Margaret Paston to John Paston, 3rd December 1461

John Gloys
15/16th Century
Location of Original:
British Library

Right wurchepfull husbond, I recomaund me to you. Please it you to wete that myn awnte is dissesid, whos sowle God assoyll. And if it please you to send word how ye wull þat we do for the lifflode that she had at Walcote, wheder ye wull þat any body take possession there in yowr name or not, and if it like you to haue wyth you my cosyn William, here sone, I trow ye shuld fynde hym a necessary man to take hede to yowre howshold and to bye all maner of stuffe nedefull þer-to, and to se to þe rewle and gode gidyn per-of; it hath be told me be-fore þat he can gode skill of such thynges. And if ye wull þat I send for hym and speke wyth hym there-of I shall do as ye send me word, for in feyth it is tyme to crone yowr old officere for diuerse thynges, where-of I haue know parte be Dawbeney and more I shall telle you whan ye come home.

Also it is thought be my cosyn Elisabeth Clere and þe vikere and othere þat be yowr frendes that it is rig.t necessary for you to haue Hew of Fen to be yowr frende in yowr materes, for he is callid right feythfull and trosty to his frendes þat trost hym. And as it is reported here he may do myche wyth the Kyng and þe lordes, and it is seid þat he may do myche wyth hem þat be yowr aduersaryes. And perfore, for Goddes sake, if ye may haue his gode wille forsake it not. Also it is thought the more lerned men that ye haue of yowr owyn contré of yowr councell the more wurchepful it is to you.

Richard Callys brothere sent a letter heder to you which I send you be Dawbeney. I wuld, if it pleasid you, that he myght haue an answere there-of as sone as ye may. Also, me semyth, savyng yowre better avyse, þat it were wele do þat ye sent a letter to Yepeswhich to them þat were John Pampyngges borwys, thankyng them for there gode will, letyng hem wete þat thei shall be savyd harmles; for, as I herd say, thei marveyle that thei here no word from you, ner that he come not a-geyn to saue them harmles.

Also, if ye be at home this Cristmes it were wele do ye shuld do puruey a garnyssh[/2@] or tweyn of pewter vesshell, ij basones and ij heweres and xij candilstikes, for ye haue to few of any of thes to serue this place. I am a-ferd to purvey mych stuffe in this place till we be suerrere per-of. Asfor the wode at Mauby, I shall haue heder but litill till ye come home, þat ye may chese where ye wull haue it. I hope it shall not be longe till ye come home, be the grace of God. Asfor othire tydynges of þis countré, Dawbeney shall tell you.

I pray you þat ye wull vochesaf to be gode mayster to Loveday, and þat he may haue mony of you to bye such thynges as be necessary for hym, for I wote wele he shuld go right evill or he shuld compleyne. And if it pleasid you to purvey for hym þat he myght be in sum gode seruyce ye myght do gret almesse vp-on hym, and so ye haue do be-fore this tyme, which I trost God shall reward right wele.

The blissid Trinyté haue you in his blissid kepyng. Wretyn the Thurs­day next after Sent Andrew.

Be yowr M. P.

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