Margaret Paston to John Paston, 4th July 1452

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my rygth wurchipfful hosbond, John Paston, be þis delyverid in hast.

Ryth worshipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, desyryng hertyly to her of your welfar, praying yow þat ye woll send me word in hast how ye be agreid with Wychyngham and Inglose for þat mater þat ye spake to me of at your departyng; for if I shuld purvey oþer wood or hey, it shuld be bowgth best chepe be twixt þis and Seynt Margretys messe, as itt is told me. As for Applyard, he com not yett to þis town syn he com from London. I have sent to Sir Bryse to lete me have knowleche when he comyth to town, and he hath promysid þat I shall have knowleche, and when he comyth I shall do your commawndement.

My moder bad me send yow word þat Waron Herman hath dayly fyshid hyre water all þis yer, and þerfor she prayith yow to do therfor while ye be att London as ye thynk best.

Chyrche of Byrlyngham was toke and browte to þe castell yisterday be þe Beshopys men, and all his godys ben seysid for þat he owyth to þe Boshop. And þe seid Chirche seyth as for þat he hath seyd of hem þat he hath appelyd befor þis tyme, he woll awow itt and abyd therby; and seyth þat he woll appele one þat hath mor nobelys than they have all þat he hath spoke of yett, and þat shall avayll þe King more than they have all þat he hath speke of yett; but what he is, he woll not name tyll he know mor. I trow but if þat be þe grett labour made ayens hym, he is lyke to have grett favour of hem þat have be his supportors. Men thenk þat have spoke with hym þat he hopeth to have good helpe. I pray God þat þe trewth mote be knowyn.

I pray yow þat ye woll vouchesaff to send me an other sugowr loff, for my old is do; and also þat ye well do make a gyrdill for your dowgter, for she hath nede ther-of.

The blyssid Trinyté have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche in hast, on þe Tewysday next befor Seynt Thomas day.


M. P.

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