Margaret Paston to John Paston, 3rd June probably 1451

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my rygth worshipfull hosbond, John Paston, be þis delyverid in hast.

Rygth wurchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, desyring hertyly to her of your welfar, preying yow to wete that itt was told me þis weke that þer is afayr plase to sell in Seynt Laueransis parysch, and stant ner þe chirche, and by þe water syde, þe whiche place Toppis hath to sell. Pyte, a lystere bowgth itt of Toppis and now, for defawt of payment, Toppis hath enterid ayen þerinne, and shall selle itt in hast, as it is told me. þe seyd lyster dwellyth þer-inne at þis tym, but he shall owte, for he is hald rygth apore man. I suppose if ye lyke to bye itt when ye com hom, ye shall mowe have itt of Toppis als godechepe or better than anoþer shuld.

Als for tydyngs, we have none gode in þis contre; I pray God send us gode. Itt was told me that Rychard Sowthwell hath enterid in þe maner of Hale, þe whiche is þe Lady Boysys,[248.2] and kepyth itt with strength with seche another felashep as hath be att Brayston, and wastyth and dispoylyth all that þeris; and þe Lady Boys, as it is told me, is to London to compleyn to þe Kyng and to þe Lordys ther of. Itt semyth it was not for nowgth that he held with Charlys and his felashep.

I prey yow þat ye wol vowchesawf to speke to Jamys Gloys and MP to bye þe ungwentum album þat I spake to hym for; and þat ye woll remembr your fayr dowgteris gyrdyl. I hope ye shull be at hom so sone that I woll do wryte nomor tydyngs to yow.

The blyssid Trinyte have yow in his keping, and send yow gode spede in all þat ye woll spede well inne. Wretyn at Norwyche on þe Asencion day.

Yours, M. P.

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