To my right worchepfull hosbond, .3John Paston, be þis letter deliveryd in hast.
Right worchepfull hosbond, I recommand me to you. Please you to wete þat thys day in the mornyng the parson of Snoryng came to Thomas Denys and fechyd hym owt of hys hows, and beryth hym a hand, that he shuld a mad byllys agayns Twyer and hym, and hathe a leed hym ferthe with hem. Hys wyf hathe no knowlege wer. Ferthermore þe seid parson seythe that e seyd Thomas Denys shuld a take [@3]sowdyors[/@3] owt of hys felachep [@2]whan he went to[/@2] Seynt Albons; that hys a-nother of hys compleynts. Item, anothyr of hys compleynts ys, a beryth þe seyd Thomas a hand, þat he had awey a hors of John Coppyng of Bryslee, and a nother of Kyng of Donham, þe wyche hors were stole be þe seyd ij. personys. Wher for the seyd Thomas toke hem as a comyshaner and delyveryd hem to þe exchetore, Frances Costard, and one of them he bowt of the seyd Fraunces. And þe seyd parson hathe a-wey the seyd hors, and seyth þat he wolle the seyd thevys shuld be recompenst be Thomas Denys. Thys I am enformyd of all thesse maters be hys wyffe, and sche prayythe yow in þe reverence of God ye wolle be hyr good maister, and helpe þat hyr hosbond may have sume remedy be your labor in thys mater (... se)ythe syn that hyr hosbond ys þe Kyngs offycer, that they owt to spar hym þe rather. But they þat hathe hym take no (....) told me þat they hope to have a newe chonge in hast.
Item, Pers that was with my unkyll Barney sent you a l[etter] desyryng to have your good masterchep, and he woll fyynd sufficient suerté[283.2] for hym for to conn(.....)ys whan som ever ye woll require hym. I' good feyth it ys told me hys leggs ar all (.....). me word, en cas the suerté be sufficient, in what sum ye woll have hem bownd for hy(....)te in bayle.
Item, it ys told me that ther be many Freynche shyppys of se a-geyns Yamothe, a(nd....) hey woll do harme on þe coste. I pray yow hertely þat ye woll send me word in hast howe þat ye do with my Lord of Norffolk, and with your adversaryys.
Item, I have do purveyed in thys wareyn [@4]xj.xx. rabets[/@4] and sent up be þe berer herof.
The blyssyd Trinité have yow in Hys kepyng, and send yow þe better of all your aduersariis, and good sped in all your maters. Wretyn in hast, þe same day that ye departyd hens.
Item, I pray yow þat ye wolle remembre my unkyll Barneys mater tochyng þe executyng of his wylle, and how ye wolle þat we be demenyd for kepyng of hys yerday, and þat it lekyth you to send me word be Mr. John Smyth.
Your M.P.
To my right worchepfull hosbond, .3John Paston, be þis letter deliveryd in hast.
Right worchepfull hosbond, I recommand me to you. Please you to wete þat thys day in the mornyng the parson of Snoryng came to Thomas Denys and fechyd hym owt of hys hows, and beryth hym a hand, that he shuld a mad byllys agayns Twyer and hym, and hathe a leed hym ferthe with hem. Hys wyf hathe no knowlege wer. Ferthermore þe seid parson seythe that e seyd Thomas Denys shuld a take [@3]sowdyors[/@3] owt of hys felachep [@2]whan he went to[/@2] Seynt Albons; that hys a-nother of hys compleynts. Item, anothyr of hys compleynts ys, a beryth þe seyd Thomas a hand, þat he had awey a hors of John Coppyng of Bryslee, and a nother of Kyng of Donham, þe wyche hors were stole be þe seyd ij. personys. Wher for the seyd Thomas toke hem as a comyshaner and delyveryd hem to þe exchetore, Frances Costard, and one of them he bowt of the seyd Fraunces. And þe seyd parson hathe a-wey the seyd hors, and seyth þat he wolle the seyd thevys shuld be recompenst be Thomas Denys. Thys I am enformyd of all thesse maters be hys wyffe, and sche prayythe yow in þe reverence of God ye wolle be hyr good maister, and helpe þat hyr hosbond may have sume remedy be your labor in thys mater (... se)ythe syn that hyr hosbond ys þe Kyngs offycer, that they owt to spar hym þe rather. But they þat hathe hym take no (....) told me þat they hope to have a newe chonge in hast.
Item, Pers that was with my unkyll Barney sent you a l[etter] desyryng to have your good masterchep, and he woll fyynd sufficient suerté[283.2] for hym for to conn(.....)ys whan som ever ye woll require hym. I' good feyth it ys told me hys leggs ar all (.....). me word, en cas the suerté be sufficient, in what sum ye woll have hem bownd for hy(....)te in bayle.
Item, it ys told me that ther be many Freynche shyppys of se a-geyns Yamothe, a(nd....) hey woll do harme on þe coste. I pray yow hertely þat ye woll send me word in hast howe þat ye do with my Lord of Norffolk, and with your adversaryys.
Item, I have do purveyed in thys wareyn [@4]xj.xx. rabets[/@4] and sent up be þe berer herof.
The blyssyd Trinité have yow in Hys kepyng, and send yow þe better of all your aduersariis, and good sped in all your maters. Wretyn in hast, þe same day that ye departyd hens.
Item, I pray yow þat ye wolle remembre my unkyll Barneys mater tochyng þe executyng of his wylle, and how ye wolle þat we be demenyd for kepyng of hys yerday, and þat it lekyth you to send me word be Mr. John Smyth.
Your M.P.
To my right worchepfull hosbond, .3John Paston, be þis letter deliveryd in hast.
Right worchepfull hosbond, I recommand me to you. Please you to wete þat thys day in the mornyng the parson of Snoryng came to Thomas Denys and fechyd hym owt of hys hows, and beryth hym a hand, that he shuld a mad byllys agayns Twyer and hym, and hathe a leed hym ferthe with hem. Hys wyf hathe no knowlege wer. Ferthermore þe seid parson seythe that e seyd Thomas Denys shuld a take [@3]sowdyors[/@3] owt of hys felachep [@2]whan he went to[/@2] Seynt Albons; that hys a-nother of hys compleynts. Item, anothyr of hys compleynts ys, a beryth þe seyd Thomas a hand, þat he had awey a hors of John Coppyng of Bryslee, and a nother of Kyng of Donham, þe wyche hors were stole be þe seyd ij. personys. Wher for the seyd Thomas toke hem as a comyshaner and delyveryd hem to þe exchetore, Frances Costard, and one of them he bowt of the seyd Fraunces. And þe seyd parson hathe a-wey the seyd hors, and seyth þat he wolle the seyd thevys shuld be recompenst be Thomas Denys. Thys I am enformyd of all thesse maters be hys wyffe, and sche prayythe yow in þe reverence of God ye wolle be hyr good maister, and helpe þat hyr hosbond may have sume remedy be your labor in thys mater (... se)ythe syn that hyr hosbond ys þe Kyngs offycer, that they owt to spar hym þe rather. But they þat hathe hym take no (....) told me þat they hope to have a newe chonge in hast.
Item, Pers that was with my unkyll Barney sent you a l[etter] desyryng to have your good masterchep, and he woll fyynd sufficient suerté[283.2] for hym for to conn(.....)ys whan som ever ye woll require hym. I' good feyth it ys told me hys leggs ar all (.....). me word, en cas the suerté be sufficient, in what sum ye woll have hem bownd for hy(....)te in bayle.
Item, it ys told me that ther be many Freynche shyppys of se a-geyns Yamothe, a(nd....) hey woll do harme on þe coste. I pray yow hertely þat ye woll send me word in hast howe þat ye do with my Lord of Norffolk, and with your adversaryys.
Item, I have do purveyed in thys wareyn [@4]xj.xx. rabets[/@4] and sent up be þe berer herof.
The blyssyd Trinité have yow in Hys kepyng, and send yow þe better of all your aduersariis, and good sped in all your maters. Wretyn in hast, þe same day that ye departyd hens.
Item, I pray yow þat ye wolle remembre my unkyll Barneys mater tochyng þe executyng of his wylle, and how ye wolle þat we be demenyd for kepyng of hys yerday, and þat it lekyth you to send me word be Mr. John Smyth.
Your M.P.
To my right worchepfull husband, .3John Paston, be þis letter deliveryd in haste.
Right worchepfull husband, I recommand me to you. Please you to wait þat thys day in the mornyng the parson of Snoryng came to Thomas Denys and fechyd him out of his hows, and beryth him a hand, that he should a mad byllys agayns Twyer and him, and hathe a leed him ferthe with hem. His wyf hathe no knowlege wer. Furthermore þe said parson said that e said Thomas Denys should a take [@3]sowdyors[/@3] out of his felachep [@2]whan he went to[/@2] St Albans; that his a-nother of his ccmplaints. Item, another of his ccmplaints is, a beryth þe said Thomas a hand, þat he had awey a hors of John Coppyng of Brisley, and a nother of King of Little Dunham, þe wyche hors were stole be þe said two. personys. Where for the said Thomas toke hem as a comyshaner and delivered hem to þe exchetore, Frances Costard, and one of them he bowt of the said Fraunces. And þe said parson hathe a-wey the said hors, and said þat he will the said thevys should be recompenst be Thomas Denys. Thys I am enformyd of all thesse maters be his wyffe, and sche prayythe you in þe reverence of God you will be hyr good master, and helpe þat hyr husband may have sume remedy be your labor in thys matter (... se)ythe syn that hyr husband is þe Kyngs offycer, that they out to spar him þe rather. But they þat hathe him take no (....) told me þat they hope to have a newe chonge in haste.
Item, Pers that was with my uncle Barney sent you a l[etter] desiring to have your good masterchep, and he will fyynd sufficient suerté[283.2] for him for to conn(.....)is whan som ever you will require him. I' good faith it is told me his leggs ar all (.....). me word, en cas the suerté be sufficient, in what sum you will have hem bownd for hy(....)te in bayle.
Item, it is told me that there be many Freynche shyppys of se a-geyns Great Yarmouth, a(nd....) hey will do harme on þe coste. I pray you hertely þat you will send me word in haste howe þat you do with my Lord of Norfolk, and with your adversaryys.
Item, I have do purveyed in thys wareyn [@4]xj.xx. rabets[/@4] and sent up be þe berer herof.
The blessed Trinité have you in His keeping, and send you þe better of all your aduersariis, and good sped in all your maters. Written in haste, þe same day that you departed hence.
Item, I pray you þat you will remembre my uncle Barneys matter tochyng þe executyng of his wylle, and how you will þat we be demenyd for keeping of his yerday, and þat it lekyth you to send me word be Mr. John Smyth.
Your M.P.
To my honoured and respected husband John Paston, this letter to be delivered quickly.
My dearest husband, my best wishes. You should know that this morning the parson of Snoring came after Thomas Denys and took him out of his house and accused him of making formal charges against him and Twyer, and took him off without his wife knowing where he is. Also the parson said that Thomas Denys had taken men-at-arms from his followers when he went to St Albans; that's another of his complaints.
Another of his complaints was that Thomas took a horse from John Copping of Brisley and another one from King of Downham, the horses being stolen by those two people. He said that Thomas took them as a commissioner to the escheator Francis Costard, and then he bought one of them from Francis. The parson took away the horse and said the thieves should be recompensed by Thomas Denys. I'm told all these things by his wife, and she asks that if you revere God you will take up the matter on her behalf, and as a result her husband may have some recompence... She says her husband is an officer of the King and that they ought to take that into consideration. However she says that the people that have him pay no (heed) .... and told me that they hope for an improvement in the situation soon.
Pers, who used to work for my uncle Berney sent you a letter. .... asking if you would take him on, and he gives his assurance that he .... whenever you want him to. Truly I've been told his ...... my word, if the assurance is enough, if you have him bound over ... for bail.
I've been told there are many French ships at sea off Yarmouth and .... they will do harm on the coast. I hope you'll send me word soon about how you're getting on with my Lord of Norfolk and with your enemies.
I have obtained in the warren here eleven score (two hundred and twenty) rabbits and sent them with the bearer of this.
The blessed Trinity look after you and help you overcome your adversaries; best wishes in all matters. Written in haste the same day as you left here.
Please remember my Uncle Berney's matters regarding the execution of his will and how you want us to do to mark the year from his death. Please send me word by Mr John Smith.
Yours, M.P.