To my very wellbeloued sonne william Paston these I pray at his lodginge in Corpus Christy Colledge:
My good will:
I doe much desire to heer how you doe, I hope you haue receiued my late letters written to mr Roberts and you:/ take heed to your selfe good child, that I may here a good report of your Ciuill and kinde behaiour. towards all. but cheeffiy haue an espetiall care to fear and serue god: lett it be the first and last thinge you thinke of. and then be sure the blesinge of the allmighty will preserue you in all your ways. for he never fayled those who trusted in him and duely served him:/ and next beware of violent tennisinge or leapinge or any other thinge which shall hinder your healthe : take heed of frute of all sorts if you eate any. eate very moderately for to much ocation ofte times much sikenes: I sent in my last letter, that mr Roberts wold doe so much as by you a tamill gowne to wear this summer I hope it is done:/ I doe much longe to heer of you and god grant I may heer comfortable news:/ your kinde ante Bell remembers her loue to you and send you a boxe of Iuse of likorous. it will stay the ruhum . when tobaka will not:/ I hop to heer you still hate the very smell of tobaca: I send you a pece of gowld for a token. and if thaw doest well 1 and be ruled by thy tutore in all things, for thy good: then thow shalt be sur to want nothinge that I can doe for the: and so the Lords blesinge be for euer more vpon thy sowle and body farwell good will:
thy most Louinge Mother
Katherine Paston
Comend me very kindly to the master1 and to good mr Roberts. wright to me as oft as thow canst and so agayne farwell:
friday the 11th of lune 1624:/
To my very wellbeloued sonne william Paston these I pray at his lodginge in Corpus Christy Colledge:
My good will:
I doe much desire to heer how you doe, I hope you haue receiued my late letters written to mr Roberts and you:/ take heed to your selfe good child, that I may here a good report of your Ciuill and kinde behaiour. towards all. but cheeffiy haue an espetiall care to fear and serue god: lett it be the first and last thinge you thinke of. and then be sure the blesinge of the allmighty will preserue you in all your ways. for he never fayled those who trusted in him and duely served him:/ and next beware of violent tennisinge or leapinge or any other thinge which shall hinder your healthe : take heed of frute of all sorts if you eate any. eate very moderately for to much ocation ofte times much sikenes: I sent in my last letter, that mr Roberts wold doe so much as by you a tamill gowne to wear this summer I hope it is done:/ I doe much longe to heer of you and god grant I may heer comfortable news:/ your kinde ante Bell remembers her loue to you and send you a boxe of Iuse of likorous. it will stay the ruhum . when tobaka will not:/ I hop to heer you still hate the very smell of tobaca: I send you a pece of gowld for a token. and if thaw doest well 1 and be ruled by thy tutore in all things, for thy good: then thow shalt be sur to want nothinge that I can doe for the: and so the Lords blesinge be for euer more vpon thy sowle and body farwell good will:
thy most Louinge Mother
Katherine Paston
Comend me very kindly to the master1 and to good mr Roberts. wright to me as oft as thow canst and so agayne farwell:
friday the 11th of lune 1624:/
To my very wellbeloued sonne william Paston these I pray at his lodginge in Corpus Christy Colledge:
My good will:
I doe much desire to heer how you doe, I hope you haue receiued my late letters written to mr Roberts and you:/ take heed to your selfe good child, that I may here a good report of your Ciuill and kinde behaiour. towards all. but cheeffiy haue an espetiall care to fear and serue god: lett it be the first and last thinge you thinke of. and then be sure the blesinge of the allmighty will preserue you in all your ways. for he never fayled those who trusted in him and duely served him:/ and next beware of violent tennisinge or leapinge or any other thinge which shall hinder your healthe : take heed of frute of all sorts if you eate any. eate very moderately for to much ocation ofte times much sikenes: I sent in my last letter, that mr Roberts wold doe so much as by you a tamill gowne to wear this summer I hope it is done:/ I doe much longe to heer of you and god grant I may heer comfortable news:/ your kinde ante Bell remembers her loue to you and send you a boxe of Iuse of likorous. it will stay the ruhum . when tobaka will not:/ I hop to heer you still hate the very smell of tobaca: I send you a pece of gowld for a token. and if thaw doest well 1 and be ruled by thy tutore in all things, for thy good: then thow shalt be sur to want nothinge that I can doe for the: and so the Lords blesinge be for euer more vpon thy sowle and body farwell good will:
thy most Louinge Mother
Katherine Paston
Comend me very kindly to the master1 and to good mr Roberts. wright to me as oft as thow canst and so agayne farwell:
friday the 11th of lune 1624:/
To my very wellbeloued son william Paston these I pray at his lodging in Corpus Christy College:
My good will:
I do much desire to hear how you do, I hope you have received my late letters written to mr Roberts and you:/ take heed to your self good child, that I may [here/her] a good report of your Ciuill and kind behaviour. towards all. but cheeffiy have an espetiall care to fear and serve god: let it be the first and last thing you think of. and then be sure the blessing of the Almighty will preserve you in all your ways. for he never failed those who trusted in him and duely served him:/ and next beware of violent tennisinge or leapinge or any other thing which shall hinder your health : take heed of fruit of all sorts if you eat any. eat very moderately for to much ocation ofte times much sickness: I sent in my last letter, that mr Roberts would do so much as by you a tamill gown to wear this summer I hope it is done:/ I do much long to hear of you and god grant I may hear comfortable news:/ your kind aunt Bell remembers her loue to you and send you a box of Iuse of likorous. it will stay the ruhum . when tobacco will not:/ I hope to hear you still hate the very smell of tobacco: I send you a piece of gold for a token. and if thaw doest well 1 and be ruled by thy tutor in all things, for thy good: then thow shalt be sure to want nothing that I can do for the: and so the Lords blessing be for ever more upon thy soul and body farewell good will:
thy most Loving Mother
Katherine Paston
Commend me very kindly to the master1 and to good mr Roberts. write to me as oft as thow canst and so again farewell:
friday the 11th of lune 1624:/
To my well-beloved son William Paston ; please delver to his lodgings at Corpus
Christi college, Cambridge.
Dear William,
I'm longing to hear how you're getting on; I hope you've received my last letters to Mr Roberts and to you. Take care of yourself god child, so that I can have a good report of your civil and kind behaviour towards all. Especially take care to fear and serve God, let this be the first and last thing you think about and then the blessings of the Almighty will keep you in all your ways, for he has never failed those who have trusted in him and duly nerved him. Beware of energetic playing of tennis or sports or anything else which will not be good for your health; take care what fruit you eat and if you eat it, don't eat too much as it often causes sickness. I said in my last letter that Mr Roberts would arrange to buy you a tamil gown to wear this summer, I hope this has been done. I long very much to hear from you and God grant that I may hear good news. Your kind Aunt Bell sends her love to you and sends you a box of juice of liquorice. It will stop you getting the sniffles, while tobacco will not. I hope to hear you still hate the smell of tobacco. I enclose a piece of gold as a token and if you do well and do what your tutor tells you in all matters, for your own good, then you can be sure that there is nothing that I won't do for you when it is possible. So the Lord's blessing be on your soul and body. for ever. Farewell, good William.
Your most loving mother,
Katherine Paston
Commend me very kindly to the master and to good Mr Roberts. Write to me as often as you can and so again farewell.
Friday 11th June 1624