Ryth worchepfull howsbonde, I recomende me on to yow. Plesyt yow to wete þat I sent Tomas Bon to Edwarde Coteler to have one ansuer of the mater þat ye spak to hym of, and he sent me worde þat he hade spok to hys man þer-of, and he tolde hym þat he hade no wrytynge nor evidens of no swyche thyng as ye spak to hym of, ner not wyst were he scholde have cnowlage of no swyche thyng, save þat he tolde hym þat he receyvyd onys j.c. s. of the same rent; but and he may have cnowlage of ony man þat havyth ony wrytyng or ony thyng þat may out prevayle, he schal late yow have cnoulage therof.
As for Wylliam Yellverton, he come here never syn ye yede. As for my Lady Stapullton, att the wrytyng of thys letter sche was not come home. Wyndhamys erand to my Lady of Southefolk was to desiyr hyr gode Ladychep and to beseche hyr þat sche wold spek to my cosyn Evenyngham[288.4] þat he myt have hys gode wyll, for he levith in hope to have hys modyr, and he hath made menys to have her by John Gros and hys wyf, and by Bokynham and by odyr dyvers, and profuryth hyr to find suerte to acquitt hyr housbondys dettes, the qwyche is CCC. marc, and to payit doune on j. day. And by thys mene, as he seyth, he hathe bargeynid with j. marchande of London, and hath solde to hym the manage of hys son, for the qwyche he scal have vij. C. marc, and of þat the iij. C. marc schoulde be payd for the forseyd dettes; and also he proforyth to yeve hyr the maner of Felbryg to hyr joyntour[/@], and odyr large profors as ye schal here eraffter. As for the good wyll of my cosyn Hevenyngham, he seyth Wyndham[289.1] he schall never have hytt, nott for to have hyr gode konyth he [abydyth] hys soull hevy therof, for he is aferde þat and if the large profors may be perfor[m]yd, þat sche wyll have hym. My seyd cosyn preyith yow, att the reverens of Gode, þat ye wyll do yowyr therin to brec it and ye can. He schall be here ayen on Mychaell mas evyn. He was full sory þat ye wer outt att þis tyme, for he hopyd þat ye schoulde have do myche goode att þis tyme. He hathe seyde as myche ther ageyns as he dar do to have hyr gode modyrchep. My Lady of Southfolce sent j. letter to hyr yesterday by Stanle, the qwyche is callyd j. well cherysyd man with my seyd Lady, and desyiryng hyr in the letter þat sche wolde owe hyr godde wyll and favor to Wyndham in þat þat he desyiryd of hyr, and of more matterys þat ye schall here er after, for I suppose sche wyll schew yow the same letter and mak yow of hyr counsel in many thyngys, and I schall do my part as feythfully as I can to lett Wyndhamys porpose tyl ye come home. I pray yow sende me a copy of hys petygre, þat I may schew to hyr how worchepphull it is, for in goode feythe sche is informyd bi hyr gentyll son Gros and Bokenham þat he is mor worcheppfull in berthe and in lyvelode therto than they or ony odyr can preve, as I suppose. I pray yow lett nott thys mater be discuyryd tyl ye her more therof or after, for my cosyn Hevenyngham tolde myche here of in secret wyse, and of odyr thyngis qwyche ye schall have cnoulage of qwan ye come home, &c.
In hast, all in hast.
Ryth worchepfull howsbonde, I recomende me on to yow. Plesyt yow to wete þat I sent Tomas Bon to Edwarde Coteler to have one ansuer of the mater þat ye spak to hym of, and he sent me worde þat he hade spok to hys man þer-of, and he tolde hym þat he hade no wrytynge nor evidens of no swyche thyng as ye spak to hym of, ner not wyst were he scholde have cnowlage of no swyche thyng, save þat he tolde hym þat he receyvyd onys j.c. s. of the same rent; but and he may have cnowlage of ony man þat havyth ony wrytyng or ony thyng þat may out prevayle, he schal late yow have cnoulage therof.
As for Wylliam Yellverton, he come here never syn ye yede. As for my Lady Stapullton, att the wrytyng of thys letter sche was not come home. Wyndhamys erand to my Lady of Southefolk was to desiyr hyr gode Ladychep and to beseche hyr þat sche wold spek to my cosyn Evenyngham[288.4] þat he myt have hys gode wyll, for he levith in hope to have hys modyr, and he hath made menys to have her by John Gros and hys wyf, and by Bokynham and by odyr dyvers, and profuryth hyr to find suerte to acquitt hyr housbondys dettes, the qwyche is CCC. marc, and to payit doune on j. day. And by thys mene, as he seyth, he hathe bargeynid with j. marchande of London, and hath solde to hym the manage of hys son, for the qwyche he scal have vij. C. marc, and of þat the iij. C. marc schoulde be payd for the forseyd dettes; and also he proforyth to yeve hyr the maner of Felbryg to hyr joyntour[/@], and odyr large profors as ye schal here eraffter. As for the good wyll of my cosyn Hevenyngham, he seyth Wyndham[289.1] he schall never have hytt, nott for to have hyr gode konyth he [abydyth] hys soull hevy therof, for he is aferde þat and if the large profors may be perfor[m]yd, þat sche wyll have hym. My seyd cosyn preyith yow, att the reverens of Gode, þat ye wyll do yowyr therin to brec it and ye can. He schall be here ayen on Mychaell mas evyn. He was full sory þat ye wer outt att þis tyme, for he hopyd þat ye schoulde have do myche goode att þis tyme. He hathe seyde as myche ther ageyns as he dar do to have hyr gode modyrchep. My Lady of Southfolce sent j. letter to hyr yesterday by Stanle, the qwyche is callyd j. well cherysyd man with my seyd Lady, and desyiryng hyr in the letter þat sche wolde owe hyr godde wyll and favor to Wyndham in þat þat he desyiryd of hyr, and of more matterys þat ye schall here er after, for I suppose sche wyll schew yow the same letter and mak yow of hyr counsel in many thyngys, and I schall do my part as feythfully as I can to lett Wyndhamys porpose tyl ye come home. I pray yow sende me a copy of hys petygre, þat I may schew to hyr how worchepphull it is, for in goode feythe sche is informyd bi hyr gentyll son Gros and Bokenham þat he is mor worcheppfull in berthe and in lyvelode therto than they or ony odyr can preve, as I suppose. I pray yow lett nott thys mater be discuyryd tyl ye her more therof or after, for my cosyn Hevenyngham tolde myche here of in secret wyse, and of odyr thyngis qwyche ye schall have cnoulage of qwan ye come home, &c.
In hast, all in hast.
Ryth worchepfull howsbonde, I recomende me on to yow. Plesyt yow to wete þat I sent Tomas Bon to Edwarde Coteler to have one ansuer of the mater þat ye spak to hym of, and he sent me worde þat he hade spok to hys man þer-of, and he tolde hym þat he hade no wrytynge nor evidens of no swyche thyng as ye spak to hym of, ner not wyst were he scholde have cnowlage of no swyche thyng, save þat he tolde hym þat he receyvyd onys j.c. s. of the same rent; but and he may have cnowlage of ony man þat havyth ony wrytyng or ony thyng þat may out prevayle, he schal late yow have cnoulage therof.
As for Wylliam Yellverton, he come here never syn ye yede. As for my Lady Stapullton, att the wrytyng of thys letter sche was not come home. Wyndhamys erand to my Lady of Southefolk was to desiyr hyr gode Ladychep and to beseche hyr þat sche wold spek to my cosyn Evenyngham[288.4] þat he myt have hys gode wyll, for he levith in hope to have hys modyr, and he hath made menys to have her by John Gros and hys wyf, and by Bokynham and by odyr dyvers, and profuryth hyr to find suerte to acquitt hyr housbondys dettes, the qwyche is CCC. marc, and to payit doune on j. day. And by thys mene, as he seyth, he hathe bargeynid with j. marchande of London, and hath solde to hym the manage of hys son, for the qwyche he scal have vij. C. marc, and of þat the iij. C. marc schoulde be payd for the forseyd dettes; and also he proforyth to yeve hyr the maner of Felbryg to hyr joyntour[/@], and odyr large profors as ye schal here eraffter. As for the good wyll of my cosyn Hevenyngham, he seyth Wyndham[289.1] he schall never have hytt, nott for to have hyr gode konyth he [abydyth] hys soull hevy therof, for he is aferde þat and if the large profors may be perfor[m]yd, þat sche wyll have hym. My seyd cosyn preyith yow, att the reverens of Gode, þat ye wyll do yowyr therin to brec it and ye can. He schall be here ayen on Mychaell mas evyn. He was full sory þat ye wer outt att þis tyme, for he hopyd þat ye schoulde have do myche goode att þis tyme. He hathe seyde as myche ther ageyns as he dar do to have hyr gode modyrchep. My Lady of Southfolce sent j. letter to hyr yesterday by Stanle, the qwyche is callyd j. well cherysyd man with my seyd Lady, and desyiryng hyr in the letter þat sche wolde owe hyr godde wyll and favor to Wyndham in þat þat he desyiryd of hyr, and of more matterys þat ye schall here er after, for I suppose sche wyll schew yow the same letter and mak yow of hyr counsel in many thyngys, and I schall do my part as feythfully as I can to lett Wyndhamys porpose tyl ye come home. I pray yow sende me a copy of hys petygre, þat I may schew to hyr how worchepphull it is, for in goode feythe sche is informyd bi hyr gentyll son Gros and Bokenham þat he is mor worcheppfull in berthe and in lyvelode therto than they or ony odyr can preve, as I suppose. I pray yow lett nott thys mater be discuyryd tyl ye her more therof or after, for my cosyn Hevenyngham tolde myche here of in secret wyse, and of odyr thyngis qwyche ye schall have cnoulage of qwan ye come home, &c.
In hast, all in hast.
Right worchepfull howsbonde, I recomende me on to you. Plesyt you to wait þat I sent Tomas Bon to Edwarde Coteler to have one ansuer of the matter þat you spoke to him of, and he sent me word þat he had spok to his man þer-of, and he tolde him þat he had no wrytynge nor evidens of no swyche thing as you spoke to him of, nor not wyst were he scholde have cnowlage of no swyche thing, save þat he tolde him þat he receyvyd onys j.c. s. of the same rent; but and he may have cnowlage of [any/only] man þat havyth [any/only] wrytyng or [any/only] thing þat may out prevayle, he schal late you have cnoulage thereof.
As for Wylliam Yellverton, he come [here/her] never syn you Went. As for my Lady Stapullton, at the wrytyng of thys letter sche was not come home. Wyndhamys erand to my Lady of Southefolk was to desiyr hyr good Ladychep and to beseech hyr þat sche would spek to my cousin Evenyngham[288.4] þat he myt have his good wyll, for he levith in hope to have his modyr, and he has made menys to have her by John Gros and his wyf, and by Bokynham and by odyr dyvers, and profuryth hyr to find suerte to acquitt hyr housbondys dettes, the qwyche is CCC. marc, and to payit doune on j. day. And by thys mene, as he said, he hathe bargeynid with j. marchande of London, and has solde to him the manage of his son, for the qwyche he scal have vij. C. marc, and of þat the three. C. marc schoulde be paid for the forseyd dettes; and also he proforyth to you've hyr the manner of Felbryg to hyr joyntour[/@], and odyr large profors as you schal [here/her] eraffter. As for the good wyll of my cousin Hevenyngham, he said Wyndham[289.1] he schall never have hytt, not for to have hyr good konyth he [abydyth] his soull hevy thereof, for he is aferde þat and if the large profors may be perfor[m]yd, þat sche wyll have him. My said cousin preyith you, at the reverens of Good, þat you wyll do yowyr therin to brec it and you can. He schall be [here/her] ayen on Mychaell mas evyn. He was full sorry þat you wer outt at þis time, for he hopyd þat you schoulde have do myche good at þis time. He hathe said as myche there ageyns as he dar do to have hyr good modyrchep. My Lady of Southfolce sent j. letter to hyr yesterday by Stanle, the qwyche is callyd j. well cherysyd man with my said Lady, and desiring hyr in the letter þat sche would owe hyr godde wyll and favor to Wyndham in þat þat he desired of hyr, and of more matterys þat you schall [here/her] er after, for I suppose sche wyll schew you the same letter and mak you of hyr counsel in many thyngys, and I schall do my part as feythfully as I can to let Wyndhamys porpose tyl you come home. I pray you send me a copy of his petygre, þat I may schew to hyr how worchepphull it is, for in good feythe sche is informyd bi hyr gentyll son Gros and Bokenham þat he is more worcheppfull in berthe and in lyvelode therto than they or [any/only] odyr can prove, as I suppose. I pray you let not thys matter be discuyryd tyl you her more thereof or after, for my cousin Hevenyngham tolde myche [here/her] of in secret wise, and of odyr thyngis qwyche you schall have cnoulage of qwan you come home, etc..
In haste, all in haste.
Honoured and respected husband, my best wishes to you. I'd like you to know that I sent Thomas Bon to Edward Cutler to get an answer to the matter about which you spoke to him, and he sent me word that he had spoken to his man about it and he told him that he had no written evidence of any such thing that you spoke to him about, nor was there any reason he should have any knowledge of such a thing, except that he told him that he received only 100 shillings of that rent. But if he gets any knowledge of any man that has anything in writing or anything that may yet be relevant, he'll let you know about it.
As for William Yelverton, he hasn't been here since you went. As for Lady Stapleton, at the time of the writing of this letter she had not come home.
Wymondham's errand to Lady Suffolk was to ask her ladyship to speak to my cousin Heveningham, to get his support. He lives in hope to have his mother, and he's made a way to have her through John Gros and his wife, and through Buckingham and others, and offers her surety to deal with her husband's debt, which is 300 marks – and to pay it in one day. For this he says he has arranged with a merchant of London and has sold to him the marriage of his son, for which he will have 700 marks, and of that the 300 marks will be paid for the aforesaid debt. He also offers joint ownership of the manor of Felbrigg and other large benefits, as you'll hear later. As for the goodwill of my cousin Heveningham, he tells Wymondham he will never have it, not for her good. Know that his soul is heavy about it, for he is fearful that when large offers are done that she will accept him. My cousin asks you for God's sake, that you will do your part to put an end to it if you can. He will be here again on Michaelmass Eve; he was very sorry that you were away this time, for he hoped you could have been much help. He has said as much again as he dares to have her good mothership. Lady Suffolk sent a letter to her yesterday by Stanley, who she likes very much, asking her in the letter that she would use her good will and favour towards Wymondham in what he wanted of her, and of more matters that you'll know later, for I suppose she'll show you the same letter and take your counsel on many things. I shall do my part as faithfully as I can to let Wymondham plan until you come home. Please send me a copy of his pedigree, so I can show her how good it is, for in good faith she is told by her good son Gros and by Buckingham that he is more worshipful in birth and in worth through property than they or anyone else can prove, I think. Don't let this matter be discovered until you hear more about it, or later, for cousin Heveningham told me much in secret, and of other things you'll know about when you come home.
In haste, all in haste.