To my right good maister, John Paston, in all hast.
After my most special recommendacion, please your maisterchip wete, the Kyng, be cause of the sege a boute Carelylle, chaunged his day of Coronacion to be upon the Sunday nexst after Seynt John Baptyste, so the'ntent to spede hym northward in all hast; and how be it, blyssed be God, that he hath now good tydynggs, that Lord Mountagu hath broken the sege, and slayn of Scotts and ij. knyghes, whereof Lord Cliffords brother is one, yet not wythstandyng he wol be crowned the sayd Sunday. And John Jeney enformed me, and as I have verely lerned sethen, ye ar inbylled to be made knygth at this Coronacion. Wheder ye have understandyng before hand, I wot not; but and it lyke you to take the worchip uppon you, consyderyng the comfortable tytynggs afore seyd, and for the gladnesse and plesour of al your welwyllers, and to the pyne and dyscomfort of all your ille wyllers, it were tyme your gere necessarye on that by halfe were purveyd fore, and also ye had nede higth you to London, for as I conceyve the knygthes schuld be made uppon the Saterday by for þe Coronacion; and as moche as may be purveyed for you in secrete wyse wythouten cost I schall by speke for you, if nede be, ayens your comyng, in trust of the best; neverthelesse, if ye be dysposed, ye had nede send a man by fore in all hast, that no thing be to seke. William Calthorp is inbylled, and Yelvertoun is inbylled, whiche caused Markham; because Yelverton loked to have ben chef juge, and Markham thynketh to plese hym thus. And as for the mater ayens Poutrell, we can no farther procede, tyl we have my maister your faders testament. I sent my maistres a letter for it. No more, but I pray Al myghty Jesu have you in His kepyng.
To my right good maister, John Paston, in all hast.
After my most special recommendacion, please your maisterchip wete, the Kyng, be cause of the sege a boute Carelylle, chaunged his day of Coronacion to be upon the Sunday nexst after Seynt John Baptyste, so the'ntent to spede hym northward in all hast; and how be it, blyssed be God, that he hath now good tydynggs, that Lord Mountagu hath broken the sege, and slayn of Scotts and ij. knyghes, whereof Lord Cliffords brother is one, yet not wythstandyng he wol be crowned the sayd Sunday. And John Jeney enformed me, and as I have verely lerned sethen, ye ar inbylled to be made knygth at this Coronacion. Wheder ye have understandyng before hand, I wot not; but and it lyke you to take the worchip uppon you, consyderyng the comfortable tytynggs afore seyd, and for the gladnesse and plesour of al your welwyllers, and to the pyne and dyscomfort of all your ille wyllers, it were tyme your gere necessarye on that by halfe were purveyd fore, and also ye had nede higth you to London, for as I conceyve the knygthes schuld be made uppon the Saterday by for þe Coronacion; and as moche as may be purveyed for you in secrete wyse wythouten cost I schall by speke for you, if nede be, ayens your comyng, in trust of the best; neverthelesse, if ye be dysposed, ye had nede send a man by fore in all hast, that no thing be to seke. William Calthorp is inbylled, and Yelvertoun is inbylled, whiche caused Markham; because Yelverton loked to have ben chef juge, and Markham thynketh to plese hym thus. And as for the mater ayens Poutrell, we can no farther procede, tyl we have my maister your faders testament. I sent my maistres a letter for it. No more, but I pray Al myghty Jesu have you in His kepyng.
To my right good maister, John Paston, in all hast.
After my most special recommendacion, please your maisterchip wete, the Kyng, be cause of the sege a boute Carelylle, chaunged his day of Coronacion to be upon the Sunday nexst after Seynt John Baptyste, so the'ntent to spede hym northward in all hast; and how be it, blyssed be God, that he hath now good tydynggs, that Lord Mountagu hath broken the sege, and slayn of Scotts and ij. knyghes, whereof Lord Cliffords brother is one, yet not wythstandyng he wol be crowned the sayd Sunday. And John Jeney enformed me, and as I have verely lerned sethen, ye ar inbylled to be made knygth at this Coronacion. Wheder ye have understandyng before hand, I wot not; but and it lyke you to take the worchip uppon you, consyderyng the comfortable tytynggs afore seyd, and for the gladnesse and plesour of al your welwyllers, and to the pyne and dyscomfort of all your ille wyllers, it were tyme your gere necessarye on that by halfe were purveyd fore, and also ye had nede higth you to London, for as I conceyve the knygthes schuld be made uppon the Saterday by for þe Coronacion; and as moche as may be purveyed for you in secrete wyse wythouten cost I schall by speke for you, if nede be, ayens your comyng, in trust of the best; neverthelesse, if ye be dysposed, ye had nede send a man by fore in all hast, that no thing be to seke. William Calthorp is inbylled, and Yelvertoun is inbylled, whiche caused Markham; because Yelverton loked to have ben chef juge, and Markham thynketh to plese hym thus. And as for the mater ayens Poutrell, we can no farther procede, tyl we have my maister your faders testament. I sent my maistres a letter for it. No more, but I pray Al myghty Jesu have you in His kepyng.
To my right good master, John Paston, in all haste.
After my most special recommendacion, please your maisterchip wait, the King, be cause of the sege a boute Carlisle, chaunged his day of Coronacion to be upon the Sunday nexst after Saint John Baptyste, so the'ntent to speed him northward in all haste; and how be it, blyssed be God, that he has now good tidings, that Lord Mountagu has broken the sege, and [killed/slain] of Scotts 6,000. and two. knyghes, whereof Lord Cliffords brother is one, yet not wythstandyng he wol be crowned the sayd Sunday. And John Jeney informed me, and as I have verely lerned sethen, you ar inbylled to be made knygth at this Coronacion. Wheder you have understandyng before hand, I wot not; but and it like you to take the worchip uppon you, consyderyng the comfortable tytynggs afore said, and for the gladnesse and plesour of al your welwyllers, and to the pyne and dyscomfort of all your ille wyllers, it were time your gere necessarye on that by halfe were purveyd fore, and also you had need higth you to London, for as I conceive the knygthes schuld be made uppon the Saturday by for þe Coronacion; and as much as may be purveyed for you in secrete wise wythouten cost I schall by speak for you, if need be, against your coming, in trust of the best; neverthelesse, if you be dysposed, you had need send a man by fore in all haste, that no thing be to seke. William Calthorpe is inbylled, and Yelvertoun is inbylled, whiche caused Markham; because Yelverton loked to have [be/been] chef juge, and Markham thinks to plese him thus. And as for the matter against Poutrell, we can no farther procede, tyl we have my master your faders testament. I sent my maistres a letter for it. No more, but I pray Al myghty Jesu have you in His keeping.
After my most special greetings, this is to let your mastership know that because of the siege of Carlisle, the King changed the date of his coro9nation to be on the Sunday after Saint John the Baptist day, so he could speed northward as fast as possible. God be blessed, he now has the good news that Lord Montague has broken the siege and killed 6,000 Scots, including two knights, of whom Lord Clifford's brother is one, thus he will be crowned that Sunday. John Jenney told me, and I have heard since you are due to be made a knight at the coronation. Whether you knew that beforehand I don't know, but I expect you'd like to take on the honour, considering the good news as above. and for the gladness and pleasure of all your well-wishers and to the discomfort of those who don't wish you well., it is time you equipped yourself with the clothes you need for this. You also need to get to London, for I think the knights will be made the Saturday before the coronation. The things that can be ordered for you in secret, without being too expensive, I will obtain for you if necessary, ready for your arrival, ready for the best. Nevertheless, if you feel you want to, you can send a man first in all haste, so nothing is missed. William Calthorp is also designated, and is Yelverton, as arranged by Markham, because Yelverton supported him to become chief judge and Markham is going to reward him.
As for the court matter against Poutrell, we can't proceed further until we have your father's-evidence. I sent a letter to my master to get this.
No more, but I pray almighty God to have you in his keeping.