To my Maister Fastolf, at Castre, in haste.
Lyke it your maistership to wyte that, as for tidings, the Counsell is, the fornone, at the Blake Frires, for the ease of resorting of the Lordys that are withinne the toun; and at afternone at the White Frirers in Fletstrete, for the Lordis withowte the toun; and all thing shall come to a good conclusion with God is grace, for the Kyng shall come hidre this weke, and the Quene also, as some men sayn, and my Lord Buk, and Stafford with hire, and moche puple.
My Lord of Caunterbury takith grete peyne up on hym daily, and will write un to yow the certeynte of suche tidings as falle; and shuld have doon or this tyme, saf for that he wolde knowe an end of the matter.
Other tidings here are none, sauf my Lord of Excestre[127.4] is displesid that the Erle of Warwyk shall kepe the see, and hath therfore received this weke ml li. [£1000] of the Hanupere.
The messenger was on horsbak whanne I wrote yow this bill, and therfore it was doon in haste; and our Lord Jesus kepe yow.
Writen at London the Wednesday after Midlenton.
And my Lord of Caunterbury tolde me that the Frenche men have ben before yow, and that ye shotte many gonnes; and so he tolde all the Lords. I have desirid hym to move the Counsell for refreshing of the toun of Yermowth with stuff of ordnance and gonnes and gonne powdre, and he seid he wolde.
Your humble servaunt,
To my Maister Fastolf, at Castre, in haste.
Lyke it your maistership to wyte that, as for tidings, the Counsell is, the fornone, at the Blake Frires, for the ease of resorting of the Lordys that are withinne the toun; and at afternone at the White Frirers in Fletstrete, for the Lordis withowte the toun; and all thing shall come to a good conclusion with God is grace, for the Kyng shall come hidre this weke, and the Quene also, as some men sayn, and my Lord Buk, and Stafford with hire, and moche puple.
My Lord of Caunterbury takith grete peyne up on hym daily, and will write un to yow the certeynte of suche tidings as falle; and shuld have doon or this tyme, saf for that he wolde knowe an end of the matter.
Other tidings here are none, sauf my Lord of Excestre[127.4] is displesid that the Erle of Warwyk shall kepe the see, and hath therfore received this weke ml li. [£1000] of the Hanupere.
The messenger was on horsbak whanne I wrote yow this bill, and therfore it was doon in haste; and our Lord Jesus kepe yow.
Writen at London the Wednesday after Midlenton.
And my Lord of Caunterbury tolde me that the Frenche men have ben before yow, and that ye shotte many gonnes; and so he tolde all the Lords. I have desirid hym to move the Counsell for refreshing of the toun of Yermowth with stuff of ordnance and gonnes and gonne powdre, and he seid he wolde.
Your humble servaunt,
To my Maister Fastolf, at Castre, in haste.
Lyke it your maistership to wyte that, as for tidings, the Counsell is, the fornone, at the Blake Frires, for the ease of resorting of the Lordys that are withinne the toun; and at afternone at the White Frirers in Fletstrete, for the Lordis withowte the toun; and all thing shall come to a good conclusion with God is grace, for the Kyng shall come hidre this weke, and the Quene also, as some men sayn, and my Lord Buk, and Stafford with hire, and moche puple.
My Lord of Caunterbury takith grete peyne up on hym daily, and will write un to yow the certeynte of suche tidings as falle; and shuld have doon or this tyme, saf for that he wolde knowe an end of the matter.
Other tidings here are none, sauf my Lord of Excestre[127.4] is displesid that the Erle of Warwyk shall kepe the see, and hath therfore received this weke ml li. [£1000] of the Hanupere.
The messenger was on horsbak whanne I wrote yow this bill, and therfore it was doon in haste; and our Lord Jesus kepe yow.
Writen at London the Wednesday after Midlenton.
And my Lord of Caunterbury tolde me that the Frenche men have ben before yow, and that ye shotte many gonnes; and so he tolde all the Lords. I have desirid hym to move the Counsell for refreshing of the toun of Yermowth with stuff of ordnance and gonnes and gonne powdre, and he seid he wolde.
Your humble servaunt,
To my Master Fastolf, at Caister-on-Sea, in haste.
Like it your mastership to wyte that, as for tidings, the Counsell is, the fornone, at the Blake Frires, for the ease of resorting of the Lordys that are withinne the toun; and at afternone at the White Frirers in Fletstrete, for the Lordis withowte the toun; and all thing shall come to a good conclusion with God is grace, for the King shall come hidre this weke, and the Queen also, as some men sayn, and my Lord Buk, and Stafford with hire, and much puple.
My Lord of Caunterbury takith greet peyne up on him daily, and will write un to you the certeynte of suche tidings as fallen; and should have doon or this time, saf for that he would knowe an end of the matter.
Other tidings [here/her] are none, sauf my Lord of Excestre[127.4] is displesid that the Earl of Warwyk shall keep the see, and has therfore received this weke £1,000. [£1000] of the Hanupere.
The messenger was on horsbak whanne I wrote you this bill, and therfore it was doon in haste; and our Lord Jesus keep you.
Written at London the Wednesday after Midlenton.
And my Lord of Caunterbury tolde me that the Frenche men have [be/been] before you, and that you shotte many gonnes; and so he tolde all the Lords. I have desirid him to move the Counsell for refreshing of the toun of Great Yarmouth with stuff of ordnance and gonnes and gonne powdre, and he said he would.
Your humble servant,
To my master Falstaff, at Caister, quickly.
I am writing to let you know, master, that the Counsel is meeting this morning at Blackfriars for the benefit of the lords in the town, and in the afternoon at Whitefriars in Fleet Street for the lords outside the town. With the grace of God everything will turn out well as the King arrives this week, and the Queen too, according to some people. They say Lord Buckingham and Stafford will be with her, and so will many others.
My Lord of Canterbury is taking pains every day to get down details of what happens, and will let you know the details. He would have done so already, but he wants to know what the final outcome will be.
There's no other news, except that my Lord of Exeter is unhappy that the Earl of Warwick is to keep his position and this week has received £1,000 from Chancery.
The messenger was ready on horseback when I wrote you this note, so it's done in a hurry, and our Lord Jesus look after you.
Written at London the Wednesday after the fourth Sunday in Lent.
My Lord of Canterbury told me that the French have approached close to you, and that you fired many shots; he has told all the Lords. I have asked him to persuade the Counsel to reinforce the town of Yarmouth with armaments, guns and gunpowder, and he said he would.
Your humble servant,
J Bokking