To my honorable good Lady the Lady Paston of Paston these be delivered at London
My euer honored Lady I doe acknowledge my self to be more then bould in daringe to write vnto your worthy self yet I hope that the confession of my fault (with the occasion thereof) by your favourable construction maye obtaine pardon at your handes. ffor Sir lohn havinge written his lettres vnto Mr Binge very effectually concerninge your Ladyships desire (which was as a comaund vnto me) I went to Norwich with a resolucion to have left the same lettres at Mr Brownes to have been conveyed by your owne direccions vnto Mr Binge but I goinge vnto Mr Iermy to acqauint him with Sir Iohn his purpose and intencion that Mr Iermy (if he did stand so affected) might pleade only for himself in opposicion of the decree in that pointe for the purchasinge of landes & it enkindled an exceedinge rage & heate in Mr Iermy who said that he carid not for your suite he had dealt soe iustly & honestly in the trust reposed in him but Sir lohn his dealinge vnderhand by ill instrumentes & his vnkindnes now in disioyninge himself at the daye of hearinge of purpose to extenuate his worth & reputacion & to oppose him doth not a litle vexe his spirittes.
But he sayde Sir lohn was likely to receive a blowe for it was Mr Paston his ayme & end that the decree should enioyne the ffeoffees to purchase landes which should be entaylid vpon his sonnes & some other speeches of like nature which occasioned me to staye the deliuery of the saide lettres to Mr Browne with a self perswation to have procured Sir Iohn to have beene at the daye of hearinge in person which I conceited was much desired by your self but my expectacion proved wyndy for I found Sir Iohn cold in intertaininge such a motion as beinge secured in that pointe by your self & Mr Paston Therefore I have sent the saide lettres vnto Mr Binge by Mr Pickerell his sonne of Intwood and have given Mr Allen direccion from Sir Iohn to write to his Solicitor to retaine Mr Binge on Sir Iohn his parte If your Ladyship thinke it fittinge yow maye send vnto Mr Binge therby to vnderstand whether he hath receivid the saide lettres from Sir Iohn or not least yow meete with a lawyers trick If Mr Binge should not be present at the hearinge Mr Iermy maye be demaunded whether I or some other did not acquaint him from Sir Iohn that he was willinge & desirous that the decree might enioyne the ffeoffees to secure the monyes in their handes by purchasing landes & that Sir Iohn had bought as much land as cost him neare mmdccc li which he intended to secure for parte of the monyes in his handes and also would very shortly purchase more landes for the securinge of the residue of the ffeoffent moneys which is in his handes Good Madame I beseach yow passe by my bouldnes herein & lett these my illitterate & tedious lynes be only knowne to your Ladyship for Sir Iohn hath noe notion of them. If your Ladyship hath a desire to make me happy make vse of the power yow have ouer me in comaunding any office or servyce wherein I have abilitie to make performance Thus with my dutifull rememberance to your Lady ship still prayienge that your felicities may never cease I remaine as euer becometh me
Norwich xvi0 Aprilis 1619
Your Ladyships in all dutie & servyce to commaund
S. Machett
To my honorable good Lady the Lady Paston of Paston these be delivered at London
My euer honored Lady I doe acknowledge my self to be more then bould in daringe to write vnto your worthy self yet I hope that the confession of my fault (with the occasion thereof) by your favourable construction maye obtaine pardon at your handes. ffor Sir lohn havinge written his lettres vnto Mr Binge very effectually concerninge your Ladyships desire (which was as a comaund vnto me) I went to Norwich with a resolucion to have left the same lettres at Mr Brownes to have been conveyed by your owne direccions vnto Mr Binge but I goinge vnto Mr Iermy to acqauint him with Sir Iohn his purpose and intencion that Mr Iermy (if he did stand so affected) might pleade only for himself in opposicion of the decree in that pointe for the purchasinge of landes & it enkindled an exceedinge rage & heate in Mr Iermy who said that he carid not for your suite he had dealt soe iustly & honestly in the trust reposed in him but Sir lohn his dealinge vnderhand by ill instrumentes & his vnkindnes now in disioyninge himself at the daye of hearinge of purpose to extenuate his worth & reputacion & to oppose him doth not a litle vexe his spirittes.
But he sayde Sir lohn was likely to receive a blowe for it was Mr Paston his ayme & end that the decree should enioyne the ffeoffees to purchase landes which should be entaylid vpon his sonnes & some other speeches of like nature which occasioned me to staye the deliuery of the saide lettres to Mr Browne with a self perswation to have procured Sir Iohn to have beene at the daye of hearinge in person which I conceited was much desired by your self but my expectacion proved wyndy for I found Sir Iohn cold in intertaininge such a motion as beinge secured in that pointe by your self & Mr Paston Therefore I have sent the saide lettres vnto Mr Binge by Mr Pickerell his sonne of Intwood and have given Mr Allen direccion from Sir Iohn to write to his Solicitor to retaine Mr Binge on Sir Iohn his parte If your Ladyship thinke it fittinge yow maye send vnto Mr Binge therby to vnderstand whether he hath receivid the saide lettres from Sir Iohn or not least yow meete with a lawyers trick If Mr Binge should not be present at the hearinge Mr Iermy maye be demaunded whether I or some other did not acquaint him from Sir Iohn that he was willinge & desirous that the decree might enioyne the ffeoffees to secure the monyes in their handes by purchasing landes & that Sir Iohn had bought as much land as cost him neare mmdccc li which he intended to secure for parte of the monyes in his handes and also would very shortly purchase more landes for the securinge of the residue of the ffeoffent moneys which is in his handes Good Madame I beseach yow passe by my bouldnes herein & lett these my illitterate & tedious lynes be only knowne to your Ladyship for Sir Iohn hath noe notion of them. If your Ladyship hath a desire to make me happy make vse of the power yow have ouer me in comaunding any office or servyce wherein I have abilitie to make performance Thus with my dutifull rememberance to your Lady ship still prayienge that your felicities may never cease I remaine as euer becometh me
Norwich xvi0 Aprilis 1619
Your Ladyships in all dutie & servyce to commaund
S. Machett
To my honorable good Lady the Lady Paston of Paston these be delivered at London
My euer honored Lady I doe acknowledge my self to be more then bould in daringe to write vnto your worthy self yet I hope that the confession of my fault (with the occasion thereof) by your favourable construction maye obtaine pardon at your handes. ffor Sir lohn havinge written his lettres vnto Mr Binge very effectually concerninge your Ladyships desire (which was as a comaund vnto me) I went to Norwich with a resolucion to have left the same lettres at Mr Brownes to have been conveyed by your owne direccions vnto Mr Binge but I goinge vnto Mr Iermy to acqauint him with Sir Iohn his purpose and intencion that Mr Iermy (if he did stand so affected) might pleade only for himself in opposicion of the decree in that pointe for the purchasinge of landes & it enkindled an exceedinge rage & heate in Mr Iermy who said that he carid not for your suite he had dealt soe iustly & honestly in the trust reposed in him but Sir lohn his dealinge vnderhand by ill instrumentes & his vnkindnes now in disioyninge himself at the daye of hearinge of purpose to extenuate his worth & reputacion & to oppose him doth not a litle vexe his spirittes.
But he sayde Sir lohn was likely to receive a blowe for it was Mr Paston his ayme & end that the decree should enioyne the ffeoffees to purchase landes which should be entaylid vpon his sonnes & some other speeches of like nature which occasioned me to staye the deliuery of the saide lettres to Mr Browne with a self perswation to have procured Sir Iohn to have beene at the daye of hearinge in person which I conceited was much desired by your self but my expectacion proved wyndy for I found Sir Iohn cold in intertaininge such a motion as beinge secured in that pointe by your self & Mr Paston Therefore I have sent the saide lettres vnto Mr Binge by Mr Pickerell his sonne of Intwood and have given Mr Allen direccion from Sir Iohn to write to his Solicitor to retaine Mr Binge on Sir Iohn his parte If your Ladyship thinke it fittinge yow maye send vnto Mr Binge therby to vnderstand whether he hath receivid the saide lettres from Sir Iohn or not least yow meete with a lawyers trick If Mr Binge should not be present at the hearinge Mr Iermy maye be demaunded whether I or some other did not acquaint him from Sir Iohn that he was willinge & desirous that the decree might enioyne the ffeoffees to secure the monyes in their handes by purchasing landes & that Sir Iohn had bought as much land as cost him neare mmdccc li which he intended to secure for parte of the monyes in his handes and also would very shortly purchase more landes for the securinge of the residue of the ffeoffent moneys which is in his handes Good Madame I beseach yow passe by my bouldnes herein & lett these my illitterate & tedious lynes be only knowne to your Ladyship for Sir Iohn hath noe notion of them. If your Ladyship hath a desire to make me happy make vse of the power yow have ouer me in comaunding any office or servyce wherein I have abilitie to make performance Thus with my dutifull rememberance to your Lady ship still prayienge that your felicities may never cease I remaine as euer becometh me
Norwich xvi0 Aprilis 1619
Your Ladyships in all dutie & servyce to commaund
S. Machett
To my honorable good Lady the Lady Paston of Paston these be delivered at London
My ever honored Lady I do acknowledge my self to be more then bould in daringe to write vnto your worthy self yet I hope that the confession of my fault (with the occasion thereof) by your favourable construction maye obtaine pardon at your handes. ffor Sir lohn havinge written his letters vnto Mr Binge very effectually concerninge your Ladyships desire (which was as a commend vnto me) I went to Norwich with a resolucion to have left the same letters at Mr Brownes to have been conveyed by your owne direccions vnto Mr Binge but I goinge vnto Mr Iermy to acqauint him with Sir Iohn his purpose and intencion that Mr Iermy (if he did stand so affected) might pleade only for himself in opposicion of the decree in that pointe for the purchasinge of landes & it enkindled an exceedinge rage & heate in Mr Iermy who said that he carid not for your suite he had dealt soe iustly & honestly in the trust reposed in him but Sir lohn his dealinge vnderhand by ill instrumentes & his vnkindnes now in disioyninge himself at the day of hearinge of purpose to extenuate his worth & reputacion & to oppose him doth not a litle vexe his spirittes.
But he sayde Sir lohn was likely to receive a blowe for it was Mr Paston his ayme & end that the decree should enioyne the ffeoffees to purchase landes which should be entaylid upon his sonnes & some other speeches of like nature which occasioned me to staye the deliuery of the saide letters to Mr Browne with a self perswation to have procured Sir Iohn to have beene at the day of hearinge in person which I conceited was much desired by your self but my expectacion proved wyndy for I found Sir Iohn cold in intertaininge such a motion as beinge secured in that pointe by your self & Mr Paston Therefore I have sent the saide letters vnto Mr Binge by Mr Pickerell his son of Intwood and have given Mr Allen direccion from Sir Iohn to write to his Solicitor to retaine Mr Binge on Sir Iohn his parte If your Ladyship think it fittinge you maye send vnto Mr Binge therby to vnderstand whether he has receivid the saide letters from Sir Iohn or not least you meete with a lawyers trick If Mr Binge should not be present at the hearinge Mr Iermy maye be demaunded whether I or some other did not acquaint him from Sir Iohn that he was willinge & desirous that the decree might enioyne the ffeoffees to secure the monyes in their handes by purchasing landes & that Sir Iohn had bought as much land as cost him neare mmdccc li which he intended to secure for parte of the monyes in his handes and also would very shortly purchase more landes for the securinge of the residue of the ffeoffent moneys which is in his handes Good Madame I beseach you passe by my bouldnes herein & let these my illitterate & tedious lynes be only knowne to your Ladyship for Sir Iohn has noe notion of them. If your Ladyship has a desire to make me happy make vse of the power you have ouer me in comaunding any office or servyce wherein I have abilitie to make performance Thus with my dutifull rememberance to your Lady ship still prayienge that your felicities may never cease I remaine as ever becometh me
Norwich xvi0 Aprilis 1619
Your Ladyships in all dutie & servyce to commaund
S. Machett
Deliver to my honourable good lady, the Lady Paston, in London,
My ever honourable lady, I am more than bold in writing to you but I hope that in confessing this fault (whilst doing it) by your favourable agreement may be excused. For Sir John, having written his very effective letters of your Ladyship's wishes,to Mr Binge, (as such a command to me) I went to Norwich with the intent to leave the same letters at Mr Browne's, to have been taken as you instructed Mr Binge but on going to Mr Jermy to acquaint him with Sir John's purpose and intent that Mr Jermy (if he was agreed) might speak only for himself in opposition of the decree in that point for the purchasing of lands. This caused great rage and anger in Mr Jermy, who said that he didn't care for your legal case. He said he had dealt justly and honestly in the trust put in him but Sir John's dealings were underhand by ill means and his unkindness in not attending in person on the day of the hearing of order to extend his worth and reputation did greatly vex his spirit.
He said Sir John was likely to receive a set-back for Mr Paston's aim and intent was that the decree should encourage the trustees to purchase lands which should be entailed upon his sons and some other similar things he has said which caused me to stop the delivery f such letters to Mr Brown, persuading myself to ensure Sir John to have been present at the hearing in person which I understood was greatly wished by yourself but my expectation proved to have been blown away for I found Sir John set against such an idea as being agreed on that point by you and Mr Paston. Thus I have sent the letters to Mr Binge by Mr Pickerill's son of Intwood and have given Mr Allan instructions from Sir John to write to his solicitor to retain Mr Binge on behalf of Sir John. If your Ladyship agrees you may send to Mr Binge to understand whether he has received the said letters from Sir John or at least whether you have been taken in by a lawyer's trick. If Mr Binge isn't present at the hearing Mr Jermy may be required to say whether I or some other did not inform him from Sir John whether he was willing that and wished that the decree might request the trustees to secure the money in their hands by purchasing lands and that Sir John has bought as much land as cost him £2,800 in which he intended to secure for the main part on the money under his control and would soon purchase more lands for the securing of the rest of the trustees money which is in his hands. Good Madam, I beseech you to excuse my boldness in this letter and let these illiterate and tedious lines be kept secret to your Ladyship for Sir John knows nothing about them.If your Ladyship wishes to make me happy, use the power you have over me to command any post or service which I am able to do. Thus with my dutiful remembrance to your Ladyship , still praying that your best wishes may never cease as becomes me,
Norwich 16th April 1619.
I am at your Ladyship's command.
S. Machett