To the right honorable Francis Lord Verulam Lord Chauncellor of England
The humble peticion of the Ladie Paston.
Showeth that your Lordship out of your noble disposicion havinge given a just and honorable hearinge to the cause betwixte your petic husband Sir Edmond Paston plaintiff and Sir Iohn Heveningham et al defendante, and reserved the nomination of 3 or 4 newe ffeoffees to be added; and howe the Landes purchased shalbe estated in the neerest manner accordinge to the Conveyances, which your Lordship with the Master of the Rolles would see – and then sett downe as by the order annexed appeareth./
The plantiffe is exceedinge sickly in the Countrye which with much perplexitie requireth your petic hast for his better comforte.
She therefore most humblie praieth that your Lordship wilbe pleased to continewe your honorable regard of the said house, and of your petic greate extremity and appoint some short tyme for the doeinge therof. And shee with the whole house shall ever acknowledge themselves bound to your honorable Lordship Verulam Chauncellor.
I will call the Master of the Rowles vnto mee on saturday next in the afternoon, and will then pase the Conveyance and giue dispatch to this Cause according to my order vpon the hearing in open Court/
Fr. Ver. Cano
To the right honorable Francis Lord Verulam Lord Chauncellor of England
The humble peticion of the Ladie Paston.
Showeth that your Lordship out of your noble disposicion havinge given a just and honorable hearinge to the cause betwixte your petic husband Sir Edmond Paston plaintiff and Sir Iohn Heveningham et al defendante, and reserved the nomination of 3 or 4 newe ffeoffees to be added; and howe the Landes purchased shalbe estated in the neerest manner accordinge to the Conveyances, which your Lordship with the Master of the Rolles would see – and then sett downe as by the order annexed appeareth./
The plantiffe is exceedinge sickly in the Countrye which with much perplexitie requireth your petic hast for his better comforte.
She therefore most humblie praieth that your Lordship wilbe pleased to continewe your honorable regard of the said house, and of your petic greate extremity and appoint some short tyme for the doeinge therof. And shee with the whole house shall ever acknowledge themselves bound to your honorable Lordship Verulam Chauncellor.
I will call the
Master of the Rowles vnto mee on saturday next in the afternoon, and will then pase the Conveyance and giue dispatch to this Cause according to my order vpon the hearing in open Court/
Fr. Ver. Cano
To the right honorable Francis Lord Verulam Lord Chauncellor of England
The humble peticion of the Ladie Paston.
Showeth that your Lordship out of your noble disposicion havinge given a just and honorable hearinge to the cause betwixte your petic husband Sir Edmond Paston plaintiff and Sir Iohn Heveningham et al defendante, and reserved the nomination of 3 or 4 newe ffeoffees to be added; and howe the Landes purchased shalbe estated in the neerest manner accordinge to the Conveyances, which your Lordship with the Master of the Rolles would see – and then sett downe as by the order annexed appeareth./
The plantiffe is exceedinge sickly in the Countrye which with much perplexitie requireth your petic hast for his better comforte.
She therefore most humblie praieth that your Lordship wilbe pleased to continewe your honorable regard of the said house, and of your petic greate extremity and appoint some short tyme for the doeinge therof. And shee with the whole house shall ever acknowledge themselves bound to your honorable Lordship Verulam Chauncellor.
I will call the Master of the Rowles vnto mee on saturday next in the afternoon, and will then pase the Conveyance and giue dispatch to this Cause according to my order
vpon the hearing in open Court/
Fr. Ver. Cano
To the right honorable Francis Lord Verulam Lord Chauncellor of England
The humble peticion of the Ladie Paston.
Showeth that your Lordship out of your noble disposition havinge given a just and honorable hearinge to the cause betwixte your petic husband Sir Edmond Paston plaintiff and Sir Iohn Heveningham et al defendante, and reserved the nomination of 3 or 4 newe ffeoffees to be added; and howe the Landes purchased shalbe estated in the neerest manner accordinge to the Conveyances, which your Lordship with the Master of the Rolles would see – and then sett downe as by the order annexed appeareth./
The plantiffe is exceedinge sickly in the Countrye which with much perplexitie requireth your petic haste for his better comforte.
She therefore most humblie praieth that your Lordship wilbe pleased to continewe your honorable regard of the said house, and of your petic greate extremity and appoint some short time for the doeinge thereof. And shee with the whole house shall ever acknowledge themselves bound to your honorable Lordship Verulam Chauncellor.
I will call the Master of the Rowles vnto mee on saturday next in the afternoon, and will then pase the Conveyance and giue dispatch to this Cause according to my order upon the hearing in open Court/
Fr. Ver. Cano
To the right honourable Francis, Lord Verulam, Lord Chancellor of England.
The humble petition of Lady Paston.
Your Lordship has given, because of your noble disposition, a just and honourable hearing to the dispute between my husband Sir Edmund Paston, plaintiff, and Sire John Heveningham and other defendants and reserved the nomination of three or four new trustees to be added. You have indicated how the land bought should be set up as estates as best possible to the conveyances, which your Lordship, together with the Master of the Rolls, and then set down according to the order as it appears.
The plaintiff is extremely unwell in the country and your petitioner wishes that you should provide him with comfort.
She therefore most humbly petitions that your Lordship will be pleased to continue your honourable support of the said family, and because of your petitioner's great concern you will give some time to the required actions. She, with the whole family, will for ever acknowledge their debt to your honourable Lordship, Verulam, Chancellor.
I will invite the Master of the Rolls to me on next Saturday afternoon, and will then pass the conveyance and give rapid attention to this case according to my order after the hearing in open court.
Fr. Ver. Cano