To the Right Worshipfull my very louinge sister the Lady Paston geue these
Good Sister
although I needed not to haue written to you at this present about this busines because that which I would effect therin, is first for the good of yours, my selfe neuer intendinge opposition to you therin, yett because my Lord Chauncelour ordered the last tearme, that I should send my brother Paston, the reasons why I desire to haue the land newly purchased to be estated for want of issue of my brother Paston, vpon my wife & her children. I haue therfore sent you a coppy of the said reasons here inclosed, & haue appointed my Sollicitor to procure the eight day of ffebruary next if he can, for my Lord Chauncellour to heare thes reasons alledged by my cownsell I wish the happy continuaunce of my brothers posteryty as longe as the worlde endureth, & my heart is free from the desire or hope that euer my children shall come to that land, yett seinge it is ther right both by the lawe of God and man, the world would much condemne me, if I should be negligent in doinge my best endeauouers to haue it setled vpon them. Thus with my wifes & my kind affection remembred to your selfe & my good brother, wishinge all happines to you both, & to your sweet children, I rest
Your assured louinge brother Iohn Hevenyngham
Kettringham this 18th of Ianuary. i619.
To the Right Worshipfull my very louinge sister the Lady Paston geue these
Good Sister
although I needed not to haue written to you at this present about this busines because that which I would effect therin, is first for the good of yours, my selfe neuer intendinge opposition to you therin, yett because my Lord Chauncelour ordered the last tearme, that I should send my brother Paston, the reasons why I desire to haue the land newly purchased to be estated for want of issue of my brother Paston, vpon my wife & her children. I haue therfore sent you a coppy of the said reasons here inclosed, & haue appointed my Sollicitor to procure the eight day of ffebruary next if he can, for my Lord Chauncellour to heare thes reasons alledged by my cownsell I wish the happy continuaunce of my brothers posteryty as longe as the worlde endureth, & my heart is free from the desire or hope that euer my children shall come to that land, yett seinge it is ther right both by the lawe of God and man, the world would much condemne me, if I should be negligent in doinge my best endeauouers to haue it setled vpon them. Thus with my wifes & my kind affection remembred to your selfe & my good brother, wishinge all happines to you both, & to your sweet children, I rest
Your assured louinge brother Iohn Hevenyngham
Kettringham this 18th of Ianuary. i619.
To the Right Worshipfull my very louinge sister the Lady Paston geue these
Good Sister
although I needed not to haue written to you at this present about this busines because that which I would effect therin, is first for the good of yours, my selfe neuer intendinge opposition to you therin, yett because my Lord Chauncelour ordered the last tearme, that I should send my brother Paston, the reasons why I desire to haue the land newly purchased to be estated for want of issue of my brother Paston, vpon my wife & her children. I haue therfore sent you a coppy of the said reasons here inclosed, & haue appointed my Sollicitor to procure the eight day of ffebruary next if he can, for my Lord Chauncellour to heare thes reasons alledged by my cownsell I wish the happy continuaunce of my brothers posteryty as longe as the worlde endureth, & my heart is free from the desire or hope that euer my children shall come to that land, yett seinge it is ther right both by the lawe of God and man, the world would much condemne me, if I should be negligent in doinge my best endeauouers to haue it setled vpon them. Thus with my wifes & my kind affection remembred to your selfe & my good brother, wishinge all happines to you both, & to your sweet children, I rest
Your assured louinge brother Iohn Hevenyngham
Kettringham this 18th of Ianuary. i619.
To the Right Worshipful my very loving sister the Lady Paston geue these
Good Sister
although I needed not to have written to you at this present about this busines because that which I would effect therin, is first for the good of yours, my self neuer intendinge opposition to you therin, yett because my Lord Chauncelour ordered the last tearme, that I should send my brother Paston, the reasons why I desire to have the land newly purchased to be estated for want of issue of my brother Paston, upon my wife & her children. I have therfore sent you a coppy of the said reasons [here/her] inclosed, & have appointed my Sollicitor to procure the eight day of ffebruary next if he can, for my Lord Chauncellour to heare thes reasons alledged by my cownsell I wish the happy continuaunce of my brothers posteryty as long as the worlde endureth, & my heart is free from the desire or hope that ever my children shall come to that land, yett seinge it is there right both by the law of God and man, the world would much condemne me, if I should be negligent in doinge my best endeauouers to have it setled upon them. Thus with my wifes & my kind affection remembered to your self & my good brother, wishinge all happines to you both, & to your sweet children, I rest
Your assured loving brother Iohn Hevenyngham
Kettringham this 18th of Ianuary. i619.
Deliver to the right worshipful, my very loving sister the Lady Paston.
Good sister,
Although I needn't have written to you for the moment regarding this business that I'm endeavoruing to see through, it is for your benefit, as I myself never intended to oppose you about it, yet because the Lord Chancellor instructed in the last legal term that I should send my brother Paston the reasons why I wish to have the land recently purchased to be in the possession of the children of my brother Paston, to my wife and her children. I hae therefore sent you a copy of the reasons given and have appointed my solicitor to to arrange eight days of next February, if he can, for the Lord Chancellor to hear these reasons given by my counsel. I wish the happy continuance of my brother's offspring as long as the world lasts, and my heart is free from the wish or hope that ever my children should come to own the land, yet seeing it is their right both by law of God and man, the world would condemn me, if I should be negligent in making my best endeavours to have it settled on them. Thus with my wife's and my kind affection to your self and my good borher, wishing all happiness to you both, and to your sweet children, I remain,
Your assured loving brother,
John Heveningham
Kettringhams this 18th of January, 1619