Sir John Fastolf to John Paston, 7th February 1455

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my right trusty and welbelovyd cosyn, John Paston, in goodly haste.

Ryght trusty and welbelovyd cosyn, I comaund me to yow. And please yow to wete that I am avertysed that at a dyner in Norwiche, wher as ye and othyr jentylmen wer present, that that ther were certeyn personez, jentylmen, whiche utteryd skornefull language of me, as in thys wyse, with mor, seyeng, 'War the, gosune war, and goo we to dyner; goo we wher? to Sir John Fastolf, and ther we shall well paye ther fore.' What ther menyng was, I knowe well to no good entent to me ward; wherfor, cosyn, I prey yow, as my truste is in yow, that ye geve me knowelege be writing what jentylmen they be that had this report with more, and what mo jentylmen wer present, as ye wold I shuld and wer my deute to do for yow in semblabyll wyse. And I shall kepe yowr informatyon in this mater secret, and with Godds grace so purvey for hem as they shall not all be well pleasyd. At suche a tyme a man may knowe hese frendes and hese fooes asonder, &c. Jesu preserve and kepe yow.

Wretyn at Caster, the vij. day of Feverer, anno xxxiij. R. H. vjti.


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