I recomawnde me to yow, and lete yow wete þat notwythstandyng tydingges come downe, os ye knowe, þat pepill shuld not come vp tyll thei were sent fore, but to be redy at all tymes, this notwithstandyng mech pepill owt of this cuntré have take wages, seying thei woll goo vp to London. But thei have no capteyn ner rewler assigned be the comissioneres to awayte vp-on, and so thei stragyll abowte be them-self and be lyklynes arn not leke to come at London, half of them. And men that come from London sey there have not passid Thetford not passyng cccc and yet the townes and the cuntré that have waged hem shall thynk thei be dischargid. And therfore if this lordes above wayte aftyr more pepill in this cuntré, be lyklynes it woll not be easy to get wyth-owt a newe comission and warnyng; and yet it woll be thought ryght straunge of hem that have waged pepill to wage any more, for euery towne hath waged and sent forth, and arn redy to send forth as many as thei ded whan the Kyng sent for hem be-fore the feld at Lodlowe, and thoo that arn not goo be in goyng in the same forme.
Item, ther was shrewd rewle toward in this cuntré, for ther was a certeyn person forth-wyth aftyr the jurny at Wakefeld gadered felaship to have mordered John Damme, as it is seyd; and also ther is at the castell of Rysing and in other ij plases made gret gaderyng of pepill and hyryng of harneys, and it is wele vndyrstand they be not to the Kyng ward, but rather the contrary and for to robbe. Wherfore my fadyr is in a dowte whedir he shall send my broþer vp or not, for he wold have his owne men abowte hym if nede were here, but notwythstandyng he wyll send vp Dawbeney, his spere and bowes wyth hym, as Stapilton and Calthorp or other men of worship of this cuntré agree to doo. Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowre erandes ther-aftyr, and iff ye shall bryng any massage from the lordes take writyng, for Dancortes massage is not verely beleved be-cause he browt no wrytyng.
Item, this cuntré wold fayne take these fals shrewes that arn in oppynion contrary yo the Kyng and his counsell, if they had any auctorité from the Kyng to do so.
Item, my brother is redyn to Yarmowth for to lette brybours that wold a robbed ship vndyr colour of my lord of Warwyk, and longe nothyng to hem ward.
I recomawnde me to yow, and lete yow wete þat notwythstandyng tydingges come downe, os ye knowe, þat pepill shuld not come vp tyll thei were sent fore, but to be redy at all tymes, this notwithstandyng mech pepill owt of this cuntré have take wages, seying thei woll goo vp to London. But thei have no capteyn ner rewler assigned be the comissioneres to awayte vp-on, and so thei stragyll abowte be them-self and be lyklynes arn not leke to come at London, half of them. And men that come from London sey there have not passid Thetford not passyng cccc and yet the townes and the cuntré that have waged hem shall thynk thei be dischargid. And therfore if this lordes above wayte aftyr more pepill in this cuntré, be lyklynes it woll not be easy to get wyth-owt a newe comission and warnyng; and yet it woll be thought ryght straunge of hem that have waged pepill to wage any more, for euery towne hath waged and sent forth, and arn redy to send forth as many as thei ded whan the Kyng sent for hem be-fore the feld at Lodlowe, and thoo that arn not goo be in goyng in the same forme.
Item, ther was shrewd rewle toward in this cuntré, for ther was a certeyn person forth-wyth aftyr the jurny at Wakefeld gadered felaship to have mordered John Damme, as it is seyd; and also ther is at the castell of Rysing and in other ij plases made gret gaderyng of pepill and hyryng of harneys, and it is wele vndyrstand they be not to the Kyng ward, but rather the contrary and for to robbe. Wherfore my fadyr is in a dowte whedir he shall send my broþer vp or not, for he wold have his owne men abowte hym if nede were here, but notwythstandyng he wyll send vp Dawbeney, his spere and bowes wyth hym, as Stapilton and Calthorp or other men of worship of this cuntré agree to doo. Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowre erandes ther-aftyr, and iff ye shall bryng any massage from the lordes take writyng, for Dancortes massage is not verely beleved be-cause he browt no wrytyng.
Item, this cuntré wold fayne take these fals shrewes that arn in oppynion contrary yo the Kyng and his counsell, if they had any auctorité from the Kyng to do so.
Item, my brother is redyn to Yarmowth for to lette brybours that wold a robbed ship vndyr colour of my lord of Warwyk, and longe nothyng to hem ward.
I recomawnde me to yow, and lete yow wete þat notwythstandyng tydingges come downe, os ye knowe, þat pepill shuld not come vp tyll thei were sent fore, but to be redy at all tymes, this notwithstandyng mech pepill owt of this cuntré have take wages, seying thei woll goo vp to London. But thei have no capteyn ner rewler assigned be the comissioneres to awayte vp-on, and so thei stragyll abowte be them-self and be lyklynes arn not leke to come at London, half of them. And men that come from London sey there have not passid Thetford not passyng cccc and yet the townes and the cuntré that have waged hem shall thynk thei be dischargid. And therfore if this lordes above wayte aftyr more pepill in this cuntré, be lyklynes it woll not be easy to get wyth-owt a newe comission and warnyng; and yet it woll be thought ryght straunge of hem that have waged pepill to wage any more, for euery towne hath waged and sent forth, and arn redy to send forth as many as thei ded whan the Kyng sent for hem be-fore the feld at Lodlowe, and thoo that arn not goo be in goyng in the same forme.
Item, ther was shrewd rewle toward in this cuntré, for ther was a certeyn person forth-wyth aftyr the jurny at Wakefeld gadered felaship to have mordered John Damme, as it is seyd; and also ther is at the castell of Rysing and in other ij plases made gret gaderyng of pepill and hyryng of harneys, and it is wele vndyrstand they be not to the Kyng ward, but rather the contrary and for to robbe. Wherfore my fadyr is in a dowte whedir he shall send my broþer vp or not, for he wold have his owne men abowte hym if nede were here, but notwythstandyng he wyll send vp Dawbeney, his spere and bowes wyth hym, as Stapilton and Calthorp or other men of worship of this cuntré agree to doo. Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowre erandes ther-aftyr, and iff ye shall bryng any massage from the lordes take writyng, for Dancortes massage is not verely beleved be-cause he browt no wrytyng.
Item, this cuntré wold fayne take these fals shrewes that arn in oppynion contrary yo the Kyng and his counsell, if they had any auctorité from the Kyng to do so.
Item, my brother is redyn to Yarmowth for to lette brybours that wold a robbed ship vndyr colour of my lord of Warwyk, and longe nothyng to hem ward.
I recomawnde me to you, and let you wait þat notwythstandyng tydingges come downe, os you knowe, þat pepill should not come vp until they were sent fore, but to be ready at all tymes, this notwithstandyng mech pepill out of this cuntré have take wages, seying they will goo vp to London. But they have no capteyn nor rewler assigned be the comissioneres to wait vp-on, and so they stragyll abowte be them-self and be lyklynes arn not leke to come at London, half of them. And men that come from London sey there have not passid Thetford Manornot passyng 400 and yet the townes and the cuntré that have waged hem shall thynk they be dischargid. And therfore if this lordes above wayte aftyr more pepill in this cuntré, be lyklynes it will not be easy to get with-out a newe comission and warnyng; and yet it will be thought right straunge of hem that have waged pepill to wage any more, for euery towne has waged and sent forth, and arn ready to send forth as many as they ded whan the King sent for hem be-fore the feld at Ludlow, and thoo that arn not goo be in going in the same form.
Item, there was dangerous, difficult rewle toward in this cuntré, for there was a certeyn person forth-with aftyr the jurny at Wakefield gadered felaship to have mordered John Damme, as it is said; and also there is at the Castle of Castle Rising and in other two plases made great gaderyng of pepill and hyryng of harneys, and it is wele vndyrstand they be not to the King ward, but rather the contrary and for to robbe. Wherfore my fadyr is in a doubt whedir he shall send my broþer vp or not, for he would have his owne men abowte him if need were [here/her], but notwythstandyng he wyll send vp Dawbeney, his spere and bowes with him, as Stapilton and Calthorpe or other men of worship of this cuntré agree to do. Wherfore demene you in doing of your erandes there-aftyr, and iff you shall bryng any massage from the lordes take writyng, for Dancortes massage is not verely beleved be-cause he browt no wrytyng.
Item, this cuntré would fayne take these fals shrewes that arn in oppynion contrary yo the King and his counsell, if they had any auctorité from the King to do so.
Item, my brother is ridden to Great Yarmouth for to lette brybours that would a robbed ship vndyr colour of my lord of Warwyk, and long nothyng to hem ward.
My greetings to you; this is to let you know that, despite the news coming down that you already know, that people should not come up until they are sent for but should be ready at all times, many people around here have already taken wages, saying they will go to London. But they have no captain or person in charge from the commissioners to follow, so they straggle about by themselves in a way that makes half of them unlikely to get to London. Men coming from London say more than 400 have got past Thetford yet, but the towns and districts that have paid them think they have done all they need to and won't be asked for more money. So the lords above mentioned are waiting for more people from around here, but nothing is likely to happen without a new leader and instructions, though it is considered strange that, as they have paid people, they should be expected to pay any more. Every town has paid and sent men or are ready to send them, as many as they did when the King sent for them before the battle at Ludlow, and those who have not gone are going in the same disorderly fashion.
Item, there was a dangerous feeling around here because it is said that a certain person after the journey to Wakefield assembled a group to murder John Damme. Also at the castle at Rising and in two other places there have been large gatherings and acquiring of harness; it's understood they don't support the King but are against him, and intend robbery. As a result my father is doubtful about sending my brother up to you, as he wouldn't have his own men with him if they were needed here; nevertheless he will send up Daubeney, who will have his spear and bows, as Stapleton and Calthoup or other renowned men now do. So consider and be careul when doing your work, and if you have a message from the lords, then send it in writing, as Dancout's message has not been much believed because he didn't bring anything in writing.
Item, this part of the world would like to deal with these traitors whose opinions are against the King and his council, if they had any authority to do so.
Item, my brother has ridden to Yarmouth to thwart thieves who intended to rob a ship flying the colours of Lord Warwick, and don't support him.