Margaret Paston to John Paston, 16th April, probably 1452

John Gloys
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

Right wurchepfull howsbond, I recomand me to yow, prayng yow to wete that the parson of Oxened told me that Wymdham told hym that Sweyn­nysthorp is hold of the Kyng be the thred part or the fourt part of a knyt fye; and ho so euer had the maner of Sweynsthorp, he shuld fynde an armyd man in tyme of werre in the Castell of Norwhic xl days to his owyn cost, and that ye shuld pay xxx s. to the Kyng yerly owth of the seyd maner; and it is fond also that your fader shuld a died seysyd, and that ye shuld a entyrryd ther-in as heyre after your fader dysseys and that ye shuld be now vp-on the age of xxx wynter. It semyth be that he seyd that he is preuy to the seyd matere. Also the seyd Wymdham seyd to the seyd parson that the Kyng hath yovyn it to the Provost of Eton. I suppose that it myth not be graunted so hastyly after that it was seysyd.

It is seyd here that it is lyke that there shall be mad more affrays at Lynne wyth-in short tyme. I herd sey that Bosvyle cam in-to Lynne wyth­in this vij nyȝt and mad affray vp-on a man of Lynne and yaffe hym a buffette, and that shall turne to non esse or after. In gode feyth I here no man sey but that Bosvyle is right a mysgouernyd yong man, and he hath many wordes myth wele be left. I suppose but if his mayster voyd hym he shall repente hym be-cause of his mysgouernauns wyth-in short tyme. His mayster hath many moo elmyes than he shuld haue be-cause of his mysgouernauns. I wold fayn that ye myth conceyle hym that he myth a-voyd hym assone as he myth wyth his wurchep, for he shall ell repent hym.

The Trinité haue yow in his kepyng. Writen at Norwhic the Friday next a-fore Seynt George.

Yowres, M. Paston

Davis dates this as probably 1452, a year later than Gairdner. Uncertain of precise meaning of parts of second paragraph.

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