Sir John Fastolf to Henry Inglose and John Berney, after AD 1440

15/16th Century
Location of Original:
Pembroke College, Cambridge

To my ryght wel belovyd cosyns, Herry Inglese and Johan Berney, Eseuiers.

Right wel belovyd cosyns, I comaund me to yow. And please you to hafe in knoulege that at whyche tyme ye were delyvered out of pryson by the moyen of ij. prysonners that y delyvered yow, whyche, as ye know wel, one was Burd Vynollys and the other Johan de Seint Johan dit Dolot, and in lyke wyse I boughte anothyr prysonner clepyt Johan Villers for the delyveraunce of Mautbye Sqwyer, whyche mater ye knowythe welle. And for as moche as my wrytynges that makyth mencion of that delyveraunce of the said Mautbye be not in my warde, y pray you that ye wolle undre your seelys certyffye me the trouthe how the said Mautbye was delyveryd by my moyen. Y hafe found a cedule that makyth mencion of that prysonner, of whyche I sende you a double, to be better avertysed of the mater. And therfor, as my trust ys yn yow that ye sende me your gode remembraunce in as goodly haste as ye may. And our Lord kepe you. Wryt at Londone the v. day of November.

John Fastolf, Chevalier.

The letter may be after 1440.

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