Margaret Paston to John Paston, 9th July 1461

John Daubeney
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

To my ryth worchepfull hosbond, John Paston, be thys deliverid in hast.

Right worchepful hosbond, I recommand me to yow. Please yow to wete þat I have spoke with Thomas Denys wyffe, and she recommand hyr to your good masterchep, and she prayeth yow to be her good master, and prayet yow of your good masterchep, þat ye wolle geve her your advice howe to be demenid for hyr person and hyr goodes. For as towchyng hyr owne person, she dare not goo home to hyr owne place, for she is thret if þat she myght be take, she shuld be slayne or be put in ferfull place, in shortyng of hyr lyve dayes, and so she standyth in gret hevynes, God her helpe. Ferther more she is nowe put be her brother in Norwich with Awbry, and she thynkyth þe place is right conversaunt of pupyll for hyr to abeyd in, for she kepyth hyr as close as she may for spyyng. Item, as I went to Seynt Levenard ward, I spake with Maister John Salet, and commonyd with hym of hyr, and me thowgt be hym þat he howyth hyr ryght good wylle. And than I haskyd hym howe she myght be demenyd with hys goodes and hyr. He cownseld me þat she shuld get hyr a trosty frend, þat war a good, trewe, poor man, þat had not moche to lese, and wold be rewlyd after hyr, and to have a letter of ministracion; and so I told hyr. Than she seyd she wold have hyr broder advice therin. Item, she seyth ther be no mor feffes in hys londes but ye and Rokwood, and she prayeth yow þat it please yow to speke to Rokwood þat he make no relesse but be your advice, as she trostyth to yowr good masterchep.

Item, þe last tyme þat I spake with hyr she mad suche a petows mone and seyd þat she wost ner howe to do for mony, and so I lent [@2}vj s. viij d.[/@2]

Item, I sent my cosyn Barney þe bylle þat John Pampyng wrot be yowr commanddement to me, and he hath sent a letter of hys entent to yow and to Rokwod therof, and also but if it please yow to take better hed to hys mater than he can do hym self, I can thynk he shall ellis fare þe wors for i' feyth he standyth daly in gret fere, for þe false contrary party ageyns hym.

Item, at þe reverence of God, be ware howe ye ryd or go, for nowgty and evyll desposyd felacheps. I am put en fere dayly for myn abydyng here, and cownsellyd be my moder and be other good frendes, þat I shuld not abeyd here but yf þe world wher in mor quiete than it is.

God for hys merci send us a good world, and send yow helþe in body and sowle, and good speed in all your maters. Wreten in hast þe Thursday next after Seynt Thomas.

By your,

M. P.

Margaret is endeavouring to help the widow of Thomas Denys, three days after he has been murdered.

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