To my ritht worchipfull Mayster John Paston, be þis deliveryd in hast.
Rytht worchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I have spoke with Newman for his place, and I am thorow with hym therfor, but he wold not lete it in no wyse lesse than v. marc. I told hym þat sekyrly ye shuld not know but þat I hyrid it of hym for iij li. I seyd as for þe noble,] I shuld payt of myn owyn purse, þat ye shuld no knowlech have therof. And þis day I have had inne ij. cartfull of hey, and your stabyl shall be made I hope þis next weke. I kowd not gette no grawnt of hym to have þe warehows; he seyth if he may in any wyse forber itt her after, ye shall have itt, but he wull not grawnt itt in no convawt . He hath grawntyd me þe hows be twix þe vowte and þe warehows, and þat he seyd he grawntyd not yow.
And as for þe chamer þat ye assygnyd to myn unkyl, God hath purveyd for hym as hys will is; he passyd to God on Monday last past, at xj. of þe clok befor none, and Sir John Hevenynghamþe Pastons. passyd to God on Tewysday last past; hois sowlys both God assoyle. His sekenesse toke hym on Tewysday, at ix. of þe clok befor none, and be too after none he was dedd.
I have begonne your inventare þat shuld have be made or þis tym, if I had ben well at ease. I hope to make an ende therof, and of other thyngs both þis next weke, and ben in þat other place, if God send me helth. I must do purvey for meche stuff or I come ther, for ther is nother bords ne other stuff þat must neds be had or we come there. And Richard hath gadderid butt lytill mony syth he come from yow. I have sent John Norwod þis day to Gresham, Besigham, and Matelask to gete als meche mony as he may.
þe blissid Trinyté have yow in his keping. Wretyn at Norwych, on þe vtas day of Peter and Powll.
M. P.
To my ritht worchipfull Mayster John Paston, be þis deliveryd in hast.
Rytht worchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I have spoke with Newman for his place, and I am thorow with hym therfor, but he wold not lete it in no wyse lesse than v. marc. I told hym þat sekyrly ye shuld not know but þat I hyrid it of hym for iij li. I seyd as for þe noble,] I shuld payt of myn owyn purse, þat ye shuld no knowlech have therof. And þis day I have had inne ij. cartfull of hey, and your stabyl shall be made I hope þis next weke. I kowd not gette no grawnt of hym to have þe warehows; he seyth if he may in any wyse forber itt her after, ye shall have itt, but he wull not grawnt itt in no convawt . He hath grawntyd me þe hows be twix þe vowte and þe warehows, and þat he seyd he grawntyd not yow.
And as for þe chamer þat ye assygnyd to myn unkyl, God hath purveyd for hym as hys will is; he passyd to God on Monday last past, at xj. of þe clok befor none, and Sir John Hevenynghamþe Pastons. passyd to God on Tewysday last past; hois sowlys both God assoyle. His sekenesse toke hym on Tewysday, at ix. of þe clok befor none, and be too after none he was dedd.
I have begonne your inventare þat shuld have be made or þis tym, if I had ben well at ease. I hope to make an ende therof, and of other thyngs both þis next weke, and ben in þat other place, if God send me helth. I must do purvey for meche stuff or I come ther, for ther is nother bords ne other stuff þat must neds be had or we come there. And Richard hath gadderid butt lytill mony syth he come from yow. I have sent John Norwod þis day to Gresham, Besigham, and Matelask to gete als meche mony as he may.
þe blissid Trinyté have yow in his keping. Wretyn at Norwych, on þe vtas day of Peter and Powll.
M. P.
To my ritht worchipfull Mayster John Paston, be þis deliveryd in hast.
Rytht worchipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I have spoke with Newman for his place, and I am thorow with hym therfor, but he wold not lete it in no wyse lesse than v. marc. I told hym þat sekyrly ye shuld not know but þat I hyrid it of hym for iij li. I seyd as for þe noble,] I shuld payt of myn owyn purse, þat ye shuld no knowlech have therof. And þis day I have had inne ij. cartfull of hey, and your stabyl shall be made I hope þis next weke. I kowd not gette no grawnt of hym to have þe warehows; he seyth if he may in any wyse forber itt her after, ye shall have itt, but he wull not grawnt itt in no convawt . He hath grawntyd me þe hows be twix þe vowte and þe warehows, and þat he seyd he grawntyd not yow.
And as for þe chamer þat ye assygnyd to myn unkyl, God hath purveyd for hym as hys will is; he passyd to God on Monday last past, at xj. of þe clok befor none, and Sir John Hevenynghamþe Pastons. passyd to God on Tewysday last past; hois sowlys both God assoyle. His sekenesse toke hym on Tewysday, at ix. of þe clok befor none, and be too after none he was dedd.
I have begonne your inventare þat shuld have be made or þis tym, if I had ben well at ease. I hope to make an ende therof, and of other thyngs both þis next weke, and ben in þat other place, if God send me helth. I must do purvey for meche stuff or I come ther, for ther is nother bords ne other stuff þat must neds be had or we come there. And Richard hath gadderid butt lytill mony syth he come from yow. I have sent John Norwod þis day to Gresham, Besigham, and Matelask to gete als meche mony as he may.
þe blissid Trinyté have yow in his keping. Wretyn at Norwych, on þe vtas day of Peter and Powll.
M. P.
To my ritht worchipfull Mayster John Paston, be þis deliveryd in haste.
Rytht worchipfull husband, I recommend me to you, praying you to wait þat I have spoke with Newman for his place, and I am thorow with him therefore, but he would not let it in no wise less than v. marc. I told him þat sekyrly you should not know but þat I hyrid it of him for three li. I said as for þe noble,] I should payt of [mine/my] own purse, þat you should no knowlech have thereof. And þis day I have had Inn two. cartfull of hey, and your stabyl shall be made I hope þis next weke. I kowd not gette no grawnt of him to have þe warehows; he said if he may in any wise forber it her after, you shall have it, but he wull not grawnt it in no Covenant . He has grawntyd me þe hows be twix þe vowte and þe warehows, and þat he said he grawntyd not you.
And as for þe chamer þat you assygnyd to [mine/my] unkyl, God has purveyd for him as his will is; he passed to God on Monday last past, at xj. of þe clock before none, and Sir John Hevenynghamþe Paston's. passed to God on Tewysday last past; hois sowlys both God assoyle. His sickness toke him on Tewysday, at ix. of þe clock before none, and be too after none he was dedd.
I have begonne your inventare þat should have be made or þis time, if I had [be/been] well at ease. I hope to make an ende thereof, and of other thyngs both þis next weke, and [be/been] in þat other place, if God send me helth. I must do [obtain/purchase] for meche stuff or I come there, for there is nother bords no other stuff þat must neds be had or we come there. And Richard has gadderid butt lytill money syth he come from you. I have sent John Norwod þis day to Gresham, Besigham, and Matlaske to gete als meche money as he may.
þe blessed Trinyté have you in his keping. Written at Norwich, on þe vtas day of Peter and Powll.
M. P.
To be delivered in haste to my very respected Master, John Paston.
Highly respected husband, I am committed to you, and I let you know that I have spoken to Newman quite extensively about his place, but he would certainly not let it to you for less than five marks. I told him that secretly you should not know, but I hired it from him for £3. I said that as for the noble, I would pay it out of my own purse, but you would have no knowledge of it. And this day I have had in two cartfuls of hay, and your stable shall I hope be put together this next week. I could not get permission from him for the warehouse: he says that if he may somehow allow it later, you will have it, but he will not put it in a contract. He has granted me the house between the vault and the warehouse, and he said he would not grant that to you.
And as for the room that you assigned to my uncle, Philip Berney, God has dealt with him according to his will; he died last Monday, at 11 o'clock in the morning, and Sir John Heveningham died last Tuesday. I pray that God will have mercy on both their souls. Sir John's sickness began on Tuesday at 9am, and by 2pm he was dead.
I have begun your inventory, which I should have started before now if I had been feeling well. I hope to finish it, and other things, this week, and then in that other place, if God sends me health. I must get hold of a lot of provisions before I come there, for there are other boards and stuff that are necessary before we arrive. Richard has collected little money since he came from you. I have sent John Norwood today to Gresham, Bessingham and Matlaske to get as much money as he can.
The blessed Trinity have you in His keeping. Written at Norwich on the Saints Day of Peter and Paul.