to your worthy care and intention: I hastened after you the letters which I procured from my cosen Dix to the Gentleman I tould you of with a letter of directions from him for your proceeding therin: But for the better issue of the buisines he has promised to deliuer this letter him self and to put you into such a way that you shall not err for he will repaire to that gentleman with an other very powerfull with him and with your solicitour/ so season him that he nothing doubteth of an honorable victorie to you therin therfore cause your solicitor to bee perfectly instructed to goe through therwith. I heere your London Iourney is layed on mee to be the cause and I am very willinge to take it upon mee for I will rather desire to faile of their good opinions then not expresse my sincerest affection to your self for I cannot but hope of your praeuailinge in so conscionable a cause: All our familie I praise god is in good health but my self have had the runninge ouer nyne hedges all this weeke but now voluntarilie stayed Newes of the Country I cannot possesse you with any but of the Death of yonge Pettus who has left a Rich widow no less worth than 8000 li his sole executor he has giuen two shillings a weeke for ever to the Poore of the towne and fiue pounds a yeere to maintaine an excercise with many other workes of charitie I will no longer detaine you from your more serious employment but with the remembrance of my kindest respect to your Honorable self with the like from my wife and to my brother with all good wishes to pretty Will and my beloved god sonn I comitt you to god and ever will rest
Quidenham Manor
28° 8brls i6i8
Your true faithfull brother Tho: Holland
I have this night receaued your letter wherby I find your receipt of the letters sent As also the Cunninge vsed to make you surcease but ...
Deliver this to my honoured sister the Lady Paston at her lodgings at St Giles in the field
My dear sister,
I receive your letter four days after the letter that brought the news of your safe arrival in London with your sweet boys; this was welcome news to all of us. God bless you with them and long may you be happy with them and my best wishes for you care and intention. I sent on to you as quickly as I could the letters which I had from my cousin Dix to the gentleman I told you about, together with a letter of instructions from him on what to do. For the better outcome of your business he has promised to deliver a latter himself and arrange that you can't make an error for he will go to see that gentlemen, together with another very influential colleague and with your solicitor; discus with him and he doesn't doubt that of a successful victory in your cause, with your solicitor being correctly instructed to go though with it. I hear your London journey is arranged with me to be the reason and I'm happy that it is for I'd rather with to fall short of their good opinions that not to express my sincerest affections for yourself for I can't but hope of your success in so clear a cause.
All our family is in good health, praise god; for myself I've been running about all over the place this week but now have arranged to stay here.
News of the this part of the world I am not able to tell you about except for the death of young Pettus, who has left a rich widow, worth no less that £8,000. He's instructed his executor to give two shillings a week for ever to the poor of the town and five pounds a week to provide a scheme with other charitable works.
I won't keep you any longer from more important matters but remember you with the kindest respect to your honourable self with the same greeting from my wife and my brother. With all good wishes to pretty Will and my beloved godson. I commit you to god and will always be
Your true and faithful brother,
Thomas Holland
28th October 1618
I've received your letter this evening and see that you have received the letters that were sent, as well as the cutting intended to help your success ...