Margaret Paston to John Paston, 1st March, probably 1461

James Gresham
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

Please it you to wytte that it is lete me witte by on þat owith you good wyll þat þer is leid awayte up on you in þis cuntre, yf ye come here at large, to bryng you to þe presence of syyche a Lord in þe north as shall not be for your ease, but to jopardie of your lyf, or gret and importable losse of your goods. And he that hath take up on hym this enterprise now was undr-shireff to G. Sayntlowe. He hath gret favour herto by the meanes of þe sone of William Baxter that lyth beryed in þe Grey Freres; and, as it is reported, the seid sone hath geve gret sylver to þe Lords in þe north to bryng þe matier a bowte, and now he and alle his olde felaweship put owt their fynnes, and arn ryght flygge and mery, hopyng alle thyng is and shalbe as they wole have it. Also it is tolde me that the fadr of the Bastard in this cuntre seid that now shuld this shire be made sewir for hym and his heires hens forward, and for the Baxsteris heyres also, wherby I conceyve they thynke that they have none enemy but you, &c.

Wherfor like it you to be þe more war of your gydyng for your persones sauf-gard, and also that ye be not to hasty to come in to this cuntré til ye here þe world more sewer. I trowe the berar of this shall telle more by mowthe, as he shall be enfourmed of the rewell in this cuntré.

God have yow in His kepyng. Wretyn in hast, the secund Sunday of Lent by candel light at evyn.

By yours, &c.


Fenn, "Original Letters" v. 3, p. 412 comments: "This letter has no direction [address], and lest it should be opened, the paper which fastens the seal is, along the edge, marked with lines by a pen, which communicate with the la[e?]tter, by which means the receiver might easily have discovered any attempts to have opened it, as the lines would not then have exactly coincided again."

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