Good Brother. I haue receyved by your man mr matchett your kinde letter. together with your Coppis of the Accownts: I know not in what tearms to expres my thankefullnes for the kindnes you shew to me and mine. I know of your owne self. you ar free enough from wronginge any on:/ and I did: and ever will acknowledge it:/:/:/ and if I did ever desire to see these Accownts, it was not to question any thinge that was in them: for you shall well finde that was not my intent: but only to haue eased my self of findinge out sir William pastons estate, which of nessesity I was to make knowne at the comission :/ which with much adoo we fownde out the most parte :/ but mr Iarmis frowardnes Iathe Cawsed much truble to vs all: wheras if he wold haue consented to the Iust desier of vs, all. he shold haue shewed himself a fare more worthy plan: and haue deserved the nam of a frinde to the howse of sir William paston: and haue easeed me of many a carffull thought - and it is well parsayved how he seeks to gayne time ells he wold not haue called for an other comission considringe he might haue finished all at this last cormission :/ or whether he giue it out that he will haue on: intendinge nothinge less therby to go beyonde vs if we sitt secure:/ he haue shewed so many rare devises sine this bisnes begane that I can proue he hath an extrordinary invention:
Good Brother. I haue receyved by your man mr matchett your kinde letter. together with your Coppis of the Accownts: I know not in what tearms to expres my thankefullnes for the kindnes you shew to me and mine. I know of your owne self. you ar free enough from wronginge any on:/ and I did: and ever will acknowledge it:/:/:/ and if I did ever desire to see these Accownts, it was not to question any thinge that was in them: for you shall well finde that was not my intent: but only to haue eased my self of findinge out sir William pastons estate, which of nessesity I was to make knowne at the comission :/ which with much adoo we fownde out the most parte :/ but mr Iarmis frowardnes Iathe Cawsed much truble to vs all: wheras if he wold haue consented to the Iust desier of vs, all. he shold haue shewed himself a fare more worthy plan: and haue deserved the nam of a frinde to the howse of sir William paston: and haue easeed me of many a carffull thought - and it is well parsayved how he seeks to gayne time ells he wold not haue called for an other comission considringe he might haue finished all at this last cormission :/ or whether he giue it out that he will haue on: intendinge nothinge less therby to go beyonde vs if we sitt secure:/ he haue shewed so many rare devises sine this bisnes begane that I can proue he hath an extrordinary invention:
Good Brother. I haue receyved by your man mr matchett your kinde letter. together with your Coppis of the Accownts: I know not in what tearms to expres my thankefullnes for the kindnes you shew to me and mine. I know of your owne self. you ar free enough from wronginge any on:/ and I did: and ever will acknowledge it:/:/:/ and if I did ever desire to see these Accownts, it was not to question any thinge that was in them: for you shall well finde that was not my intent: but only to haue eased my self of findinge out sir William pastons estate, which of nessesity I was to make knowne at the comission :/ which with much adoo we fownde out the most parte :/ but mr Iarmis frowardnes Iathe Cawsed much truble to vs all: wheras if he wold haue consented to the Iust desier of vs, all. he shold haue shewed himself a fare more worthy plan: and haue deserved the nam of a frinde to the howse of sir William paston: and haue easeed me of many a carffull thought - and it is well parsayved how he seeks to gayne time ells he wold not haue called for an other comission considringe he might haue finished all at this last cormission :/ or whether he giue it out that he will haue on: intendinge nothinge less therby to go beyonde vs if we sitt secure:/ he haue shewed so many rare devises sine this bisnes begane that I can proue he hath an extrordinary invention:
Good Brother. I have received by your man mr matchett your kind letter. together with your Coppis of the Accownts: I know not in what tearms to expres my thankefullnes for the kindnes you shew to me and mine. I know of your owne self. you ar free enough from wronginge any on:/ and I did: and ever will acknowledge it:/:/:/ and if I did ever desire to see these Accownts, it was not to question any thing that was in them: for you shall well finde that was not my intent: but only to have eased my self of findinge out sir William Paston's estate, which of nessesity I was to make knowne at the comission :/ which with much adoo we fownde out the most parte :/ but mr Iarmis frowardnes Iathe Cawsed much truble to vs all: wheras if he would have consented to the Iust desier of vs, all. he shold have shewed himself a fare more worthy plan: and have deserved the nam of a frinde to the howse of sir William paston: and have easeed me of many a carffull thought - and it is well parsayved how he seeks to gayne time ells he would not have called for an other comission considringe he might have finished all at this last cormission :/ or whether he giue it out that he will have on: intendinge nothing less therby to go beyonde vs if we sitt secure:/ he have shewed so many rare devises sine this bisnes begane that I can proue he has an extrordinary invention:
Good brother,
I have received by your man Mr Matchett your kind letter, together with your copies of the accounts; I don't know how to thank you for the kindness you show to me and my family. I know in yourself you would never wrong anyone and I have and will continue to say so. If I ever did desire to see these accounts, it was not to question anything in them ; you will truly find that was not my intent, but just to have ease of mind about Sir William's Paston's estate, which of necessity I had to let the commission know about. With much effort we found out the greater part but Mr Iarmis pusshiness has caused much trouble to us all, whereas if he had agreed to the just wishes of us all, he would have shown himself a far more worthy plan, and have deserved the name of friend to the house of Sir William Paston He would have relieved me of many a careful thought - it's well known how he seeks to gain time or he wouldn't have called for another commission and would have accepted a conclusion with the last commission.
If he starts to say that he will carry on, intending nothing less by doing this to go beyond us if we stay secure, he has shewn so many rare schemes since this business began that I can prove that he has extraordinary inventiveness.