Margaret Paston to John Paston, 20th April 1453

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my right wurshipfull Mayster, John Paston, be þis delyveryd in hast.

Right wurshippfull hosbond, I recommand me to yow, praying yow to wete þat þe man of Knapton þat owyth yow mony sent me þis weke xxxix s. viij d.; and as for þe remenant of þe mony, he hath promysid to bring itt at Wytsontyd. And as for þe prest, Howardys sone, he yede to Canbryge þe last weke and he shall nomore come horn tyll itt be mydsomer, and þerfore I myght not do yowr erunde.

As for tydyngys, þe Quene come in-to þis town on Tewysday last past after none and abode here tyll itt was Thursday iij after none, and she sent after my cosyn Elysabeth Clere be Sharynborn to come to here. And she durst not dysabey here commandment, and come to here. And when she come in þe Quenys presens þe Quene made ryght meche of here, and desyrid here to have an hosbond, þe which ye shall know of here-after; but as for þat, he is non nerrere than he was before. þe Quene was right well pleasid wyth here answere, and reportyht of here in þe best wyse, and seyth be here trowth she sey no jantylwomman syn she come into Norffolk þat she lykyth better pan she doth here.

Blake, þe bayle[/@] of Swaffham, was here wyth þe Kyngys broþer, and he come to me wenyng þat ye had be at horn, and seyd þat þe Kyngys bro þer desyrid hym þat he shuld pray yow in his name to come to hym, for he wold right fayn þat ye had come to hym if ye had be at horn. And he told me þat he wost wele þat he shuld send for yow when he come to London, boþe for Cossey and othere thyngys. I pray yow þat ye woll do yowr cost on me ayens Witsontyd, þat I may haue somme thyng for my nekke. When þe Quene was here I borowd my cosyn Elysabet Cleris devys, for I durst not for shame go wyth my bedys among so many fresch jantylwomman as here were at þat tym.

Þe blissid Trinyté have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn at Norwych on þe Fryday next before Seynt George.

Be yowrys, M. PASTON

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