Margaret Paston to John Paston, 5th November 1452

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my right worchepful husbond John Paston be this delyverid in hast.

Right worchepful husbond, I comaund me to yow, desieryng hertely to here of your welfare, praying yow to wete that, as for your werk at Mauteby, it is not lyke that there shal nomore be made there-of this yer but the gabels of the chambere and the chapel wyndows, and the reder hath don wel hese part to the halle. As for the lytel hows that ye wrete to me for, my vncle and Ser Thomas sey it is not for your a-vayle for to have werkmen vn it tyl wyntere be passid. The masons faylyd tyle more than fortenyght aftyre that I cam thens. And as for men of Sparham, they wer not recompensid the last weke for her comon as the master promysid yow, as Folcard sent me word; for I sent to Folcard for to know the trowght.

My vncle Phelyppe comaund hym to yow, and he hath be so seke sith that I come to Redham that I wend he shuld never an askapid it, nor not is leke to do but if he have redy help; and therfore he shal into Suffolk this next weke to myn aunt, for there is a good fesician and he shal loke to hym. I cam to Norwiche vn Sowlemesday, and I shal abyde in Talvas place tyl ye come horn; but as for yowre being there when ye come horn, the howses be to smale for your men and your hors, and therfore ye had nede come horn the soner to purvey yow of a-nodyre place. And as for stuff of howsold, I can non bye at Inglos nor in non odyre place yet; and as for mony, it cometh slauly jn. Gerrardys wyff is deed, and there is a fayre place of hers to selle in Sent Gregorys parysh, as it is told me. I suppose if ye leke to bye it ye shuld have it worth the mony.

There is falle a gret debate be-twen Heydon and Wymondham, as ye shal here aftyre this; in good feyth, if it be trewe that my Lady Hastynges and other report, Heydon hath falsly deseyved hym after that he trustyd hym. Also, my Lady Hastynges told me that Heydon hath spoke to Geffrey Boleyn of London, and is a-greid wytht hym that he shuld bargeyn wyth Ser John Fastolff to bye the maner of Blyklyng as it were for hym-selff, and if Boleyn byet rin trowght Heydon shal have it. My Lady Hastynges prayid me that I shuld wryte to yow to lete yow have knowleche there-of, and that ye myght let it; for Heydon hath lost her good grace, lest as long as it maye. John Wodhows shal telle yow more of the mater if he speke wyth yow.

I pray yow that ye wol do bye ij doseyn trenchors, for I cannone gete in this town. Also, I pray yow that ye wol send me a booke wyth chardeqweyns that I may have rofl in the mornyngges, for the eyeres be not holsom in this town. Therfore I pray yow hertely lete John Suffeld bryng it horn wyth hym.

Nomore, but the blyssid Ternyté have yow in hese kepyng and send yow good sped in all yowre maters. Wrete vn Sent Leonard Even. I pray yow hold me excusid that I sent yow non ear non ansuere of seche thyngges as ye desierid to have ansuer of, for in good feyth I myght not.

Your M. P

Gairdner has some parts of the letter; Davis gives the full letter.

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