To my ryght worshypful master, Sir John Fastolf.
Ryght worshypfull Sir, and my ryght gode maister, I recomaund me to yow yn my full humble wyse. Please yow to wete that I rode wyth Maister Paston to Cotton, and there he had the tenauntes before hym and toke a state and seison yn the feffé namys acordyng to the dede to your behofe. And there nedyth grete reparacion, or the jnner court and the barnys wylle falle doune. Hyt ys grete pitie of certeyn your tenauntes that lak her beestes and be destroyed thys snow seson yn Wentworth parkes. Paston wille do that he can to remedye it. And also by the astate of Cotton passed the astate of your maner in Nacton because it ys yn one dede, but yff the parson or Sprylyng may be at Nacton when they shall hold a court there or tak the accomptes the tenauntes most attorne to Ser Thomas yn your name and so be-com tenaunt.
Item, I hafe delyuered to Maister Ȝeluerton, Fylonglee, and othyrs your lettres wyth such credence as ye and Paston hafe avysed me, and shall entend here yn such besynesse as Paston avysyth me for your proffyt. And Matheu taryeth here tille som othyr lettres or message be redye, because Dygon the parson chylde commyth home to yow owt of my contree and bryngyth such lettres as be redy now.
Item, Columber, le purcyuaunt of Ser William Cosynot; departyth thys next weke, and he hath wyth hym all the informacion that ys necessary for thys tyme to grounde the mater for Ser Gy your prisonnere; he seyth ryght well. And as for Hue Hunt, he ys not yhyt com yn-to Ingland. I shall inquire of Molyneux after hys commyng and speke wyth hym for to recuuere th'enderiture of Lord Cromewell executours.
Item, as to nouveltees here both Christofr Barker wryteth to you more along. The Kyng came the last weke to Westminster, and the Duk of Yorke came to London with hys oune housole onlye to the nombre of cxl. hors, as it ys seyd; the Erle of Salysburye with iiijc. hors yn hys companye, iiijxx knyghts and sqwyers. The Duke of Somerset came to London last day of Janyver with ijc. hors, and loggyth wythoute Temple Barre, and the Duc of Excestr shalle be here thys weke with a grete felyshyp and strong, as it ys seyd. The Erle of Warwyke ys not yhyt com, because the wynde ys not for hym. And the Duke of Excester takyth a grete displesir that my Lord Warewyke occupyeth hys office, and takyth the charge of the kepyng of the see uppon hym.
Item, as for tydyng of beyend see, I hyre none certeyn, but that the Frensh Kyng shulde hafe maryed hys doughter to the Kyng of Hungerye, whych had the descomfytur uppon the Turks, and the seyd Kyng ys decesed wythynne thys vj. wekes, or the spouselle was made; but he ordeyned or he dyed that the Frensh Kyngs doughter shuld be named Quene of Hungerye duryng hyr lyffe.
Rygt worshypfull Sir, I beseche the blessed Trinite hafe yow yn hys gouvernaunce.
Wrete at London, the fyrst day of Feverzer, anno 36 R. H. VI.
* * *
Moreover, please you to wete that William Canyngs the merchaunt wryteth an aunsuer of your lettre. I trust it shall be the better for your wrytyng.
My brother promytted me a certeyn somme when I maryed, and I shall hafe it of my sister yff I may.
Your humble servauntte,
To my ryght worshypful master, Sir John Fastolf.
Ryght worshypfull Sir, and my ryght gode maister, I recomaund me to yow yn my full humble wyse. Please yow to wete that I rode wyth Maister Paston to Cotton, and there he had the tenauntes before hym and toke a state and seison yn the feffé namys acordyng to the dede to your behofe. And there nedyth grete reparacion, or the jnner court and the barnys wylle falle doune. Hyt ys grete pitie of certeyn your tenauntes that lak her beestes and be destroyed thys snow seson yn Wentworth parkes. Paston wille do that he can to remedye it. And also by the astate of Cotton passed the astate of your maner in Nacton because it ys yn one dede, but yff the parson or Sprylyng may be at Nacton when they shall hold a court there or tak the accomptes the tenauntes most attorne to Ser Thomas yn your name and so be-com tenaunt.
Item, I hafe delyuered to Maister Ȝeluerton, Fylonglee, and othyrs your lettres wyth such credence as ye and Paston hafe avysed me, and shall entend here yn such besynesse as Paston avysyth me for your proffyt. And Matheu taryeth here tille som othyr lettres or message be redye, because Dygon the parson chylde commyth home to yow owt of my contree and bryngyth such lettres as be redy now.
Item, Columber, le purcyuaunt of Ser William Cosynot; departyth thys next weke, and he hath wyth hym all the informacion that ys necessary for thys tyme to grounde the mater for Ser Gy your prisonnere; he seyth ryght well. And as for Hue Hunt, he ys not yhyt com yn-to Ingland. I shall inquire of Molyneux after hys commyng and speke wyth hym for to recuuere th'enderiture of Lord Cromewell executours.
Item, as to nouveltees here both Christofr Barker wryteth to you more along. The Kyng came the last weke to Westminster, and the Duk of Yorke came to London with hys oune housole onlye to the nombre of cxl. hors, as it ys seyd; the Erle of Salysburye with iiijc. hors yn hys companye, iiijxx knyghts and sqwyers. The Duke of Somerset came to London last day of Janyver with ijc. hors, and loggyth wythoute Temple Barre, and the Duc of Excestr shalle be here thys weke with a grete felyshyp and strong, as it ys seyd. The Erle of Warwyke ys not yhyt com, because the wynde ys not for hym. And the Duke of Excester takyth a grete displesir that my Lord Warewyke occupyeth hys office, and takyth the charge of the kepyng of the see uppon hym.
Item, as for tydyng of beyend see, I hyre none certeyn, but that the Frensh Kyng shulde hafe maryed hys doughter to the Kyng of Hungerye, whych had the descomfytur uppon the Turks, and the seyd Kyng ys decesed wythynne thys vj. wekes, or the spouselle was made; but he ordeyned or he dyed that the Frensh Kyngs doughter shuld be named Quene of Hungerye duryng hyr lyffe.
Rygt worshypfull Sir, I beseche the blessed Trinite hafe yow yn hys gouvernaunce.
Wrete at London, the fyrst day of Feverzer, anno 36 R. H. VI.
* * *
Moreover, please you to wete that William Canyngs the merchaunt wryteth an aunsuer of your lettre. I trust it shall be the better for your wrytyng.
My brother promytted me a certeyn somme when I maryed, and I shall hafe it of my sister yff I may.
Your humble servauntte,
To my ryght worshypful master, Sir John Fastolf.
Ryght worshypfull Sir, and my ryght gode maister, I recomaund me to yow yn my full humble wyse. Please yow to wete that I rode wyth Maister Paston to Cotton, and there he had the tenauntes before hym and toke a state and seison yn the feffé namys acordyng to the dede to your behofe. And there nedyth grete reparacion, or the jnner court and the barnys wylle falle doune. Hyt ys grete pitie of certeyn your tenauntes that lak her beestes and be destroyed thys snow seson yn Wentworth parkes. Paston wille do that he can to remedye it. And also by the astate of Cotton passed the astate of your maner in Nacton because it ys yn one dede, but yff the parson or Sprylyng may be at Nacton when they shall hold a court there or tak the accomptes the tenauntes most attorne to Ser Thomas yn your name and so be-com tenaunt.
Item, I hafe delyuered to Maister Ȝeluerton, Fylonglee, and othyrs your lettres wyth such credence as ye and Paston hafe avysed me, and shall entend here yn such besynesse as Paston avysyth me for your proffyt. And Matheu taryeth here tille som othyr lettres or message be redye, because Dygon the parson chylde commyth home to yow owt of my contree and bryngyth such lettres as be redy now.
Item, Columber, le purcyuaunt of Ser William Cosynot; departyth thys next weke, and he hath wyth hym all the informacion that ys necessary for thys tyme to grounde the mater for Ser Gy your prisonnere; he seyth ryght well. And as for Hue Hunt, he ys not yhyt com yn-to Ingland. I shall inquire of Molyneux after hys commyng and speke wyth hym for to recuuere th'enderiture of Lord Cromewell executours.
Item, as to nouveltees here both Christofr Barker wryteth to you more along. The Kyng came the last weke to Westminster, and the Duk of Yorke came to London with hys oune housole onlye to the nombre of cxl. hors, as it ys seyd; the Erle of Salysburye with iiijc. hors yn hys companye, iiijxx knyghts and sqwyers. The Duke of Somerset came to London last day of Janyver with ijc. hors, and loggyth wythoute Temple Barre, and the Duc of Excestr shalle be here thys weke with a grete felyshyp and strong, as it ys seyd. The Erle of Warwyke ys not yhyt com, because the wynde ys not for hym. And the Duke of Excester takyth a grete displesir that my Lord Warewyke occupyeth hys office, and takyth the charge of the kepyng of the see uppon hym.
Item, as for tydyng of beyend see, I hyre none certeyn, but that the Frensh Kyng shulde hafe maryed hys doughter to the Kyng of Hungerye, whych had the descomfytur uppon the Turks, and the seyd Kyng ys decesed wythynne thys vj. wekes, or the spouselle was made; but he ordeyned or he dyed that the Frensh Kyngs doughter shuld be named Quene of Hungerye duryng hyr lyffe.
Rygt worshypfull Sir, I beseche the blessed Trinite hafe yow yn hys gouvernaunce.
Wrete at London, the fyrst day of Feverzer, anno 36 R. H. VI.
* * *
Moreover, please you to wete that William Canyngs the merchaunt wryteth an aunsuer of your lettre. I trust it shall be the better for your wrytyng.
My brother promytted me a certeyn somme when I maryed, and I shall hafe it of my sister yff I may.
Your humble servauntte,
To my right worshypful master, Sir John Fastolf.
Right worshipful Sir, and my right good master, I recommend me to you in my full humble wise. Please you to wait that I rode with Master Paston to Cotton, and there he had the tenauntes before him and toke a state and seison in the feffé namys according to the did to your behofe. And there needs greet reparacion, or the jnner court and the barnys wylle fallen doune. Hyt is greet pitie of certeyn your tenauntes that lak her beestes and be destroyed thys snow seisin in Wentworth parkes. Paston will do that he can to remedy it. And also by the astate of Cotton passed the astate of your manner in Nacton - manor because it is in one did, but yff the parson or Sprylyng may be at Nacton when they shall hold a court there or tak the accomptes the tenauntes most attorne to Sir Thomas in your name and so be-come tenaunt.
Item, I have delivered to Master Ȝeluerton, Fylonglee, and othyrs your letters with such credence as you and Paston have avysed me, and shall entend [here/her] in such besynesse as Paston avysyth me for your proffyt. And Matheu taryeth [here/her] tille som othyr letters or message be redye, because Dygon the parson chylde commyth home to you out of my contree and bryngyth such letters as be ready now.
Item, Columber, le purcyuaunt of Sir William Cosynot; departyth thys next weke, and he has with him all the informacion that is necessary for thys time to grounde the matter for Sir Gy your prisonnere; he said right well. And as for Hue Hunt, he is not yhyt come in-to Ingland. I shall inquire of Molyneux after his commyng and speak with him for to recuuere th'enderiture of Lord Cromewell executours.
Item, as to nouveltees [here/her] both Christofr Barker wryteth to you more along. The King came the last weke to Westminster, and the Duk of Yorke came to London with his oune housole onlye to the nombre of cxl. hors, as it is said; the Earl of Salysburye with iiijc. hors in his companye, iiijxx knyghts and sqwyers. The Duke of Somerset came to London last day of Janyver with twoc. hors, and loggyth wythoute Temple Barre, and the Duc of Excestr shalle be [here/her] thys weke with a greet felyshyp and strong, as it is said. The Earl of Warwyke is not yhyt come, because the wynde is not for him. And the Duke of Excester takyth a greet displesir that my Lord Warewyke occupyeth his office, and takyth the charge of the keeping of the see uppon him.
Item, as for tydyng of beyend see, I her none certeyn, but that the Frensh King should have maryed his daughter to the King of Hungerye, whych had the descomfytur uppon the Turks, and the said King is decesed wythynne thys vj. wekes, or the spouselle was made; but he ordeyned or he dyed that the Frensh Kyngs daughter should be named Queen of Hungerye duryng hyr lyffe.
Rygt worshipful Sir, I beseech the blessed Trinity have you in his gouvernaunce.
Wrete at London, the fyrst day of Feverzer, anno 36 R. H. VI.
* * *
Moreover, please you to wait that William Canyngs the merchaunt wryteth an aunsuer of your letter. I trust it shall be the better for your wrytyng.
My brother promytted me a certeyn somme when I maryed, and I shall have it of my sister yff I may.
Your humble servauntte,
To my right worshipful Master, Sir John Fastolf.
Right worshipful sir, and my right good master, I humbly commend myself to you. I'm pleased to let you know that I rode with Master Paston to Coton and he gathered the tenants before him and took a state and session in the same of the trustees according to the deeds on your behalf. There need to be considerable repairs or the inner court and the barns will fall down. It is to the great pity of some of your tenants whose animals died in this season of snow in Wentworth parks. Paston will do what he can o remedy the situation. As the estate of Cotton was dealt with, so was the estate of Nacton, as it is all in one deed, but if the parson or Sprylyng are at Nacton to hold a court there or to take account of the tenants, most turn to Sir Thomas in your name and so are tenants.
Item, I have delivered to Master Yelverton, Fylonglee and others you letters with such authority as you and Paston have given to me, and mean to follow through the business as Paston has advised me for your benefit. Matheu will stay here until other letters or messages are ready, because Dygon the young parson comes home to you out of this part of the world and brings such letters as may now be ready.
Item, Columber, the messenger of Sir William Cosynit, leaves in the coming week and he has with him all the information that is necessary for the moment to prove the matter for Sir Gy your prisoner; he says this clearly. As for Hugh Hunt, he hasn't yet come to England. I shall ask about Molyneux after he's come and speak with him to recover the indenture of Lord Cromwell's executors.
As to news here, Christopher Barker will write more in a while. The King came to Westminster last week and the Duke of York came with his own household with 140 horses, they way, the Earl of Salisbury with 400 horses in his company, 80 knights and squires. The Duke of Somerset came to London on the last day of January with 200 horse and lodges with the Temple Bar; the Duke of Exeter will be here this week with a great and strong following, it is said. The Earl of Warwick is not yet come, because the wind is not in his favour. The Duke of Exeter is greatly displeased because my Lord Warwick holds his office, and takes over guarding the seas from him.
As for tidings from across the sea, I hear nothing certain other than that the French king should have married his daughter to the King of Hungary, to the discomfort of the Turks, and that the King dad within these last six weeks since the marriage agreement was made, but he said that the French King's daughter should be named Queen of Hungary for her lifetime.
Right worshipful sir, I pray the blessed Trinity has you in his care.
Written in London, the first day of February 1458.
Moreover, to let you know that William Cannings the merchant is writing in reply to your letter. I trust that you writing will have helped.
My brother promised me some cash when I married, and I will have it from my sister if I may.
Your humble servant.
w. Botoner, also known as Worcester