To my rith wurshepfull hosbond, Jon Paston.
Rith worchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying you to wete that ther is a gret noyse in þis town, þat my Lord of Oxforth and Yelverton and ye ben endytid in Kent for mayntenyng of þe oyerdetermyner; and Jon Dame is endytyd þere also of treson, be-cawse þat he dede Heydon endytyn of treson for takyng down of þe quarter of the man. And the pepyll þat ben ayens Ser Thomas Todenham and Heydon ben sore aferd be-cawse of þis noyse, and of oþer langage that is had boþe in þis town and in þe contre, þat þese seyd Todenham and Heydon shuld ben as well at ese, and have as grett rewill as ever they hadde.
Jamys Gloys tellith me that he hath sent yow word of Heydonys hors and of other thyngs, mor of whiche I was purposid to asent yow word of. The Holy Trinyté have yow in kepyng. Wretyn at Norwiche, the Weddenysday next after Seynt Mathy.
M. P.
To my rith wurshepfull hosbond, Jon Paston.
Rith worchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying you to wete that ther is a gret noyse in þis town, þat my Lord of Oxforth and Yelverton and ye ben endytid in Kent for mayntenyng of þe oyerdetermyner; and Jon Dame is endytyd þere also of treson, be-cawse þat he dede Heydon endytyn of treson for takyng down of þe quarter of the man. And the pepyll þat ben ayens Ser Thomas Todenham and Heydon ben sore aferd be-cawse of þis noyse, and of oþer langage that is had boþe in þis town and in þe contre, þat þese seyd Todenham and Heydon shuld ben as well at ese, and have as grett rewill as ever they hadde.
Jamys Gloys tellith me that he hath sent yow word of Heydonys hors and of other thyngs, mor of whiche I was purposid to asent yow word of. The Holy Trinyté have yow in kepyng. Wretyn at Norwiche, the Weddenysday next after Seynt Mathy.
M. P.
To my rith wurshepfull hosbond, Jon Paston.
Rith worchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying you to wete that ther is a gret noyse in þis town, þat my Lord of Oxforth and Yelverton and ye ben endytid in Kent for mayntenyng of þe oyerdetermyner; and Jon Dame is endytyd þere also of treson, be-cawse þat he dede Heydon endytyn of treson for takyng down of þe quarter of the man. And the pepyll þat ben ayens Ser Thomas Todenham and Heydon ben sore aferd be-cawse of þis noyse, and of oþer langage that is had boþe in þis town and in þe contre, þat þese seyd Todenham and Heydon shuld ben as well at ese, and have as grett rewill as ever they hadde.
Jamys Gloys tellith me that he hath sent yow word of Heydonys hors and of other thyngs, mor of whiche I was purposid to asent yow word of. The Holy Trinyté have yow in kepyng. Wretyn at Norwiche, the Weddenysday next after Seynt Mathy.
M. P.
To my rith wurshepfull husband, Jon Paston.
Rith worchipfull husband, I recommend me to you, praying you to wait that there is a great noyse in þis town, þat my Lord of Oxford and Yelverton and you [be/been] indicted in Kent for mayntenyng of þe oyerdetermyner; and Jon Dame is indicted þere also of treson, be-cawse þat he did Heydon indicted of treson for takyng down of þe quarter of the man. And the pepyll þat [be/been] against Sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon [be/been] [badly/sorely] frightened be-cawse of þis noyse, and of oþer language that is had boþe in þis town and in þe contre, þat þease said Todenham and Heydon should [be/been] as well at ease, and have as grett rewill as ever they had.
Jamys Gloys tellith me that he has sent you word of Heydon's hors and of other thyngs, more of whiche I was purposid to asent you word of. The Holy Trinyté have you in keeping. Written at Norwich, the Weddenysday next after Saint Mathy.
M. P.
To my respected husband, John Paston,
Dearest husband, sincerely, i want to let you know that there is great gossip in this town that the Lord of Oxford and Yelverton and you have been indicted in Kent for keeping of oyer and terminer, and here John Damme is accused of treason because he accused Heydon for taking down the quarter of the man. The people who have stood up against Sir Thomas Tuddenham and Heydon have been greatly scared because of this gossip and other things that have been said in this town and the surrounding country that Tuddenham and Heydon should be as free and have as much power as they ever had. James Gloys tells me that he has sent you information about Heydon's horse and other things and even more things, which I'd been going to tell you about.
The Holy Trinity look after you. Written at Norwich the Wednesday after St Matthew's day.
Yours, M.P.