To my maister, John Paston, in hast,
Please you to knowe and wete of suche tydyngs as my Lady of York hath by a lettre of credens, under the signe manuel of oure Soverayn Lord King Edward, whiche lettre cam un to oure sayd Lady this same day, Esterne Evyn, at xj. clok, and was sene and red by me, William Paston.
Fyrst, oure Soverayn Lord hath wonne the feld, and uppon the Munday next after Palmesunday, he was resseved in to York with gret solempnyte and processyons. And the Mair the Yorkist cause and Comons of the said cite mad ther menys to have grace be Lord Montagu and Lord Barenars, whiche be for the Kyngs coming in to the said cite desyred hym of grace for the said cite, whiche graunted hem grace. On the Kyngs parte is slayn Lord Fitz Water, and Lord Scrop sore hurt; John Stafford, Horne of Kent ben ded; and Umfrey Stafford, William Hastyngs mad knyghts with other; Blont is knygth, &c.
Un the contrary part is ded Lord Clyfford, Lord Nevyle, Lord Welles, Lord Wyllouby, Antony Lord Scales, Lord Harry, and be supposyng the Erle of Northumberland, Andrew Trollop, with many other gentyll and comons to the nomber of
Item, Kyng Harry, the Qwen, the Prince, Duke of Somerset, Duke of Exeter, Lord Roos, be fledde in to Scotteland, and they be chased and folwed, &c. We send no er un to you be cause we had non certynges tyl now; for un to this day London was as sory cite as myght. And because Spordauns had no certeyn tydyngs, we thought ye schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.
Item, Thorp Waterfeld is yeldyn, as Spordauns can telle you. And Jesu spede you. We pray you that this tydyngs my moder may knowe.
Be your Broder,
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Devon.
Dominus de Beamunde.
Dominus de Clifford.
Dominus de Nevyll.
Dominus de Dacre.
Dominus Henricus de Bokyngham.
Dominus de Well[es].
Dominus de Scales Antony Revers.
Dominus de Wellugby.
Dominus de Malley Radulfus Bigot Miles.
Sir Rauff Gray.
Sir Ric. Jeney.
Sir Harry Bekingham.
Sir Andrew Trollop.
With nomberd by Harralds.
To my maister, John Paston, in hast,
Please you to knowe and wete of suche tydyngs as my Lady of York hath by a lettre of credens, under the signe manuel of oure Soverayn Lord King Edward, whiche lettre cam un to oure sayd Lady this same day, Esterne Evyn, at xj. clok, and was sene and red by me, William Paston.
Fyrst, oure Soverayn Lord hath wonne the feld, and uppon the Munday next after Palmesunday, he was resseved in to York with gret solempnyte and processyons. And the Mair the Yorkist cause and Comons of the said cite mad ther menys to have grace be Lord Montagu and Lord Barenars, whiche be for the Kyngs coming in to the said cite desyred hym of grace for the said cite, whiche graunted hem grace. On the Kyngs parte is slayn Lord Fitz Water, and Lord Scrop sore hurt; John Stafford, Horne of Kent ben ded; and Umfrey Stafford, William Hastyngs mad knyghts with other; Blont is knygth, &c.
Un the contrary part is ded Lord Clyfford, Lord Nevyle, Lord Welles, Lord Wyllouby, Antony Lord Scales, Lord Harry, and be supposyng the Erle of Northumberland, Andrew Trollop, with many other gentyll and comons to the nomber of
Item, Kyng Harry, the Qwen, the Prince, Duke of Somerset, Duke of Exeter, Lord Roos, be fledde in to Scotteland, and they be chased and folwed, &c. We send no er un to you be cause we had non certynges tyl now; for un to this day London was as sory cite as myght. And because Spordauns had no certeyn tydyngs, we thought ye schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.
Item, Thorp Waterfeld is yeldyn, as Spordauns can telle you. And Jesu spede you. We pray you that this tydyngs my moder may knowe.
Be your Broder,
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Devon.
Dominus de Beamunde.
Dominus de Clifford.
Dominus de Nevyll.
Dominus de Dacre.
Dominus Henricus de Bokyngham.
Dominus de Well[es].
Dominus de Scales Antony Revers.
Dominus de Wellugby.
Dominus de Malley Radulfus Bigot Miles.
Sir Rauff Gray.
Sir Ric. Jeney.
Sir Harry Bekingham.
Sir Andrew Trollop.
With nomberd by Harralds.
To my maister, John Paston, in hast,
Please you to knowe and wete of suche tydyngs as my Lady of York hath by a lettre of credens, under the signe manuel of oure Soverayn Lord King Edward, whiche lettre cam un to oure sayd Lady this same day, Esterne Evyn, at xj. clok, and was sene and red by me, William Paston.
Fyrst, oure Soverayn Lord hath wonne the feld, and uppon the Munday next after Palmesunday, he was resseved in to York with gret solempnyte and processyons. And the Mair the Yorkist cause and Comons of the said cite mad ther menys to have grace be Lord Montagu and Lord Barenars, whiche be for the Kyngs coming in to the said cite desyred hym of grace for the said cite, whiche graunted hem grace. On the Kyngs parte is slayn Lord Fitz Water, and Lord Scrop sore hurt; John Stafford, Horne of Kent ben ded; and Umfrey Stafford, William Hastyngs mad knyghts with other; Blont is knygth, &c.
Un the contrary part is ded Lord Clyfford, Lord Nevyle, Lord Welles, Lord Wyllouby, Antony Lord Scales, Lord Harry, and be supposyng the Erle of Northumberland, Andrew Trollop, with many other gentyll and comons to the nomber of
Item, Kyng Harry, the Qwen, the Prince, Duke of Somerset, Duke of Exeter, Lord Roos, be fledde in to Scotteland, and they be chased and folwed, &c. We send no er un to you be cause we had non certynges tyl now; for un to this day London was as sory cite as myght. And because Spordauns had no certeyn tydyngs, we thought ye schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.
Item, Thorp Waterfeld is yeldyn, as Spordauns can telle you. And Jesu spede you. We pray you that this tydyngs my moder may knowe.
Be your Broder,
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Devon.
Dominus de Beamunde.
Dominus de Clifford.
Dominus de Nevyll.
Dominus de Dacre.
Dominus Henricus de Bokyngham.
Dominus de Well[es].
Dominus de Scales Antony Revers.
Dominus de Wellugby.
Dominus de Malley Radulfus Bigot Miles.
Sir Rauff Gray.
Sir Ric. Jeney.
Sir Harry Bekingham.
Sir Andrew Trollop.
With nomberd by Harralds.
To my master, John Paston, in haste,
Please you to knowe and wait of suche tidings as my Lady of York has by a letter of credens, under the signe manuel of our Soverayn Lord King Edward, whiche letter cam un to our sayd Lady this same day, 4th April at 11 o'clock, and was sene and red by me, William Paston.
Fyrst, our Soverayn Lord has The Battle of Towton, 29th March 1461, Palm Sunday and uppon 30th March next after Palmesunday, he was resseved in to York with great solempnyte and processyons. And the Mair the Yorkist cause and Comons of the said cite mad there menys to have grace be Lord Montagu and Lord Barenars, whiche be for the Kyngs coming in to the said cite desyred him of grace for the said cite, whiche graunted hem grace. On the Kyngs parte is [killed/slain] Lord Fitz Water, and Lord Scrop [badly/sorely] hurt; John Stafford, Horne of Kent [be/been] ded; and Umfrey Stafford, William Hastyngs mad knyghts with other; Blont is knygth, etc..
Un the contrary part is ded Lord Clyfford, Lord Nevyle, Lord Welles, Lord Wyllouby, Antony Lord Scales, Lord Harry, and be supposyng the Earl of Northumberland, Andrew Trollop, with many other gentyll and comons to the nomber of 20,000.
Item, King Harry, the Qwen, the Prince, Duke of Somerset, Duke of Exeter, Lord Roos, be fledde in to Scotteland, and they be chased and folwed, etc.. We send no sooner un to you be cause we had no certynges tyl now; for un to this day London was as sorry cite as might. And because Spordauns had no certeyn tidings, we thought you schuld take them a worthe tyl more certayn.
Item, Thorp Waterfeld is yeldyn, as Spordauns can telle you. And Jesu speed you. We pray you that this tidings my mother may knowe.
Be your Broder,
Comes Northumbriæ.
Comes Devon.
Dominus de Beamunde.
Dominus de Clifford.
Dominus de Nevyll.
Dominus de Dacre.
Dominus Henricus de Bokyngham.
Dominus de Well[es].
Dominus de Scales Antony Revers.
Dominus de Wellugby.
Dominus de Malley Radulfus Bigot Miles.
Sir Rauff Gray.
Sir Ric. Jeney.
Sir Harry Bekingham.
Sir Andrew Trollop.
With 28,000 nomberd by Harralds.
To my master John Paston, in haste.
This is to let you know of the news that my Lady of York has received under the signed authority of our King Edward, which came to our Lady today, Easter evening, at 11 o'clock, and was seen and read by me, William Paston.
First, our King has won the battle, and on the Monday next after Palm Sunday he was received in York with great solemnity and processions. The Mayor, the Yorkist leaders and people of the city made their supplications for peace through Lord Montagu and Lord Berners, who before the King came into the city asked him for grace and peace for the city, which was granted.
On the King's side Lord Fitzwater has been killed, and Lord Scrope is badly injured; John Stafford and Horne of Kent are dead; Humphrey Stafford, William Hastings and others have been made knights; Blount is knighted, etc
Killed on the other side are Lord Clifford, Lord Neville, Lord Welles, Lord Willoughby, Anthony Lord Scales, Lord Harry and we think the Earl of Northumberland, Andrew Trollope, with many other gentry and common folk, to the number of twenty thousand.
In addition, King Harry, the Queen, the Prince, the Duke of Somerset, the Duke of Exeter, and Lord Roos have fled to Scotland, and they are being chased and followed. We didn't send information to you earlier because we were not certain of things until now, for until this day London was as sorry a city as might be, and because Spordauns had no certain news, we thought you would wait a while until we were more sure.
Thorp Waterfeld has also surrendered, as Spordauns can tell you.
Jesus speed you. Please let my mother know this news.
From your brother, W. Paston,
and Th. Playters