Friar Brackley to John Paston, 1459

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my Mayster, Jon Pastone, Esqwyer, be this letter presentid.

Jesu mercy.

Ryte reverent mayster, &c., as sone as ȝe may goodly, comyth to Castre, and Ȝelverton with ȝow, and ȝe think it to be done; and sendyth home ȝowr men and hors, tyl ȝe haf do here, &c. And by grace of God and ȝour polityk wisdham, ȝe schal conclude more effectually in gret matyers of substans, to my maysterys and ȝour worschip and profyte. It is hey tyme; he drawyt fast home ward, and is ryte lowe browt, and sore weykid [_weakened_] and feblyd, &c. And ȝe must bryng with ȝow a forme of a supplicacyon made at London in what maner wyse Mr. R. Popy, a cunnyng and a crafty man, schal presentyn and purposyn to the Kyng for the inmorteysing of Castre to Seynt Benet, &c., which he promittyd up a certeyn mony, &c., and undirtoke it, &c., and fond that tyme no bonys in the matere, &c. And now he seyth he wil labour and ryde and do hise part, &c. And he wold haf me to help hym, &c., quod non fiet, &c., or elles a man of credens of my masterys, &c., quod dubito fieri, &c. God bryng ȝow sone hidyr, &c., for I am weri tyl ȝe come.

Sir Thomas the parson, ȝowr owne most trewe, &c., be myn trewthe, and I ȝour bedeman and ȝowrys at ȝour comaundement, in ȝour letter haf no more towchid of the mater, &c., to my mayster, &c. Every day this v. dayes he seyth, 'God send me sone my good cosyn Paston, for I holde hym a feythful man, and ever on man.' Cui ego, 'That is soth,' &c. Et ille, 'Schew me not the mete, schew me the man.' Hæc verba replicat sæpius cum magno stomacho, &c. Colinus Gallicus dicit in Jernemuta et aliis locis se esse executorem, &c. Dixit etiam heri coram pluribus, si semel fuerit London' nunquam vult videre Norfolchiam, &c. Dicit etiam, ubi executores credunt se habituros claves, &c., post mortem alii habebunt claves, ita bene sicut illi, &c. Falsissimus est, et ego bene dixi in partem suam inter ipsum et me, &c. Propter Deum, faciatis Spirlyng venire juxta promissum in f'cu [_factum ?_], &c. Gallicus ipse maxime odit rectorem et vellet supplantare eum, &c. Item, valde desiderat suum, quietus est quia absit, &c.

Henricus Todyham continue aspirat post mortem magistri cum mille habeat oculos nocendi, &c., si quorum duos deperderit, nullus cæteros timeret, &c.

Gairdner 1904: The original was endorsed in an ancient hand, according to Fenn, 'Littera fratris Doctoris Brackley per quam patet Jo. Fastolf valde desiderasse presentiam consanguinei sui Jo. Paston.' - 'A letter from Doctor Brackley, in which it appears that John Fastolf greatly missed his kinsman John Paston'.

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