To the Right Worshipfull my very louinge Sister the Lady Paston geue these.
Good Sister
I haue sent you at last the coppys of the Accounts of both feeffments ingrossed in bookes by this bearer, if he could haue doone them sooner, you should haue Receiued them before this tyme, I will also send you very shortly all the Rentalls & ffermals of all Sir William Pastons estate, that you may compare them with our Accompts & if it please you euery yeare soone after our Accompts are perfected, eyther my man Machett shall enter them into your booke, or you shall haue my booke for any that you will putt in trust to engrosse them into yours./ I haue lately Receiued the Auditt Accompts which Mr Horneby tooke for three yeares since Sir William Paston died, which you shall see before our next Accompts, after that I haue examined them with ours. Thus with my wifes & my true affection recommended to your selfe, & my good brother, wishinge you & all yours, all health & happines, I rest
Your assured louinge Brother.
Kettringham this 10th of
ffebruary. 1618./ Iohn Hevenyngham
To the Right Worshipfull my very louinge Sister the Lady Paston geue these.
Good Sister
I haue sent you at last the coppys of the Accounts of both feeffments ingrossed in bookes by this bearer, if he could haue doone them sooner, you should haue Receiued them before this tyme, I will also send you very shortly all the Rentalls & ffermals of all Sir William Pastons estate, that you may compare them with our Accompts & if it please you euery yeare soone after our Accompts are perfected, eyther my man Machett shall enter them into your booke, or you shall haue my booke for any that you will putt in trust to engrosse them into yours./ I haue lately Receiued the Auditt Accompts which Mr Horneby tooke for three yeares since Sir William Paston died, which you shall see before our next Accompts, after that I haue examined them with ours. Thus with my wifes & my true affection recommended to your selfe, & my good brother, wishinge you & all yours, all health & happines, I rest
Your assured louinge Brother.
Kettringham this 10th of
ffebruary. 1618./ Iohn Hevenyngham
To the Right Worshipfull my very louinge Sister the Lady Paston geue these.
Good Sister
I haue sent you at last the coppys of the Accounts of both feeffments ingrossed in bookes by this bearer, if he could haue doone them sooner, you should haue Receiued them before this tyme, I will also send you very shortly all the Rentalls & ffermals of all Sir William Pastons estate, that you may compare them with our Accompts & if it please you euery yeare soone after our Accompts are perfected, eyther my man Machett shall enter them into your booke, or you shall haue my booke for any that you will putt in trust to engrosse them into yours./ I haue lately Receiued the Auditt Accompts which Mr Horneby tooke for three yeares since Sir William Paston died, which you shall see before our next Accompts, after that I haue examined them with ours. Thus with my wifes & my true affection recommended to your selfe, & my good brother, wishinge you & all yours, all health & happines, I rest
Your assured louinge Brother.
Kettringham this 10th of
ffebruary. 1618./ Iohn Hevenyngham
To the Right Worshipful my very loving Sister the Lady Paston geue these.
Good Sister
I have sent you at last the coppys of the Accounts of both feeffments ingrossed in bookes by this bearer, if he could have doone them sooner, you should have Received them before this time, I will also send you very shortly all the Rentalls & ffermals of all Sir William Paston's estate, that you may compare them with our Accompts & if it please you euery yeare soone after our Accompts are perfected, eyther my man Machett shall enter them into your booke, or you shall have my booke for any that you will putt in trust to engrosse them into yours./ I have lately Received the Auditt Accompts which Mr Horneby tooke for three yeares since Sir William Paston died, which you shall see before our next Accompts, after that I have examined them with ours. Thus with my wifes & my true affection recommended to your self, & my good brother, wishinge you & all yours, all health & happines, I rest
Your assured loving Brother.
Ketteringham this 10th of
ffebruary. 1618./ Iohn Hevenyngham
Deliver these to my beloved sister the Lady Paston.
Good sister, I have sent you at last the copies of the accounts of both trusteeships entered in books by this carrier, if he could have done them sooner, you'd have received them before now. I'll send you very shortly all the rentals and agreements of all Sir William's estate, so that you can compare them with our accounts and if you're in agreement every year after our accounts are agreed, either my man Machett will enter them in your book , or you can have my book for any you will put in trust to enter them into yours. I have recently received the audit accounts which Mr Horneby had for three years since Sir William Paston died, which you will have before you at our next accounting, and I have checked them against ours. So with my wife's and my true affection given to you, and my good brother, I wish you and all yours all health and happiness. I rest
Your assured loving brother,
Ketteringham this 10th February 1618