William Worcester to John Paston, 27th January 1456

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To the worshypfull Sir, John Paston, Escuier.

Worshypfull, aftyr dew recomendacion, please your gode maistershyp to wete that where as my maister wrytith to yow so homelye of so manye materes to yow of hys, to be remembred unto hys councell lerned by mene of yow and of hys frendz and servauntz there, y pray yow and requyre yow not to wyte it me that y am the causer of it that my seyd maister noyeth yow with so manye materes, for, be God, hym sylf remembryth the moste part of hem; albe it the particler rehersell of the materes be fressher yn my remembraunce then yn hys. And, Sir, yn trouth he boldyth hym to wryte to yow for the grete lofe and singler affeccion he hath yn yow before all othyr yn hys causes spedyng, and that ye wille moste tendyrlye of ony othyr remembre hys servauntes as well as othyrs to whom belongyth to spede the materes. He desyryth my Lord Chauncellor shuld wryte to hym speciallye yff he most nedes com upp, and a bille to be made yn to Parlement for recuvere of my Lord Bedford godes.

Sir, there ys one Haryngton of Doncastre, a besye soule, that damagyth my maistre to gretely in Bentley. And Herry Sotehille ys of my maister councell, but no thyng that ys profytable ys don to hym to remedye it, ye shall see by one Sir John Vincentes letter sent to yow now, and W. Barker can enforme yow. Yn the ende of thys terme y suppose to be at London, and yn to west contre. My maistre wrytith to yow for a rent of viij li. of annuite charged of a touneshyp called Batham Wyly, that Maister Scrope he shall be beneficed yn the ryzt of it. Ye have nede fare fayre with hym, for he ys full daungerouse when he wille. Y gate hym gode evidensis of the seyd rent that my maister ne my lady had nevere, and he can not know it, &c. Also my maister hath wreten to yow for avice of a new feffement to be made for the maners of Tychewell and Beytone, and betyme he desyryth to be sent hym. Y pray yow, and ye se Maister Yng at a leyser to commaund me to hym, and trustyng hys gode maistershyp that he wille be of my councell ayenst one William Fouler of Bokyngham thath kepyth from me a litelle lond. And yff he wille contynew hys gode maistershyp to me, ye may sey hym that I cast duelle yn my contree, and wayt uppon hym to help ghete ayen a pore gode of myn, for heere y thryve not, but lose my tyme. Y pray our Lord have yow yn hys kepyng.

Wryt hastlye, the xxvij. day of Januare.



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