Margaret Paston to John Paston, 2nd December 1461

John Paston III
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

A Lettre to J. Paston, Armig., from his wife, shewing his imprisonment in the Fleete.

Ryth worchepfull husbond, I recomand me to yow. Plesyt yow to wet þat I receyvyd yowyr lettyr þat ye sent me by John Holme on Wednysday last past, and also I receyvvd a nothyr lettyr on Fryday at nyt, þat ye sent me by Nycolas Newmanys man, of the whyche lettyrs I thanc yow; for I schold ellys a' thowt þat it had be wers with yow than it hathe be, or schal be, by the grace of Almyty God. And yet I kowd not be mery, sethyn I had the last lettyr tyll thys day þat the Meyir sent to me, and sent me werd þat he had knowlege for very trowthe þat ye wer delyveryd owt of the Flet, and þat Howard was comytyd to ward for dyvers gret compleynts þat wer mad to the Kyng of hym. It was talkyd in Norwyche and in dyvers othyr plasys in the contre on Saterday last past, þat ye wer comytyd to Flet, and in good feyth, as I herd sey, the pepyle was ryth sory ther of, bothe of Norwyche and in the contre. Ye ar ryth myche bownde to thank God, and all tho þat love yow, þat ye have so gret love of the pepyll as ye have. Ye ar myche behold to the Meyir and to Gylberd, and to dyvers othyr of the aldyrmen, for feythfully they owe yow good wyll to ther porys.

I have spoke with Syr Thomas Howys for swyche thyngys as ye wrot to me for, and he promysyd me þat he schold labour it aftyr yowyr intent as fast as he kowd; and in good feyth, as my brodyr and Playter kan tell yow, as be hys seying to us, he is and wole be feythfull to yow. And as for Wylliam Wyrcestyr, he hathe be set so up on the hone, what by the parson and by othyr, as my brodyr and Playter schall telle yow, þat they hope he wole do well i now. The parson seyd ryth well and pleynly to hym. The parson tolde me þat he had spook with Syr Wylliam Chambyrleyn, and with hys wyfe, and he thynkyth þat they wole do well i now aftyr yowyr intent, so þat they be plesantly intretyd. The parson tolde me þat he wyst well þat Syr Wylliam Chambyrleyn cowd do more ese in swyche matyers as ye wrot of, towchyng my Lord of Bedford, than ony man kowd do þat leveyth at thys day. Also he tolde me þat he felt by hem þat they wold owe yow ryth good wyll, so þat ye wold owe hem good wyll. The parson hopyth verily to make yow acordyd when he comyth to London.

Item, my brodyr and Playter wer with Calthorp to inquer of the mater þat ye wrot to me of. What answer he gave hem, they schall tell yow. I sent the Parson of Heylysdon to Gurnay to spek to hym of the same mater, and he seyth feythefully ther was no swyche thyng desyiryd of hym, and thow it had be desyiryd, he wold nowthyr a' seyd nor done a yens yow. He seyd he had ever fownde you lovyng and feythfull to hym, and so he seyd he wold be to yow to hys power, and desyiryng me þat I wold not thynk hym the contrary. As for John Gros, he is at Slole; ther for he myth not be spok with.

I pray yow þat ye wole send me word whedyr ye wole þat I schall remeve frome hens, for it begynyth to wax a cold abydyng her. Syr Thomas Howys and John Rus schall make an end of all thyngys aftyr yowyr intent, as myche as they can do ther in this wek, and he purposyth to come forward to yow on the Monday next aftyr Seynt Leonardys Day.

My brodyr and Playter schold a be with yow er thys tym, but þat they wold a byd tyl thys day wer past, be cause of the schyer. I spok to my brodyr Wylliam as ye bad me, and he told me, so God hym help, þat he hyryd ij. horse ij. dayis be for þat ye redyn, þat he myth a' ryde forthe with yow; and be cause þat ye spak not to hym to ryde with yow, he seyd þat he wend ye wold have had hym with yow.

Thomas Fastolfys modyr was her on the next day aftyr ye wer redyn, to have spoke with yow for hyr sone. Sche prayith yow, at the reverens of God, þat ye wole be hys good mastyr, and to help hym in hys ryth, þat he may have hom hys lyvelod owt of ther handys þat have had it in hys nownage. Sche seyth þat they wold mak hym a yer yonger than he is, but sche seyth þat he is more thane xxj., and upon þat sche dare take an othe.

And the Blyssyd Trynyté have yow in Hys kepyng, and send yow good sped in all yowyr matyrs, and send the vyctary of all yowyr enmyis.

Wretyn in hast, on Sowlemas Daye.

By yowyrs,

M. P.

Gairdner identifies Gurnay as Thomas Gurney but Davis's index does not support this.

We have used Fenn's explanation of the phrase "set so up on the hone".

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