To my right wurshipfull hosbond, John Paston, be this delyveryd in hast.
Right worshipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I spak yistirday with my suster, and she told me þat she was sory þat she myght not speke with yow or ye yede; and she desyrith if itt pleased yow, þat ye shuld yeve þe jantylman, þat ye know of, seche langage as he myght fele by yow þat ye wull be wele willyng to þe mater þat ye know of; for she told me þat he hath seyd befor this tym þat he conseyvid þat ye have sett but lytil therby, wherefor she prayth yow þat ye woll be here gode brother, and þat ye myght have a full answer at this tym whedder it shall be ya or nay. For her moder hath seyd to her syth þat ye redyn hens, þat she hath no fantesy therinne, but þat it shall com to a jape; and seyth to her þat ther is gode crafte in dawbyng; and hath seche langage to her þat she thynkyt right strange, and so þat she is right wery therof, wherefor she desyrith þe rather to have a full conclusyon therinne. She seyth her full trost is in yow, and as ye do therinne, she woll agre her therto.
Mayster Braklee be her yisterday to have spoke with yow; I spak with hym, but he wold not tell me what his erond was.
It is seyd her þat þe cescions shall be at Thetford on Saterday next komyng, and ther shall be my Lord of Norffolk and other with grette pupill, as it is seyd.
Other tydyngs have we none yett. þe blissefull Trynyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche, on þe Tewysday next befor Candelmasse.
I pray yow þat ye woll vowchesawf to remembr to purvey a thing for my nekke, and to do make my gyrdill.
M. P.
My cosyn Crane recommawndeth her to yow, and praytth yow to remembr her mater, &c., for she may not slepe on nyghtys for hym.
To my right wurshipfull hosbond, John Paston, be this delyveryd in hast.
Right worshipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I spak yistirday with my suster, and she told me þat she was sory þat she myght not speke with yow or ye yede; and she desyrith if itt pleased yow, þat ye shuld yeve þe jantylman, þat ye know of, seche langage as he myght fele by yow þat ye wull be wele willyng to þe mater þat ye know of; for she told me þat he hath seyd befor this tym þat he conseyvid þat ye have sett but lytil therby, wherefor she prayth yow þat ye woll be here gode brother, and þat ye myght have a full answer at this tym whedder it shall be ya or nay. For her moder hath seyd to her syth þat ye redyn hens, þat she hath no fantesy therinne, but þat it shall com to a jape; and seyth to her þat ther is gode crafte in dawbyng; and hath seche langage to her þat she thynkyt right strange, and so þat she is right wery therof, wherefor she desyrith þe rather to have a full conclusyon therinne. She seyth her full trost is in yow, and as ye do therinne, she woll agre her therto.
Mayster Braklee be her yisterday to have spoke with yow; I spak with hym, but he wold not tell me what his erond was.
It is seyd her þat þe cescions shall be at Thetford on Saterday next komyng, and ther shall be my Lord of Norffolk and other with grette pupill, as it is seyd.
Other tydyngs have we none yett. þe blissefull Trynyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche, on þe Tewysday next befor Candelmasse.
I pray yow þat ye woll vowchesawf to remembr to purvey a thing for my nekke, and to do make my gyrdill.
M. P.
My cosyn Crane recommawndeth her to yow, and praytth yow to remembr her mater, &c., for she may not slepe on nyghtys for hym.
To my right wurshipfull hosbond, John Paston, be this delyveryd in hast.
Right worshipfull hosbond, I recommawnd me to yow, praying yow to wete þat I spak yistirday with my suster, and she told me þat she was sory þat she myght not speke with yow or ye yede; and she desyrith if itt pleased yow, þat ye shuld yeve þe jantylman, þat ye know of, seche langage as he myght fele by yow þat ye wull be wele willyng to þe mater þat ye know of; for she told me þat he hath seyd befor this tym þat he conseyvid þat ye have sett but lytil therby, wherefor she prayth yow þat ye woll be here gode brother, and þat ye myght have a full answer at this tym whedder it shall be ya or nay. For her moder hath seyd to her syth þat ye redyn hens, þat she hath no fantesy therinne, but þat it shall com to a jape; and seyth to her þat ther is gode crafte in dawbyng; and hath seche langage to her þat she thynkyt right strange, and so þat she is right wery therof, wherefor she desyrith þe rather to have a full conclusyon therinne. She seyth her full trost is in yow, and as ye do therinne, she woll agre her therto.
Mayster Braklee be her yisterday to have spoke with yow; I spak with hym, but he wold not tell me what his erond was.
It is seyd her þat þe cescions shall be at Thetford on Saterday next komyng, and ther shall be my Lord of Norffolk and other with grette pupill, as it is seyd.
Other tydyngs have we none yett. þe blissefull Trynyte have yow in his kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche, on þe Tewysday next befor Candelmasse.
I pray yow þat ye woll vowchesawf to remembr to purvey a thing for my nekke, and to do make my gyrdill.
M. P.
My cosyn Crane recommawndeth her to yow, and praytth yow to remembr her mater, &c., for she may not slepe on nyghtys for hym.
To my right wurshipfull husband, John Paston, be this delivered in haste.
Right worshipful husband, I recommend me to you, praying you to wait þat I spoke yesterday with my suster, and she told me þat she was sorry þat she might not speak with you or you Went; and she desyrith if it pleased you, þat you should you've þe gentleman, þat you know of, such language as he might fele by you þat you wull be wele willyng to þe matter þat you know of; for she told me þat he has said before this time þat he conseyvid þat you have sett but lytil therby, wherefor she prayth you þat you will be [here/her] good brother, and þat you might have a full answer at this time whedder it shall be ya or nay. For her mother has said to her syth þat you ridden hence, þat she has no fantesy therein, but þat it shall come to a come_to_nothing; and said to her þat there is good crafte in dawbyng; and has such language to her þat she thynkyt right strange, and so þat she is right wery thereof, wherefor she desyrith þe rather to have a full conclusyon therein. She said her full trust is in you, and as you do therein, she will agre her therto.
Mayster Braklee be her yesterday to have spoke with you; I spoke with him, but he would not tell me what his erond was.
It is said her þat þe cescions shall be at Thetford on Saturday next coming, and there shall be my Lord of Norfolk and other with greets people, as it is said.
Other tidings have we none yett. þe blissefull Trinity have you in his keeping. Written at Norwich, on þe Tewysday next before Candelmasse.
I pray you þat you will vowchesawf to remembr to [obtain/purchase] a thing for my neck, and to do make my gyrdill.
M. P.
My cousin Crane recommends her to you, and praytth you to remembr her matter, etc.., for she may not slepe on nights for him.
To my respected husband, John Paston, to be delivered quickly.
Dearest husband, my best wishes to you. I want you to know that I spoke yesterday with my sister, and she told me that she was sorry not to be able to speak to you before you went. She wishes, if you're happy to, that you should speak to the gentleman that you know in such words that he might understand that you will be agreeable to the matter that you know about, because she told me that he had said previously that you had not expected much. Thus she asks you that you will be a good brother to her and that you might have a complete answer at this time, whether it be yes or no. He mother has told her since you rode from here that she has no illusion about it and that it may come to nothing and says to her that there is sense in doubting, and she has said such strange things to her she is getting tired of it. So she'd rather have a full conclusion to the matter. She says she trusts you completely, and she'll agree to whatever you do.
Master Brackley was here yesterday, hoping to have spoken with you. I spoke with him, but he wouldn't tell me what his errand was. The word here is that the sessions will be in Thetford next Saturday and that the Lord of Norfolk and many other people will be there.
I don't have any other news for the moment. May the blissful Trinity look after you. Written at Norwich on the Tuesday before Candlemas.
I hope that you will promise to remember to buy me something for my neck, and something to make my belt.
Yours, M.P.
My cousin Crane wants to be remembered to you and asks you to remember her matter, because she can't sleep at night for him.