John Gyne to John Paston, circa AD 1435-6

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To the worthy and worshipful sir and my good maister, John Paston of Trynyte hall in Cambrigge.

Right worthy and worshipfull sir, and my good maister, I comaund me to yow. Like it yow to witte that on the Soneday next after the Ascencion of oure Lord, in the high weye betwex Cambrigge and the Bekyntre toward Newmarket, I fonde a purs with money ther inne. Th'entent of this my symple lettre is this, that it please to your good Maistership by weye of charite, and of your gentilnesse, to witte if ony of youre knowleche or ony other, swich as yaw semeth best in your discrecion, have lost swich a purs, and, the toknes ther of told, he shal have it ageyn, what that. ever he be, by the grace of oure Lord, Who ever have yow in his blissed kepyng. Wretyn at Sneylewell the Moneday next after the seid Soneday. By youre pover servaunt,

John Gyn.

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