To my welbelovyd Son, John Paston.
Sone I grete yow well and send you Godys blessyng and myn, and lete you wete that Robert Hyll cam homward by Horwelle bery, and Gurney tellyd hym he had byn at London for mony and kowd nat spedyng, and behestyd Robert that he shuld send me mony be you. I pray for getyt not as ze com homward, and speke sadly for i. nothyr fermor.
And as for tydyngs, Phylyppe Berney is passyd to God on Munday last past wyt the grettes peyn that evyr I sey man; and on Tuysday Ser Jon Henyngham zede to hys chyrche and herd iij. massys, and cam hom agayn nevyr meryer, and seyd to hese wyf that he wuld go sey a lytyll devocion in hese gardeyn and than he wuld dyne; and forthwyth he felt a feyntyng in hese legge and syyd don. This was at ix. of the clok, and he was ded or none.
Myn cosyn Cler preyt you that ze lete no man se her letter, wheche is in selyd undir my selle. I pray you that ze wyl pay your brothir William for iiij. unces and j. half of sylke as he payd, wheche he sende me by William Tavyrner, and bryng wyt yow j. quarter of j. unce evyn leke of the same that I send you closyd in thys letter; and sey your brothyr William that hese hors hath j. farseyn and grete rennyng sorys in hese leggis. God have you in kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche on Sent Thomas evyn in grete hast.
Be your modyr,
To my welbelovyd Son, John Paston.
Sone I grete yow well and send you Godys blessyng and myn, and lete you wete that Robert Hyll cam homward by Horwelle bery, and Gurney tellyd hym he had byn at London for mony and kowd nat spedyng, and behestyd Robert that he shuld send me mony be you. I pray for getyt not as ze com homward, and speke sadly for i. nothyr fermor.
And as for tydyngs, Phylyppe Berney is passyd to God on Munday last past wyt the grettes peyn that evyr I sey man; and on Tuysday Ser Jon Henyngham zede to hys chyrche and herd iij. massys, and cam hom agayn nevyr meryer, and seyd to hese wyf that he wuld go sey a lytyll devocion in hese gardeyn and than he wuld dyne; and forthwyth he felt a feyntyng in hese legge and syyd don. This was at ix. of the clok, and he was ded or none.
Myn cosyn Cler preyt you that ze lete no man se her letter, wheche is in selyd undir my selle. I pray you that ze wyl pay your brothir William for iiij. unces and j. half of sylke as he payd, wheche he sende me by William Tavyrner, and bryng wyt yow j. quarter of j. unce evyn leke of the same that I send you closyd in thys letter; and sey your brothyr William that hese hors hath j. farseyn and grete rennyng sorys in hese leggis. God have you in kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche on Sent Thomas evyn in grete hast.
Be your modyr,
To my welbelovyd Son, John Paston.
Sone I grete yow well and send you Godys blessyng and myn, and lete you wete that Robert Hyll cam homward by Horwelle bery, and Gurney tellyd hym he had byn at London for mony and kowd nat spedyng, and behestyd Robert that he shuld send me mony be you. I pray for getyt not as ze com homward, and speke sadly for i. nothyr fermor.
And as for tydyngs, Phylyppe Berney is passyd to God on Munday last past wyt the grettes peyn that evyr I sey man; and on Tuysday Ser Jon Henyngham zede to hys chyrche and herd iij. massys, and cam hom agayn nevyr meryer, and seyd to hese wyf that he wuld go sey a lytyll devocion in hese gardeyn and than he wuld dyne; and forthwyth he felt a feyntyng in hese legge and syyd don. This was at ix. of the clok, and he was ded or none.
Myn cosyn Cler preyt you that ze lete no man se her letter, wheche is in selyd undir my selle. I pray you that ze wyl pay your brothir William for iiij. unces and j. half of sylke as he payd, wheche he sende me by William Tavyrner, and bryng wyt yow j. quarter of j. unce evyn leke of the same that I send you closyd in thys letter; and sey your brothyr William that hese hors hath j. farseyn and grete rennyng sorys in hese leggis. God have you in kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche on Sent Thomas evyn in grete hast.
Be your modyr,
To my welbelovyd Son, John Paston.
Soon I greet you well and send you Godys blessyng and [mine/my], and let you wait that Robert Hyll cam homward by Horwelle bery, and Gurney tellyd him he had byn at London for money and kowd nat spedyng, and behestyd Robert that he should send me money be you. I pray for getyt not as ze come homward, and speak sadly for i. nothyr fermor.
And as for tidings, Phylyppe Berney is passed to God on Monday last past wyt the grettes peyn that evyr I sey man; and on Tuysday Sir Jon Henyngham zede to his chyrche and herd three. massys, and cam hom agayn never merrier, and said to hese wyf that he wuld go sey a lytyll devocion in hese gardeyn and than he wuld dyne; and forthwyth he felt a feyntyng in hese legge and syyd done. This was at ix. of the clock, and he was ded or none.
[mine/my] cousin Cler preyt you that ze let no man se her letter, wheche is in selyd undir my selle. I pray you that ze wyl pay your brothir William for iiij. unces and j. half of sylke as he paid, wheche he send me by William Tavyrner, and bryng wyt you j. quarter of j. unce evyn leke of the same that I send you closyd in thys letter; and sey your brothyr William that hese hors has j. farseyn and greet rennyng sorys in hese leggis. God have you in keeping. Written at Norwich on Sent Thomas evyn in greet haste.
Be your modyr,
To my dear son, John Paston:
Son, my greetings to you. I send you God's blessing and mine, and let you know that Robert Hill came home through Horwellbury, and Gurney told him he had been in London for money and could not hurry, and asked Robert to send me money through you. Please don't forget when you come home. I speak sadly, for there is nothing more.
As for news, Philip Berney died last Monday, in the greatest pain that I have ever witnessed; and on Tuesday Sir John Heveningham went to his church and heard three Masses, and returned home as happy as he ever was. He said to his wife he would go and say a little prayer in his garden, and then he would dine; and immediately he felt his legs giving way, and he sat down. This was at nine in the morning, and he was dead before noon.
My cousin Clere asks that you let no-one see her letter, which is sealed under my seal. Please pay your brother William for four and a half ounces of silk which he paid for and sent me with William Taverner, and bring with you a quarter of an ounce exactly the same as I am sending you in this letter; and tell your brother William that his horse has a small tumour and great running sores on his legs.
God have you in his keeping. Written at Norwich on St Thomas Eve in great haste.
From your mother,
A Paston