Erands to London of Augnes Paston, the xxviij. day of Jenure, the yer of Kyng Henry the Sext, xxxvj.
To prey Grenefeld to send me feythfully word, by wrytyn, who Clement Paston hath do his dever in lernyng. And if he hathe nought do well, nor wyll nought amend, prey hym that he wyll trewly belassch hym, tyl he wyll amend; and so ded the last maystr, and the best that ever he had, att Caumbrege. And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take up on hym to brynge hym in to good rewyll and lernyng, that I may verily know he doth hys dever, I wyll geve hym x. marcs for hys labor, for I had lever he wer fayr beryed than lost for defaute.
Item, to se who many gownys Clement hathe; and the that be bar, late hem be reysyd. He hathe achort grene gowne, and achort musterdevelers gowne, wer never reysyd; and achort blew gowne that was reysyd, and mad of a syde gowne, whan I was last at London; and asyde russet gowne, furryd with bevyr, was mad this tyme ij. yer; and asyde murry gowne was mad this tyme twelmonth.
Item, to do make me vj. sponys, of viij. ounce of troy wyght, well facyond and dubbyl gylt.
And sey Elyzabet Paston that she must use hyr selfe to werke redyly, as other jentylwomen done, and sumwhat to helpe hyr selfe ther with.
Item, to pay the Lady Pole xxvj s. viij_d. for hyr bord.
And if Grenefeld have do wel hys dever to Clement, or wyll do hys dever, geffe hym the nobyll.
Erands to London of Augnes Paston, the xxviij. day of Jenure, the yer of Kyng Henry the Sext, xxxvj.
To prey Grenefeld to send me feythfully word, by wrytyn, who Clement Paston hath do his dever in lernyng. And if he hathe nought do well, nor wyll nought amend, prey hym that he wyll trewly belassch hym, tyl he wyll amend; and so ded the last maystr, and the best that ever he had, att Caumbrege. And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take up on hym to brynge hym in to good rewyll and lernyng, that I may verily know he doth hys dever, I wyll geve hym x. marcs for hys labor, for I had lever he wer fayr beryed than lost for defaute.
Item, to se who many gownys Clement hathe; and the that be bar, late hem be reysyd. He hathe achort grene gowne, and achort musterdevelers gowne, wer never reysyd; and achort blew gowne that was reysyd, and mad of a syde gowne, whan I was last at London; and asyde russet gowne, furryd with bevyr, was mad this tyme ij. yer; and asyde murry gowne was mad this tyme twelmonth.
Item, to do make me vj. sponys, of viij. ounce of troy wyght, well facyond and dubbyl gylt.
And sey Elyzabet Paston that she must use hyr selfe to werke redyly, as other jentylwomen done, and sumwhat to helpe hyr selfe ther with.
Item, to pay the Lady Pole xxvj s. viij_d. for hyr bord.
And if Grenefeld have do wel hys dever to Clement, or wyll do hys dever, geffe hym the nobyll.
Erands to London of Augnes Paston, the xxviij. day of Jenure, the yer of Kyng Henry the Sext, xxxvj.
To prey Grenefeld to send me feythfully word, by wrytyn, who Clement Paston hath do his dever in lernyng. And if he hathe nought do well, nor wyll nought amend, prey hym that he wyll trewly belassch hym, tyl he wyll amend; and so ded the last maystr, and the best that ever he had, att Caumbrege. And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take up on hym to brynge hym in to good rewyll and lernyng, that I may verily know he doth hys dever, I wyll geve hym x. marcs for hys labor, for I had lever he wer fayr beryed than lost for defaute.
Item, to se who many gownys Clement hathe; and the that be bar, late hem be reysyd. He hathe achort grene gowne, and achort musterdevelers gowne, wer never reysyd; and achort blew gowne that was reysyd, and mad of a syde gowne, whan I was last at London; and asyde russet gowne, furryd with bevyr, was mad this tyme ij. yer; and asyde murry gowne was mad this tyme twelmonth.
Item, to do make me vj. sponys, of viij. ounce of troy wyght, well facyond and dubbyl gylt.
And sey Elyzabet Paston that she must use hyr selfe to werke redyly, as other jentylwomen done, and sumwhat to helpe hyr selfe ther with.
Item, to pay the Lady Pole xxvj s. viij_d. for hyr bord.
And if Grenefeld have do wel hys dever to Clement, or wyll do hys dever, geffe hym the nobyll.
Erands to London of Augnes Paston, the xxviij. day of Jenure, the yer of King Henry the Sext, xxxvj.
To pray Grenefeld to send me feythfully word, by wrytyn, who Clement Paston has do his dever in lernyng. And if he hathe not do well, nor wyll not amend, pray him that he wyll truely beat him, tyl he wyll amend; and so ded the last maystr, and the best that ever he had, at Cambridge. And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take up on him to brynge him in to good rewyll and lernyng, that I may verily know he doth his dever, I wyll geve him ten. marcs for his labor, for I had lever he wer fair beryed than lost for default.
Item, to se who many gownys Clement hathe; and the that be bar, late hem be reysyd. He hathe a short grene gown, and achort musterdevelers gown, wer never reysyd; and achort blew gown that was reysyd, and mad of a long, ample gown, whan I was last at London; and asyde russet gown, furryd with beaver, was mad this time two. yer; and asyde mulberry-coloured gown was mad this time twelmonth.
Item, to do make me vj. sponys, of viij. ounce of troy wyght, well facyond and dubbyl gylt.
And sey Elyzabet Paston that she must use hyr self to werke redyly, as other jentylwomen done, and sumwhat to helpe hyr self there with.
Item, to pay the Lady Pole xxvj s. viij_d. for hyr bord.
And if Grenefeld have do well his dever to Clement, or wyll do his dever, geffe him the nobyll.
Errands in London of Agnes Paston, 28th January, 36th year of King Henry VI.
To ask Greenfield to send me reliable information in writing about how Clement Paston is doing with his schooling; he isn't doing well, and won't mend his ways; tell him to beat him until he does, as did the last master, the best he ever had, at Cambridge. Also tell Greenfield that if he takes it upon himself to control his behaviour and his learning, then I will know he does his best, I will give him 10 marks for his work, for I'd rather he were oppressed than fail.
Next, check how many gownss Clement has; those that are worn should be brushed to bring up the nap. He has a short green tunic and a short tunic of grey woollen cloth, neither of them brushed up; a short blue tunic that has been brushed; and a blue tunic that was repaired into an ample gown when I was in London; and a long russet gown, furred with beaver, made two years ago; and a long mulberry-coloured gown made twelve months ago.
I'd like to have six eight-ounce spoons made, well crafted and gilded.
Tell Elizabeth Paston she must make herself useful, and other gentlewomen do, in order to improve herself.
Next, pay Lady Pole 25/8d for somewhere to stay.
If Greenfield has done well in his efforts with Clement or does his best, give him the noble.