To myn ryth worshipfull hosbond Jon Paston.
Rith wurchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, desiring hertily to her of yowr welfar; preying you to wete that Herry Halmannys wif sent to me word on Saterday last past that Prentys thretyth her hosbond sor, and John Robyns, for suche thynges as Prentys seyth þat they haue donn ayens hym; he seyth he shall make hem so besy or he leve hem that he shall make hem not wurth a peny, and they ben aferd þat he woll hold hem connawnt if he have powyr ther-to.
It is seyd her þat the kyng shuld com in to this contré, and sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon arn well cheryeshid with hym. And also it is seyd they shall have as grett rewill in þis contre as evyr they hadde, and many more folkes arn sory þerfore than mery. Ser Thomas Todenhamys men and Heydonys sowyn this sedde all abowte þe contre, þat here maysteris shull cum hom in hast in here prosperite and be als well att ese as ever they wer.
As for that ye dessyryd þat I shuld enquyr wher any stuff is of yowris, I wot not how to don þer-with, for if ever wer aspyid þat hath of yowr stuff, and we had it from hym, oþer þat have more þer-of wold ben ware be hym, and avoyd seche stuff as they have of yowris. I suppose John Osbern shall tell yow whan ye com hom agode meen to wete wher meche þerof is becom.
Jamys Gloys is ayen to Gressam and I suppose John Damme shall tell yow what he hath donn ther. Yowr tenawntis wold fayn þat summe mene of yowris shuld abyde amongis hem, for they ben in gred diswyr what they may do; the langage is so grett on the toþer party that it maketh þe tenawntis sor afferd that ye shuld not regoyse itt. I send to yow a letter be Colynys of Frawnceys Costard what dedis he woll don. It was told me also that the Lord Molyns was lyke to have aday ayens yow att Thetford at the next assyse. On þat loueth yow rythwell told me how it was told hym so, and warnyd me therof in secrete wyse. Itt is gode to ben war of ther falsed. I pray yow þat ye woll send me word in hast, if ye woll have red to your levery as ye wer avysid, and if ye woll not, &c. And also I pray yow þat ye woll do bey ij. gode hattis for your sonys for I can none getyn in this town. Mor tydynges can I not send yow yett. The Holy Trinyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn att Norwiche on þe fyrst Monday of Lent.
M. P.
To myn ryth worshipfull hosbond Jon Paston.
Rith wurchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, desiring hertily to her of yowr welfar; preying you to wete that Herry Halmannys wif sent to me word on Saterday last past that Prentys thretyth her hosbond sor, and John Robyns, for suche thynges as Prentys seyth þat they haue donn ayens hym; he seyth he shall make hem so besy or he leve hem that he shall make hem not wurth a peny, and they ben aferd þat he woll hold hem connawnt if he have powyr ther-to.
It is seyd her þat the kyng shuld com in to this contré, and sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon arn well cheryeshid with hym. And also it is seyd they shall have as grett rewill in þis contre as evyr they hadde, and many more folkes arn sory þerfore than mery. Ser Thomas Todenhamys men and Heydonys sowyn this sedde all abowte þe contre, þat here maysteris shull cum hom in hast in here prosperite and be als well att ese as ever they wer.
As for that ye dessyryd þat I shuld enquyr wher any stuff is of yowris, I wot not how to don þer-with, for if ever wer aspyid þat hath of yowr stuff, and we had it from hym, oþer þat have more þer-of wold ben ware be hym, and avoyd seche stuff as they have of yowris. I suppose John Osbern shall tell yow whan ye com hom agode meen to wete wher meche þerof is becom.
Jamys Gloys is ayen to Gressam and I suppose John Damme shall tell yow what he hath donn ther. Yowr tenawntis wold fayn þat summe mene of yowris shuld abyde amongis hem, for they ben in gred diswyr what they may do; the langage is so grett on the toþer party that it maketh þe tenawntis sor afferd that ye shuld not regoyse itt. I send to yow a letter be Colynys of Frawnceys Costard what dedis he woll don. It was told me also that the Lord Molyns was lyke to have aday ayens yow att Thetford at the next assyse. On þat loueth yow rythwell told me how it was told hym so, and warnyd me therof in secrete wyse. Itt is gode to ben war of ther falsed. I pray yow þat ye woll send me word in hast, if ye woll have red to your levery as ye wer avysid, and if ye woll not, &c. And also I pray yow þat ye woll do bey ij. gode hattis for your sonys for I can none getyn in this town. Mor tydynges can I not send yow yett. The Holy Trinyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn att Norwiche on þe fyrst Monday of Lent.
M. P.
To myn ryth worshipfull hosbond Jon Paston.
Rith wurchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, desiring hertily to her of yowr welfar; preying you to wete that Herry Halmannys wif sent to me word on Saterday last past that Prentys thretyth her hosbond sor, and John Robyns, for suche thynges as Prentys seyth þat they haue donn ayens hym; he seyth he shall make hem so besy or he leve hem that he shall make hem not wurth a peny, and they ben aferd þat he woll hold hem connawnt if he have powyr ther-to.
It is seyd her þat the kyng shuld com in to this contré, and sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon arn well cheryeshid with hym. And also it is seyd they shall have as grett rewill in þis contre as evyr they hadde, and many more folkes arn sory þerfore than mery. Ser Thomas Todenhamys men and Heydonys sowyn this sedde all abowte þe contre, þat here maysteris shull cum hom in hast in here prosperite and be als well att ese as ever they wer.
As for that ye dessyryd þat I shuld enquyr wher any stuff is of yowris, I wot not how to don þer-with, for if ever wer aspyid þat hath of yowr stuff, and we had it from hym, oþer þat have more þer-of wold ben ware be hym, and avoyd seche stuff as they have of yowris. I suppose John Osbern shall tell yow whan ye com hom agode meen to wete wher meche þerof is becom.
Jamys Gloys is ayen to Gressam and I suppose John Damme shall tell yow what he hath donn ther. Yowr tenawntis wold fayn þat summe mene of yowris shuld abyde amongis hem, for they ben in gred diswyr what they may do; the langage is so grett on the toþer party that it maketh þe tenawntis sor afferd that ye shuld not regoyse itt. I send to yow a letter be Colynys of Frawnceys Costard what dedis he woll don. It was told me also that the Lord Molyns was lyke to have aday ayens yow att Thetford at the next assyse. On þat loueth yow rythwell told me how it was told hym so, and warnyd me therof in secrete wyse. Itt is gode to ben war of ther falsed. I pray yow þat ye woll send me word in hast, if ye woll have red to your levery as ye wer avysid, and if ye woll not, &c. And also I pray yow þat ye woll do bey ij. gode hattis for your sonys for I can none getyn in this town. Mor tydynges can I not send yow yett. The Holy Trinyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn att Norwiche on þe fyrst Monday of Lent.
M. P.
To [mine/my] right worshipful husband Jon Paston.
Rith wurchipfull husband, I recommend me to you, desiring hertily to her of your welfar; preying you to wait that Herry Halmannys wif sent to me word on Saturday last past that Prentys thretyth her husband sor, and John Robyns, for suche thynges as Prentys said þat they have donn against him; he said he shall make hem so besy or he leve hem that he shall make hem not wurth a peny, and they [be/been] frightened þat he will hold hem connawnt if he have powyr there-to.
It is said her þat the King should come in to this contré, and sir Thomas Todenham and Heydon arn well cheryeshid with him. And also it is said they shall have as grett rewill in þis contre as evyr they had, and many more folkes arn sorry þerfore than mery. Sir Thomas Todenhamys men and Heydon's sowyn this sedde all abowte þe contre, þat [here/her] maysteris shull come hom in haste in [here/her] prosperite and be als well at ease as ever they wer.
As for that you dessyryd þat I should enquyr where any stuff is of yours, I wot not how to done þer-with, for if ever wer aspyid þat has of your stuff, and we had it from him, oþer þat have more þer-of would [be/been] ware be him, and avoyd such stuff as they have of yours. I suppose John Osbern shall tell you whan you come hom agode meen to wait where meche þerof is becom.
Jamys Gloys is ayen to Gresham and I suppose John Damme shall tell you what he has donn there. Your tenawntis would fayn þat summe mene of yours should abyde amongis hem, for they [be/been] in gred diswyr what they may do; the language is so grett on the toþer party that it makes þe tenawntis sor afferd that you should not regoyse it. I send to you a letter be Colynys of Frawnceys Costard what dedis he will done. It was told me also that the Lord Molyns was like to have aday against you at Thetford at the next assyse. On þat loueth you rythwell told me how it was told him so, and warnyd me thereof in secrete wise. It is good to [be/been] war of there falsed. I pray you þat you will send me word in haste, if you will have red to your levery as you wer avysid, and if you will not, etc.. And also I pray you þat you will do bey two. good hattis for your sonys for I can none getyn in this town. More tydynges can I not send you yett. The Holy Trinity have you in his keeping. Written at Norwich on þe fyrst Monday of Lent.
M. P.
To my respected husband John Paston,
Dearest husband, I sincerely long to hear of how you are and write to tell you that Henry Halmann's wife said to me last Saturday that Prentis threatened her husband badly; he also threatened John Robins, saying that they had done various things against him. He said he'd make them do so much or leave them penniless, and they've been afraid he'd hold them in contempt if he has the power to do so.
It's said the King will come to this part of the world, and Sir Thomas Tuddenham and Heydon are in his favour. Also it is said they'll have as great a rule about here as they ever had, and folk are more sorry than happy about that. Tuddenham and Heydon sow this seed about the area that their master will quickly come home in prosperity and at ease as ever.
In respect of what you wanted me to ask about – where your property is – I don't know how to do that, for if we spot someone who has your property and we take it from him, others that have some of your property would become warned by him and keep anything they have that belongs to you out of the way. I expect Jon Osbern will tell you when you come home - a good man to know when much there's much to be done.
James Gloys has gone to Gresham again, and I expect John Damme will tell you what's he's done there. Your tenants would like some of your men to live among them, because they've been in great disarray as to what to do; the threats from the other party are so great that it makes your tenants very afraid that you won't recognise it. I sent a letter by Collins from Francis Costard about what he intended doing. It was also told to me that Lord Moleyns was likely to have a day against you at Thetford at the next assizes.
Someone who loves you well told me that it had been told to him, and he warned me of it secretly. It is good to be aware of their falsehood. I beg you to send me word quickly if you want red for your clothing for the assizes, or if you don't. And could you buy good hats for your sons, for I can't get them here.
I can't send you any more news for the moment.
The Holy Trinity look after you. Written in Norwich on the first Monday of Lent.
Yours, M.P.