Agnes Paston to John Paston, 1451 or later

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

John Paston, dwellyng in the Tempyll at London, be thys letter delyverd in hast.

I grete yow wele, and lete yow wete that on þe Sonday befor Sent Edmond, after evyn songe, Augnes Ball com to me to my closett and bad me good evyn, and Clement Spycer with hyr. And I acsyd hym what he wold? And he askyd me why I had stoppyd in þe Kyngs wey? And I seyd to hym I stoppyd no wey butt myn owyn, and askyd hym why he had sold my lond to John Ball? And he sor he was nevyr a cordyd with your fadyr; and I told hym if hys fadyr had do as he dede, he wold a be a chamyd to a seyd as he seyd. And all that tyme Waryn Herman lenyd ovyr the parklos and lystynd what we seyd, and seyd þat þe chaunge was a rewly chaunge, for þe towne was un do þerby, and is þe werse by an C li. And I told hym it was no curtesé to medyll hym in a mater butt if he wer callyd to councell; and prowdly goyn forthe with me in the cherche, he seyd the stopping of þe wey xuld coste me xx. nobylls, and ȝet it shuld downe ageyn. And I lete hym wete he þat putte it downe chull pay þerfor. Also he seyd þat it was well don þat I sett men to werke to owle meney whyll I was her, butt in þe ende I chale lese my coste. Than he askyd me why I had a wey hys hey at Walsham, seyng to me he wold he had wyst it whan it was karryd, and he chuld a lettyd it; and I told hym it was myn owyn grownde, and for myn owyn I wold holde it; and he bad me take iiij. acre and go no ferther. And thus churtly he departyd from me in þe cherche ȝerde. And syt I spacke with a serteyn man, and acsyd hym if he herd owt sey why þe dyner was mad att Norfolkys howse, and he told me [he] herd sey that serteyn men had sentt to London to gete a commyssyon owt of þe chaunstre to putt downe ageyn þe wall and þe dyk.

I receyvyd yor letter by Robert Reppys thys day after thys letter wretyn thus far. I have red it, butt I conn yeve yow non aunswer mor than I have wretyn, save þe wyfe of Harman hathe þe name of owr Lady, whos blyssyn ye have and myn. Wretyn at Paston, on the day after Sent Edmond,

Be yowyr modyr,


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